
Chapter 2: As Time Passes

Warning: This story will contain violent, sexual, and vulgar content. This isn't a dark Naruto story!



"Tailed Beast/Black Zestu/Jutsu"

'Thinking Tailed Beast or Black Zestu'

I don't own Naruto or One Piece. Those belong to Masashi Kishimoto and Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 2: As Time Passes

Time Skip 4 Years:

It was peaceful in Konoha and the village was thriving. People were going about their business walking around the streets. Some were eating at the famed Ichiraku's Ramen stand where the famed Heroes of the Leaf frequently dine and others were shopping for daily necessities.


Well, it was peaceful until the Yondaime voice was heard all around the village.

"Hurry up Naruto-nii!"

"Why did you pull another prank Waki-kun!?"

Currently, the leaf's unpredictable Nawaki was running with Naruto. It was the only thing that the two do together. Nawaki would always drag Naruto into some dumb prank and then they would be chased together. Naruto loved to spend time together, but he hated it when Nawaki would prank people. Last time he pranked someone, they were dragged into the forest of death by an angry snake lady.

"You have to admit it was funny Naruto-nii! Imagine on our otosan's face. HAHAHA!"

Naruto can only roll his eyes. He knew that when the opportunity came, Nawaki would use it to his advantage. Today was the Hokage's unlucky day. They stopped running around the village when they found a good place to hide. They hid on top of a tree on the Yondamie's head. The Hokage Monument was Naruto's idea. Naruto likes spending time with Nawaki, but oftentimes he just wants to read with Mina. Speaking of Mina…..

"You are such a dummy Nawaki-kun." stated a voice in the back of them.

Turning their heads, they saw an amused Mina and furious Minato with dyed rainbow hair.

"You are coming with me to my office Nawaki. I've told you to stop pranking people and you're still pranking. Anko is still mad for the explosive Dango prank you pulled two days ago and Kakashi is still irritated that you turned his mask and Hitai-ate pink." stated Minato.

Naruto and Mina chuckled at the mention of the Kakashi prank. One of the most feared ninjas had to wear pink for a week.

Minato turned to Naruto.

"You and Mina are to go home. I know you were just dragged into this like the last couple of times, but you will still be punished. No going outside the house for two days and no hanging out with friends."

Naruto didn't care about the punishments. He only ever talks to Tayaka and that was very little. He only craves the attention of his family. He nodded his head and walked quietly with Mina to the Namikaze compound.

Namikaze Compound

Kushina and Mito were preparing breakfast for the family. Kushina couldn't wait to tell the kids the big news. Minato thought today was the best day to tell them. After all, everyone was getting along fabulously. She smiled as Mito tried to cook the rice. Mito usually is around her otosan, but he has paperwork to write.

The front door opened.

"Kaa-chan I'm home with the Blue Imouto!"


Kushina laughed. One thing she liked about Naruto was the names he gave his siblings. Nawaki was Waki-kun because he would fluster over the name. The girls are referred to by their eye color. Mito was called 'Violet Imouto' while Mina was called 'Blue Imouto'. They would all complain, but Naruto would still say it. Naruto only says their nicknames in private. Besides that, he would call them by their given names.

"Come into the kitchen. I almost finished making breakfast," stated Kushina.

Naruto and Mina took a seat at the table.

Naruto was wearing his usual blue shinobi pants and black long sleeve shirt with the Uzumaki crest on his back. His shinobi sandals were black and his blond hair was spiked like Nawaki's. Mina was dressed in a blue sleeveless shinobi dress with a blue shinobi Uzumaki clan symbol on the front of the dress.

Unlike his siblings, Naruto was born without whisker marks. If it weren't for Naruto's violet eyes and Nawaki's whisker marks. They could pass as mini Minato's.

"Wanna do a staring contest before the others get home?"

"You're on Blue."

"Stop calling me that!"

"Would you want me to call you Red instead. It's the color of your hair after all."

Mina puffed her cheeks but didn't say a word. Naruto smirked and the battle began. Mito was done with kitchen duty, so she watched them play the game. She may have been the youngest of the four, but she liked seeing the two oldest siblings challenge each other.

Two minutes past and the eldest children of the Hokage are still going strong.

After three minutes, Mina starts to waiver. Naruto smirked again.

"If you lose again, I'm going to keep calling you Blue every time I see you with the family."


At this time, Nawaki throws the door open. This minor action causes Mina to blink.

"We're home!" Nawaki announced angrily as he walks into the kitchen. He's upset because he couldn't go to Kiba's house to play with Akamaru.

Nawaki stops walking when he sees a hannya mask appear behind Mina. Mito was laughing on the ground and Naruto threw him a look of pity. He knows what's it like to get Mina angry and he hopes Nawaki was prepared for her hell awakening.


'Note to self: STOP SLAMMING THE DOORS OPEN!' Nawaki reminded himself. As soon as that thought passed, he bolted to his room upstairs with an angry Uzumaki woman behind him.


He never made it to his room.

"Good Morning Otosan!"

"Good morning Mito. How's my little Kushi this morning?"

Naruto laughed at this. Mito was given that name at birth. When she opened her eyes, Minato could have sworn she could pass as her mother with those violet eyes and red hair. Nawaki has also given a similar nickname due to him having circulent blue eyes and sun-kissed blond hair like his father. It didn't help that his dream was to become Hokage. One thing he was glad for was to be able to tell his children apart.

"I really don't like those nicknames you guys give me. I'm a future ninja of Konohagakure and a child of the Uzumaki-Namikaze clan. When will I get the respect that you and Kaa-san receive", complained a pouting Mito. She was currently hugging Naruto

"The question is when is when is Mito going to control her anger issue- Ow!"

"When are you going to stop slamming the doors!"

Naruto smiled as Mina and Nawaki came back into the kitchen. Naruto has enjoyed his time with the family. Usually, Minato would be in the Hokage office until late at night, but for some odd reason, he decided to join them for breakfast. Naruto's mind was working itself to find the reason why he wanted to come for breakfast since Mito usually delivers it. The only reason he can think of is that they would announce the start of their training in the ninja arts despite their age. It's known for kids in clans to start their training earlier than the academy, especially if they were the heirs. Civilians are a different matter completely. They would start at the academy and either fail or graduate. From that point, they usually go to the reserves or got back to the academy. Naruto only knew this because he had spied at the academy and team tests.' No way in hell am I going to the reserves.'

Minato walked over to Kushina and have her a kiss on the cheek. He wished he could do this every morning, but he had responsibilities as Hokage to fulfill. The only time he really sees his family is late at night. He would be treated with the sight of Mina and Mito fighting, Nawaki telling Kushina about his day, and Naruto would be washing dishes or cleaning something.' I love them so much'

Once Mina got the table set, everyone took a seat. Minato in the would sit in the head chair while Kushina and Nawaki on the left side of the table. Mito and Mina would sit on the right side of the table while Naruto sat directly across from him. Minato was happy seeing everyone eating their breakfast.

"I'm taking the day off from work today. I know paperwork will be piling up, but today is a special day. I want everyone here on time for dinner. This announcement involves all of you and I don't want anyone absent."he said smirking. Mito and Nawaki wanted to know already. They were begging him to tell them already. He look directly into Naruto ultraviolet eyes.

"Naruto-kun, I want you to help clean the house today. Your kaa-san and I will be going into the village to get everything we need for tonight. I know I can trust you with this chores because you always leave the house spotless."

For some strange reason, Naruto was a very organized person. He wasn't a germaphobe, but he felt at ease when things were clean and organized. His room was a perfect example. While Nawaki's room was messy with ramen stains on the floor and clothes everywhere, Naruto had his room spotless. He had his bookshelves organized in alphabetical order and his clothes organized in his closet by the color and type of clothes. Minato and Kushina were impressed by this discovery and made sure to give compensate him when he cleans around the house.

"No sweat otosan. All I ask is for everyone to wash their dishes so I can get off to a good start."

Everyone nodded and finished their breakfast. Naruto started to clean the bottom pro thing of their compound while his siblings started cleaning their rooms. Minato and Kushina left to grab what they needed for tonight.

The Namikaze Compound

5 minutes before Dinner

Everything was ready for tonight. The kids where current playing ninja in the backyard. Nawaki was dressed in his orange shinobi shirt while wearing black cargo shorts. The Namikaze crest on his shoulders. He was trying to tackle Naruto who was pretending to be a missing-nin. Mito was wearing her signature red shinobi skirt with a blue short sleeve shirt. Her hair was in a ponytail just like her mother. The Uzumaki crest was displayed proudly on the front of her shirt.

"Everyone come inside. It's time for the big announcement."

The children ran inside when they heard their mother's voice. Once inside they were greeted by the sight of Jiraiya and Tsunade. Both were standing beside the dinner table.

"Look at my cute little godchildren. You guys look pretty happy to see the amazing and handsome Jiraiya of the Sannin!"


Tsunade hit him with a super-strong punch to the gut.

"Would you shut up you pervert. I'm trying to see my precious godchildren. The last thing I need to hear is that stupid introduction."

Naruto fell to the floor holding his stomach. He like Jiraiya, but the man was a pervert. He always preferred Tsunade over Jiraiya. He may not spend as much time with them as his siblings, but Tsunade was able to do the things Naruto wished to do while with the pervert. He just wanted to beat the pervert's conceitedness out of him.

Jiraiya felt a shiver run down his spine.

"Alright let head into the living room and give the announcement. Once that's over with, we can eat the delicious shrimp flavored ramen I made"

Nothing was better than Kushina's homemade ramen. The only thing that could beat it was Ichiraku's Ramen.

They headed into the living room which was connected to the kitchen. There were two large three seater sofas facing the coffee table in the middle of the room. In the front of the living room was a door to enter the Namikaze household. On the opposite side was the kitchen entrance. On the left side of the living room, there were stairs leading to the Namikaze's rooms. On the right side was a portrait of The Namikaze family. This was a replica of their first family picture.

"Okay kids, take a seat on the couch."

The Namikaze kids did as their mother instructed. Mina and Naruto were sitting on the couch facing the kitchen entrance while Nawaki and Mito sat on the one facing the house entrance. The adults stood facing them.

"You already know that when you turn nine years old, you'll all be starting the academy,'' stated the toad sage.

Everyone nodded at this. It was years away, but the academy will be the start of their path in becoming leaf ninja. Naruto was not looking forward to the four years of the lecture. Something that no one knew was that Naruto was gifted with a photographic memory. He learns better by watching and reading than hearing lectures. He didn't like explanations when he gets it one the first try. He's already reading books on the History of the Hidden Leaf Village and How to take Care of Ninja Weapons.

"We have all decided that starting next week we will be starting your ninja training by all four of us. We will show you the basics such as shuriken and kunai accuracy to taijutsu training. As the training progresses you will be pushed to do things such as the tree walking exercise and chakra balance exercises. Be assured that we won't be going easy on you."

The kids were ecstatic. They were finally going to start ninja training.

'One step closer to being Hokage'

'I'm gonna make the Uzumaki's feared again!'

'Soon I'll be the heiress to the Uzumaki!'

'Finally, I'll start training to be a leaf ninja!'

They all smiled seeing the kids so happy.

"Okay kids. Now we all have a gift for you guys. It's a set of shuriken and kunai. They come with weights and smoke bombs." said Tsunade.

Minato gave a box to Mina, Nawaki, and Mito. Each one eagerly opened their box to find costume made weapons.

"Where's my box Otosan?"question Naruto with a cocked head.

Kushina frowned at this. They were planning to train all four of their kids, but Minato and Jiraiya refused. They stated that the kids need to start training to control the Kyuubi's chakra soon. She remembered how hard it was to use the chakra.

"Sorry gaki, but you won't be joining the training. The reason why is because they will also be training with the Kyuubi chakra and that will require all our help. You will need to start at the academy like all the others." stated Tsunade with a frown.

"She's right Naruto-kun. Starting at the academy would be best for you. The instructor there will be able to help you while we focus on your siblings and their chakra control."

"We don't know how long it would take. The three of them will need to learn many things in order to have good control of the chakra the nine tails contain. Not only that, but they need to be trained face to face with their us if they want to excel as shinobi and jinchūricki's of the nine tails". explained Minato.

Minato wants them ready to face anything that comes in their path. He's told Jiraiya about the man in the orange mask. His sensei believes he was after the nine tails and that he wanted to capture the tail beast to cause destruction to the whole world. If that's true, then the three kids were in danger. They were going to have to face that man.

'If he extracts the Kyuubi, my children will die by his hands.'

Jiraiya was in his own thoughts. 'If what Minato was saying is true, then the kids will need to know everything they can and be trained to the ground.' he glances at Naruto.' Sacrifices will have to be made. Naruto will still be a Konoha ninja but he isn't important enough to be trained by Minato and Kushina. He will need to be trained at the academy. He might end up going to the reserves. At least the gaki will still be with his family. That will be his will of fire. To fight for and support his siblings.'

Naruto was looking at his siblings and they were all looking at him. He understood that they needed to be trained because of the Kyuubi, but he knows that they will make time for him. They were his family and they left nobody behind.

"Guess I can wait a while. You guys have the Kyuubi sealed inside of you and that's a big deal. We will still be able to have fun together and maybe in your free time, you can show me all the cool stuff you learned. I might even pick something up from it." Naruto said with a big smile.

Everyone looked at him with a smile thinking he understood, but Jiraiya knew that Naruto will annoy his parents by asking to join the training in the future.

All four of the kids hugged each other. Naruto may not join the family training sessions, but they would spend every other minute together and nothing will stop them.

If only they knew the truth of how their relationship will become in the near future