
Naruto: the third ninja war

As is clear from the title, the story will talk about the Third Ninja War from the point of view of the hero of the story. The story will begin with a sequence of events until the Ninja War begins.

Daoist2VeoCM · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Little thief

December came and brought with it winter. The weather was particularly cold in Lakes Village. There was some tension in this atmosphere as the Third Ninja War approached, and since the Village of Lakes is located between the Land of Fire and the Land of Rain, which made it an important area in the upcoming war, and for its part, the village of Konoha did not hesitate to send many ninja there, which caused fear. In the hearts of some people, but it was not without some benefits. Ninjas, like other people, have their own needs for eating, drinking, and other things, which the village will be happy to provide for a respectable sum of money. Among these ninjas was a young man who had just come out of one of the village bars. His squirming gait was evidence of how drunk he was. While he was walking in this way, a little girl, about five years old, bumped into him. It seemed that the girl was afraid of this ninja, as she quickly apologized and quickly fled the place. For his part, this ninja did not seem to care, but the girl continued running until she reached a street and made sure that no one was near her. She took out a wallet, opened it and found a single coin (Oh. Looks like this idiot spent all his money. This wasn't worth it. All this trouble) She said in a voice full of disappointment. The girl wanted to take out her money bag, but! (What is this?) She quickly searched through all her torn pants for the money bag, but she did not find it (Are you looking for this?)

The girl quickly turned to the owner of the voice to find a scene that made her tremble with fear. The man she had robbed was behind her, carrying a bag of money. (You are a really good thief, but stealing is a bad act and you should be punished for it. Hmm, in some areas, they give the thief the choice of having one of his hands cut off. I wonder what you will choose) The girl's fear increased as the man continued to speak, but she quickly regained her composure. She bit her lip and balled her hand into a fist, while her red eyes and black hair gave more strength to her appearance and said, "You can do whatever you want to me, but you will not see me asking for mercy." (Oh) This impressed the man a little, but he soon took out the kunai "..." "Is he serious? I think if I act bravely in front of him, he will be afraid, as is the case with other young children."

While she was thinking, the girl fell to the ground and began to ask for mercy in a pathetic way (Please don't cut off my hand. Oh, I'm a nice little girl. I promise not to do it again.) And she continued like this for a full ten minutes while the man was astonished by the change in her reaction. This short time "..."


Shhhh, as the meat was placed on the frying pan, its pleasant smell spread throughout the restaurant, which was crowded to the brim. If you listened carefully, you would hear what people were saying, some of them talking to each other and others calling for food. (Another dish) He called out to men with an eye-catching appearance, with his white hair and red lines running from his eyes to the bottom of his face. If it were not for the clothes he was wearing, it would have been difficult to recognize him as a ninja, but the man did not mind. Rather, he loved to attract people's attention, especially beautiful women. "Again!! In this case, I will have nothing left in my money bag," the little girl thought while she was crying internally, "This man said he would pardon me if I invited him to dinner." In fact, although this man has some bad qualities, he would not harm a young girl because she stole some money.He just wanted to scare her (I was really good. If I were a normal ninja, I wouldn't have noticed that you stole from me, but unfortunately, you're dealing with an expert here anyway, why did you steal me even though you knew I was a ninja? Wouldn't it be better if you robbed normal people? They wouldn't find out about you and Even if they do with your power, you can defeat them easily.) The last word surprised the girl, but she quickly regained her composure (Ninjas are strong, without a doubt, but strength gives a person this false sense of security, so he lowers his defense. These ninjas came from far away places, so they carry a lot of money, and they will not stay here long. This is good for me, because if I steal from the villagers, the news will spread that there is a thief in the village, and this is not good since I want to stay here for a while, but sir, how do you know that I am strong?)

(Hahahaha, do not underestimate the ability of an expert to sense the strength of his opponent. I am sure that you know many things about ninja and chakra, just as I know that you were trying to take out a knife when you knelt on the ground to beg for your life. What did you intend to do, attack me if your plea failed, and then run away?) (I intended to throw the knife at your eye. The human eye closes automatically if something is directed towards it, and I hoped that the same would be the case for you. Then I would have taken advantage of the matter and escaped quickly.) The man looked at her while a small smile appeared on his face (Who taught you how to fight?) ( she is my mother) (Oh and where is she now) A kind of frustration struck the girl, as she bowed her head down, then turned to the window of the restaurant and watched the snow falling (she died several months ago, and my father died a year before her). (Sorry to hear this, but where do you live now?) the man sighed.

(I have no place to stay. I move between villages) (You know that war is coming, what will you do?) (I will do what I can, I will try to survive) The man took a deep breath and then looked into the girl's eyes. (My name is Jiraiya. What is your name?) (Harrow) (Okay, Haru, since you invited me to dinner, I am indebted to you. How about you go with me and become one of the residents of Konoha? I have some contacts there. I can arrange it for you.) Haru was shocked by his suggestion and felt somewhat hesitant (Don't worry, if I wanted to hurt you, I would have done this a little while ago) Haru looked into his eyes she could tell he wasn't a bad person after all (okay)