
Naruto the System king

Tygoku_Gray · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Training basics to basics master

"Shizune chan will you please help train me." Naruto asked. "Sure Naruto." said Shizune. "First can you feel your chakra." Shizune asked. "Yes I can but according to the Hokage I have at least 3 times as much chakra as him currently." said Naruto. "normally we would do the leaf exercise first but I think for you working backwards will be best." Shizune said.

"So follow me to the onsen first chakra control backwards path to perfected control." said Shizune. After 6 full hours Naruto got water walking to a genin level. "Alright lets go eat and find Tsunade." Shizune said. After 30 the found Tsunade in the restaurant from earlier. "Tsunade we are back." said Shizune. "Welcome back Shizune so what did you teach him." Tsunade asked.

"Because he has 3 times as much chakra as the Hokage I started him out with water walking. because normally that would be difficult for genin but Naruto here got it in 6 hours to a mid genin level." Shizune said with pride. "Well damn I never thought to train like that when I was younger." Tsunade said.


10 drops of water from the fountain of youth

"Tsunade I got something you would kill for." said Naruto. "What is it." asked Tsunade. "being younger again plus being able to live 100 years more." Naruto said. "What do I have to do." pleaded Tsunade. "Oh I just want to *whispers in Tsunade's ear* /I just want help getting Shizune to fall in love with me/ So will you do what I request." Naruto asked. "Yes I will." Tsunade said.