
Naruto : The System Files

Naruto has always had video games to fall back on growing up while the rest of the village pretty much treated him like garbage. What happens when Naruto wakes up to find his life has become one of the video games he loves so much. -------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto. Any similarities between real people, living or dead, or places, standing or demolished, in this story are just coincidences. But if you like what I do and want to support me, you are more than welcome to donate on Place of Patrons.

Adamo_Amet · Anime & Comics
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84 Chs

Chapter no.78 Quest: Remove Konoha's Cancer

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[ Dungeon: The Masked Cult's Lair ]

[ Status: Successfully Completed ]

[ Rewards Granted: ]

- [ 10K Experience Points ]

- [ Unicorn's Horn ]

- [ Mandrake Root ]

- [ The Homunculus Orb ]


[ Rewards Dropped by Dungeon Monsters: ]

- [ Fur Pelt × 6, Dog Meat and Bone × 12, Soul Shards × 32, Tentacles × 3, Sword, Loincloth, Tentacles × 23, Sword × 12, Dungeon Monster Blood × 2, Silk Thread, Poison Vial, A Poet's Page, Cold Iron Armour, Cultist's Robes × 6, Yellow Talisman × 6, Alchemical Recipe - Health Potion, Item: Sergal's Spear, Item: Homunculus Orb ]

[ 10 Exp per dungeon monster drop ]

[ Total Exp Rewarded: 1110 (For 111 items) ]


[ Hidden Rewards: ]

- [ Skill: Hex Blade ]

- [ Item: Oscar's Claymore ]

- [ Item: Crossbow ]

- [ Companion - Monster Dog (Florence Nightingale) ]

- [ Item: Monster Core ]

- [ Legendary Item: The Mark of Evil. ]

- [ Legendary Item - The Necronomicon ]

[ 1000 Exp per hidden reward ]

[ Total Hidden Reward Exp: 7000 ]


[ Would you like to go back? ]

[ Acceptance or Declination ]


Naruto hesitated to leave, knowing there were things he needed to handle before returning. He hurried towards the entrance, his eyes widening at the sight before him. The ground was littered with the corpses of monstrous beings, a horrifying mix of beast and machine, which were dissolving into smoke.

As he took in the grim scene, a realization struck him—had the Magic Man not been so arrogant, his entire party might have perished.

"You alive?!"

"Nope." Tenten's voice echoed back as she was literally trying to capture the dissolving monsters in a jar, a futile but amusing effort.

Nearby, Hinata was smiling as Florence, the dog, played fetch with her. Every time Hinata threw a kunai, Florence eagerly chased after it, bringing it back with a wagging tail.

Naruto then noticed Oscar, who was staring blankly at the ruins of the fortress. Silently, he sat down beside the man, sharing the quiet moment.

"Good job."

"I couldn't have done it without everyone's help, but there's something you need to know," Naruto replied, his voice heavy with seriousness. Oscar turned towards him, ready to listen.

Naruto recounted everything he had discovered about the Magic Man, particularly the shocking revelation that he had been manipulating Rondon from the shadows, using the royal family as puppets.

Oscar's response was a simple "Hmm," his expression unreadable as he continued to stare into the distance.

A few minutes later, Tenten returned with a look of frustration, having failed to extract any technology from the Magic Man's undead army. In contrast, Hinata was radiant, cradling Florence in her arms with a joyful expression.

"I think it's time we leave," Naruto declared, standing up and casting a concerned glance towards Oscar, who still wore a blank expression.

"Mr. Oscar," Hinata called gently as she placed Florence down beside him. Oscar mechanically scratched the puppy's head and said, "Take her with you; she'll be safe with you."

"What are you going to do now?" Tenten asked.

Oscar stared towards the west, in the direction of the Kingdom of Rondon.

"I am going to overthrow Rondon's monarchy."


Oscar smiled slightly, "How hard will it be to destroy the puppets without their master?"

"Then you are going to need this." Naruto raised Oscar's claymore, casting a wind hex on it to empower the blade. As he handed the sword back to Oscar, a sense of finality settled over Naruto. He knew this might be the last time he would see Oscar, and sadness tugged at his heart.

Suddenly, he felt a hand lift his chin.

"These tears would be very embarrassing to wash if we meet again," Oscar said with a gentle smile.

"Yeah, it would be embarrassing, Dattebayo," Naruto replied with a wide smile, pushing back his emotions.

[ Would you like to go back? ]

Naruto accepted as he closed his eyes as the familiar sound of the dungeon closing echoed around them.

When he opened his eyes, reality seemed to fracture like a shattered mirror, peeling away to reveal that they were standing in a stark white room.

The door of the dungeon, now in front of them, led back to the Uzumaki clan shrine.

As Naruto was about to leave the stark white room, he suddenly felt Tenten's hand gripping his shoulder. Her face was etched with disbelief, her body visibly trembling.

"Is something wrong?"

"Naruto," Tenten began, her voice barely a whisper, her face a mask of confusion and fear. "What just happened?"

"We completed the dungeon," Naruto responded simply.

"No, we were in another world," Tenten's knees buckled, and Naruto caught her just in time, her eyes darting wildly as if trying to make sense of unseen horrors.

Naruto opened his mouth to reassure her, but words failed him.

"Tenten, it's alright," he finally managed.

"No, it's not," she protested, her voice rising in panic. "Your Kekkei Genkai wasn't something I took seriously, but these last few hours were the most stressful hours of my life. I witnessed powers that most ninjas couldn't even fathom — Oscar, Magic Man..." Tenten's voice broke off, her body shaking uncontrollably.

"Tenten, what are you saying?" Hinata inquired, her voice filled with concern as Tenten pointed at Florence.

"That dog isn't real. It's just the product of a genjutsu imposed on reality."

"Tenten, calm down."

"Why aren't you two even remotely questioning this?" Tenten's voice rose in frustration. "Genjutsu upon reality, this genjutsu created life," she gestured at her ring, "Created literal magic?!"

"So what?"

"Naruto, what is this genjutsu tricking?" Tenten pressed, recalling the warnings she had voiced before they entered the dungeon—warnings that had been dismissed but now haunted her mind.

"These questions are meaningless," Hinata interjected sharply.

"Meaningless? We are meaningless then, Hinata. Genjutsu upon reality means that our reality could be from the imagination of..." Tenten's voice trailed off into a whisper, her mind grappling with the existential dread of such a possibility.

Her spiraling fear was suddenly interrupted by Naruto's admission. "I lied."

Tenten and Hinata's heads snapped towards him, their movements sharp and synchronized.

"What do you mean you lied?" Hinata demanded, her voice tinged with disbelief.

"About the system being a Uzumaki clan Kekkei Genkai, about the genjutsu upon reality," Naruto confessed, his expression somber.

Activating Spirit Possession was the only thing that could help as Naruto instinctively knew that revealing the truth was the only way to prevent Tenten from succumbing to a mental abyss, fearing that her entire existence was merely a figment of someone else's imagination.

"Why did you lie?" Tenten asked.

Naruto shrugged nonchalantly.

"Easier way to explain the system."

"What is the system?" Hinata chimed in.

"I don't know."

"How did you get it?" Tenten pressed.

"I don't know," he repeated, his tone unchanged.

Tenten and Hinata exchanged a look, their expressions filled with shared uncertainty. "Is the system related to the Uzumaki clan?" they asked almost in unison.

"I hope so."

"Naruto, what do you know about the system?"

"That; it is awesome," Naruto said with a smile, leaving Tenten and Hinata sensing something more sinister behind it.

Complete Blind Trust.

The phrase echoed in Tenten and Hinata's minds, a stark reminder of Naruto's unwavering faith in the system. Before the system, Naruto had been weak, friendless, and ignorant—practically a nobody. Yet, with the system, he had gained power, friends, and an identity. It had given him everything he could ever want, but why? This question loomed large in their thoughts.

Tenten and Hinata felt a creeping dread about the system's influence. It was beyond anything they could comprehend, yet it had the power to grant Naruto his every desire. The unknown elements of the system frightened them, and they knew they had to make Naruto realize the dangers of such blind trust. However, for the moment, they were unsure how to broach such a topic.

Tenten sighed and managed a small smile. "Why is everything so complicated with you?"

Naruto just giggled, rubbing the philtrum below his nose with his finger in a thoughtful gesture.

Tenten and Hinata exchanged another glance, this one quick and decisive, a silent agreement passing between them.

They needed to help Naruto.


[ Higurashi Shop ]

Mr. Higurashi carefully placed Tenten's dinner on the table before glancing up at the clock.

It was getting late.

He thought about his daughter and Naruto, noting how close they had become.

A smile crept across his face, filled with pride.

He was glad to see Tenten liking someone who seemed worthy, unlike that boy Neji, who had always looked down on his precious weapons.

Suddenly, the peaceful night was shattered by the sound of the front door breaking. Instinctively, Mr. Higurashi seized his prized sword and rushed downstairs, adrenaline surging through his veins. He found himself face-to-face with a drunkard Chunin—the same Chunin he had once clashed with because of Naruto.

"Are you here for revenge?" Mr. Higurashi's voice was steady, his grip tightening on the sword handle.

The Chunin burped, swaying slightly as he squinted at the blacksmith. "Y-You," he slurred, his words trailing off.

Before the drunkard could react further, a shadow moved quickly from the back. The figure grabbed the Chunin and slammed him into the wall with such force that a dark, bloody stain spread across the plaster as the Chunin's body slid down to the floor, limp.

"That wasn't necessary," Mr. Higurashi said, his voice calm but firm.

"A Chunin, even in a drunken state, is dangerous. Incapacitating him was necessary," the shadowy figure responded in a flat, monotone voice.

"Well, thank you," Mr. Higurashi replied, moving towards the man hidden in the shadows. As he approached, he executed an iai attack—a swift, precise draw and strike of his sword, aimed with deadly intent.

The attack was effortlessly caught by the man in the shadows, his movements fluid and controlled.

"Impressive, how did you figure out my genjutsu?"

Mr. Higurashi smirked.

"I replaced my walls with metal sheets after my daughter fought with her friend."

"Impressive deduction. You should have been a ninja rather than a blacksmith," the shadowy figure commented, his tone still eerily even.

"I beg to differ," Mr. Higurashi retorted, his eyes narrowing.

Suddenly, his katana sparked with a discharge of electricity, illuminating the dim room for a split second.

"A pseudo supreme grade weapon."

The figure jumped deeper into the shadows, avoiding the electrified blade.

"Shame; you had the skills to serve Konoha."

From within the shadows, something fast moved towards Mr. Higurashi.


Tenten arrived only to find the shop in complete disarray. The shelves were overturned, tools scattered across the floor, and broken glass littered around like confetti after a storm. The sight instantly filled her with dread.

"Dad!" she screamed, her voice echoing with worry through the chaos.

"I am here," came the reassuring reply from upstairs. Hearing her father's voice brought an immediate sense of relief, and she quickly climbed up to the house.

When she found her father, Hiten Higurashi, he was visibly injured, with cuts and bruises marring his skin and a black eye forming as he carefully bandaged his wounds. Despite his battered state, he managed a weary smile.

"What happened?"

"Oh, I just had to fight this drunkard Chunin. Don't worry, eat," Mr. Higurashi said as he pushed a plate of food toward her.

Tenten nodded, though her appetite had vanished with the shock. She mechanically ate a few bites, then paused, a sudden suspicion clouding her thoughts.

"Something wrong?"

[ System Alert ]

- [ Tenten has consumed cyanide. ]

- [ Magic Item: Four Thieves' Thorned Ring has neutralized the poison. ]

[ Sending Party Leader Notification of Attack ]

"No, I am just wondering why there is cyanide in my food," Tenten replied, her voice eerily calm as her body blurred into motion. She used the speed of Flash Fist to lunge her spear towards her "father," who effortlessly dodged the attack.

As the man's fingers grabbed hold of the spear, he intoned, "Fire Style: Finger Burner."

[ System Notification ]

[ Player Naruto has activated the Portal Feature. ]

[ Your location has been detected. Preparing for portal connection... ]

However, "Mr. Higurashi" sensed fire chakra gathering to his right and glanced just in time to see Naruto taking a deep breath. Under normal circumstances, the appearance of Naruto, and Hinata who was coming at him with a palm strike from the left, would have shocked any ninja.

But this man was different as he used his jutsu on Naruto.

Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu.

Naruto's fireball was practically caught by the man's burning fingers, who then turned to throw it at Hinata. With precise timing, Hinata split the grain, effectively destroying the Ninjutsus.

In a desperate move, the man threw the table upward, revealing hundreds of explosive tags hidden underneath. Naruto was about to form a deactivation array while Tenten leaped to the side.

[ System Chat ]

[ Hinata: Genjutsu! ]

Hinata's warning came a few seconds too late as the man jumped out the window and into the river below.

[ Alert: World Quest ]

[ Quest Title: Save and Subdue ]

[ Description: Mr. Higurashi has been taken over by Root ANBU Ninja Fuu Yamanaka. ]

[ Objectives: ]

  - Save Mr. Higurashi.

  - Kill Root Ninjas.

[ Rewards: ? ]

[ Failure: ? ]

As the trio stood suspended on the river's surface, their eyes locked onto the system tab that flashed ominously. Naruto, with a surge of urgency, activated Spirit Possession. This was a critical moment, and he could not afford any mistakes.

[ Name: Hiten Higurashi ]

[ Status: Possessed ]

[ Role: Blacksmith ]

[ Level: 6 ]

[ Class: Blacksmith ]

[ Race: Human ]

[ HP: 100 / 100 ]

[ AC: 41 ]

[ CP: 2050 / 2150 ]

[ Lineage Traits: ]

  - [ Keen Mind ]

[ Class Features: ]

  - [ Critical Point ]

[ Feats: ]

  - [ Single Father ]

  - [ Master of Illusions (Temporary) ]

  - [ Kenjutsu Master (Temporary) ]

[ Stats: ]

  - [ STR: 37 ]

  - [ DEX: 41 ]

  - [ CON: 10 ]

  - [ INT: 15 ]

  - [ WIS: 25 ]

  - [ CHA: 22 ]

  - [ VIT: 10 ]

  - [ LUK: 20 ]

[ Allies: Root ANBU ]

[ Equipment: ]

  - [ Weapons: Pseudo Supreme Grade - Raijin's Katana ]

[ Description: Hiten Higurashi's soul is currently connected to limbo while his body is being puppeteered by the soul of Fu Yamanaka via Body Transfer Jutsu ]

Under Fu's Body Transfer Jutsu, Mr. Higurashi's body moved with precision, his blade unsheathed in a swift motion, lightning crackling around it as Tenten growled in indignation.

"How dare you?!"

Yet, Naruto's mind was racing, piecing together the puzzle with rapid clarity. Mr. Higurashi was being possessed, not by any ordinary ninja, but by a member of the Yamanaka clan, who was clearly also part of the secretive Root ANBU. The system's objective became clear: they were to kill Root ninjas.

"Ninjas? Plural," Naruto murmured under his breath. The Yamanaka clan was known for their cooperation with the Nara and Akimichi clans. If other enemies were concealed, they were either shielding the Yamanaka or biding their time for an assault.

As Naruto's hands radiated with chakra, he swiftly propelled Hinata into the air. Her rapid ascent created several afterimages in her form.

Just as Hinata was launched, Naruto's sharp eyes detected the minuscule threat—tiny, almost invisible insects positioned precisely where Hinata had been standing moments earlier. The insects' position was no coincidence; it was clear that Hinata had been their target from the moment she reappeared. Without a moment's delay, Naruto unleashed a massive fireball from his mouth, the roaring flames consuming the swarm of insects in a blazing inferno.

The attack on Hinata was not just an assault; it was a revelation. The presence of these insects confirmed that Fu Yamanaka's real body was somewhere nearby—certainly within a range for the Byakugan to detect. Moreover, the nature of the attack disclosed the identity of another hidden Root ninja—an Aburame clan member.

[ System Chat ]

- [ Naruto: Tenten, I want you to fight Mr. Higurashi's body. Even though our opponent is an ANBU, we have the advantage because said ANBU is possessing Mr. Higurashi's body, we have a stat and information advantage but be careful, the enemy has the skills of an anbu. ]

- [ Tenten: Got it. ]

- [ Naruto: Hinata, I want you to locate the Yamanaka's real body. ]

- [ Hinata: The real body is about 200 meters to the right but it's being protected by a lot of chakra trained insects. ]

- [ Naruto: Okay, that must be the Aburame clan member, try to fake being unconscious until I give you the signal, remember the enemy is ignorant and as they say, an ignorant ninja is a dead ninja. ]

Naruto swiftly turned to observe Tenten and Fu locked in a fierce combat. Blueish flames clashed with lightning, creating a spectacle of crackling energy. With precise aim, Naruto fired a senbon from his umbrella.

[ System Files ]

- [ Naruto: Dodge to the right and follow me up. ]

Tenten used Flash Fist to dodge to the side with swift agility. Seizing the moment, Naruto employed his shadow weapon jutsu. The single senbon multiplied into hundreds, filling the air with a deadly storm of needles. Fu reacted instantly, his hand touching the water's surface.

Water style: Water Wall.

The river beneath him churned and rose up, transforming into a towering wall of water. The senbons hurled towards him were caught in the thick, viscous liquid of water mixed with chakra, their momentum halted.


In a bold response, Naruto's fist collided with the water wall, his sheer force technique punching a hole through the churning barrier. Fu, seizing the opportunity, slashed towards Naruto's eyes—a move aimed to incapacitate rather than kill, targeting the eyes to disable rather than a fatal strike to the neck.

This action revealed his true intent: Naruto was the primary target.

As Fu's blade completed its arc, the figure of Naruto he struck dissipated into a puff of smoke—a shadow clone. The ruse had given Tenten the opening she needed. With the hole in the water wall still gaping, Tenten propelled herself forward with a dynamic flying kick. Her body was a blur as she sailed through the air, her leg extended in a perfect arc, targeting the vulnerable Fu.

Caught off-guard by this rapid counterattack, Fu was forced to retreat. Using his chakra control, he allowed his body to sink back into the river, merging with the water to evade Tenten's aggressive maneuver.

Fu's body glowed a sudden, bright orange. Before he could comprehend what was happening, an unseen force expelled him from the water, hurling him into the air. The sensation was disorienting, a mix of weightlessness and uncontrollable movement that left him exposed.

As he tumbled through the air, Fu's Root training snapped into action. His eyes scanned the battlefield, quickly locking onto Naruto, who stood with a Wind Style: Zephyr's Arrow poised in hand. The arrow, a concentrated mass of swirling wind energy, shot towards Fu with deadly precision.

Fu's instincts kicked in, and he executed a Substitution Jutsu at the last second. His body swapped places with a nearby log, the arrow slicing through the inert wood instead of its intended target.

However, Naruto was prepared for this. His strategy was unfolding exactly as planned. Using the Mind's Eye technique, Naruto pinpointed where Fu would reappear. As Fu materialized, Naruto charged forward, his movements accelerated by Flash Fist.

In his hand, Naruto held a sinister-looking book bound in what appeared to be actual flesh. At its center was a real, watchful eye, surrounded by cryptic symbols and geometric patterns—the Necronomicon.

As Fu reappeared, still disoriented from his forced movement and rapid substitution, Naruto thrust the Necronomicon into his hands. The moment the book opened, a palpable pause enveloped the scene—time itself seemed to freeze.

Fu struggled in vain to free himself from the Necronomicon, the cursed book that now seemed as though it was bonded not merely to his hands, but to his very soul. The impossibility of his predicament sent waves of cold fear crashing through him. How could such an object wield such absolute, horrifying control?

As he wrestled with the tome, Fu noted that Naruto and Tenten, along with everything else around him—the air, the liquid droplets mid-air—were suspended in a time-frozen tableau, an eerie stillness that made his isolation all the more terrifying.

Then, a whisper, not through the air but echoing deep within his soul, resonated with a chilling clarity: "Mortui Imperio Tuo Erunt, O Pollutus."

The words, foreign and ominous, pulsed with a dark authority, and though Fu did not comprehend their meaning, the dread they inspired was unmistakable.

As the terror took hold, the blank pages of the Necronomicon began a grotesque transformation. Blood seeped from the fibers of the paper as if the book itself were bleeding from invisible wounds. Amidst this macabre display, an eye formed on the pages, its gaze piercing and sentient, staring into Fu's very essence.

It was then that Fu's soul began to convulse as though seized by a violent cough. From deep within him, sand poured forth, spilling out into the world like the sands of a desecrated hourglass. This sand, dark and foreboding, latched onto Fu's ethereal form, encasing him slowly. The granules seemed to petrify his soul, transforming it into a brittle, solid mass.

Fu could feel his spiritual form hardening, the granules of sand cementing him into a statue of despair. As the transformation concluded, his soul cracked, the fissures spreading rapidly until, with a soundless scream of utter horror, it crumbled into dust.


[ Legendary Item: Necronomicon ]

[ Description: An ancient tome bound in shadowy leather and inscribed with unknowable text that pulses with dark energy. This book contains the secrets to life and death itself. ]

[ Conditions: ]

- [ Open the Book ]

[ Reward: ]

- [ Class: Necromancer ]

[ Failure: ]

- [ Destruction of the Soul. ]

[ Warning: ]

- [ If User's Luck stat is below 30, they will fail to use the item every time. ]

[ Congratulations! Player Naruto has killed Enemy Ninja - Fu Yamanaka ]

[ 5000 Exp Earned ]

[ Achievement Unlocked: First Kill ]

Naruto stood unfazed as the system notifications popped up, dismissing them with a mere glance. His strategy had unfolded exactly as he planned. The entire setup was to get Fu, who possessed a luck stat below thirty, to touch the Necronomicon. The moment Fu's hands made contact with the cursed book, his fate was sealed.

This plan crystallized in Naruto's mind the instant he learned that Fu's soul had taken residence in Mr. Higurashi's body. It was a grim tactic, yes, but necessary. Naruto had steeled himself for this moment. The resolve to eliminate Fu was firm, driven by a cold pragmatism. For Naruto, Fu had crossed a line by endangering those closest to him, transforming from a person into a mere obstacle, a dungeon monster that needed to be eradicated without hesitation or remorse.

With the deed done and Fu no longer a threat, Naruto turned to Tenten. "Tenten, take Mr. Higurashi to the hospital. I'll deal with the rest. Don't worry, my clone here will be using Healing Whispers jutsu to help him."

Tenten nodded solemnly. Without a word, she activated Flash Fist and swiftly left with her father's body and his shadow clone.


Torune Aburame sensed that something had gone awry.

The mission had seemed straightforward: capture Tenten Higurashi, extract her memories to know about Naruto's secret, use her to blackmail Naruto Uzumaki into joining their ranks.

Yet, the operation was dragging on inexplicably.

They are just Genin, what's taking Fu so long?

His gaze then shifted to the unconscious Hinata Hyuga lying nearby.

How are you here?

Still, he remained stationary, his duty clear—to protect Fu's body and provide backup if needed. This was the way of the Root, an organization shaped by Danzo's rigid ideals where failure was not an option, for it was deemed worse than death itself.

Suddenly, Torune's acute senses picked up a disturbance—his bugs were behaving erratically, a sign that something was profoundly wrong. When Fu's chakra signature vanished from his senses, the only possible explanation that flashed through his mind was, 'He died?!'

Before he could further process this shocking development, his attention was diverted by Hinata, who, regaining consciousness, threw a scroll towards him. As the scroll opened, it unleashed a flurry of Naruto clones, each lunging at him with aggressive intent.

Reacting instinctively, Torune transformed into a swarm of insects, his body dispersing into hundreds of tiny, buzzing creatures. But his escape was short-lived. Each insect suddenly glowed with an intense orange light. Through the collective consciousness of his hive mind, Torune witnessed Naruto appearing amidst them, utilizing Space-Time Ninjutsu.

Naruto then closed his palm, and a devastating force gripped Torune's swarm. Each insect felt an unbearable increase in mass, as if gravity had intensified exponentially around them. This manipulation of their physical properties was overwhelming. Their bodies, unable to sustain the sudden and immense increase in weight, plummeted towards the ground. The impact was brutal—each insect splattered on impact, their bodies bursting under the force.


[ Hidden ANBU Root Headquarters ]

In the shadowed confines of a dimly lit room, Danzo Shimura watched intently as a jar of insects burst open.

From the shattered glass and scattered debris, the insects coalesced, their bodies weaving together in a grotesque dance until they reformed into the figure of Torune Aburame.

This ability was the very reason Danzo had sought Torune as the boy possessed a unique skill unlike other members of the Aburame clan — he could transfer his consciousness into his insects, making him a soldier who could never truly die as long as one had stored away some cultivated insects in a safe place.

"Failure, that's a first for one of my top men," Danzo remarked as Torune immediately prostrated himself, forehead pressed against the cold, hard floor.

"I have no excuse, Lord Danzo."

"Start speaking," Danzo commanded, his voice devoid of emotion.

"Agent Fu died," Torune reported, his words echoing slightly in the austere room.

Danzo paused for a split second, sipping his tea in a slow, deliberate motion before placing the cup down with a soft clink. "Shame," he uttered, the word dripping with a cold, dispassionate finality.

Torune felt a sense of honor that Danzo-sama had acknowledged his partner's death with such a brief lament.

"Continue your report," Danzo instructed, his gaze fixed on the shadows that danced along the walls, cast by the flickering light of a single candle.

As Torune recounted the events, Danzo's interest remained unfazed by the prospect of being discovered; he knew that upon Fu's death, any seals on his body would have eradicated all traces of him. However, the revelations about Naruto's capabilities with Space-Time Ninjutsus and jutsus that could alter the mass of objects caught his attention.

Looks like there is more to you than meets the eye.

"Your command, my lord," Torune said, bowing deeply.

"What percentage would there be that Naruto Uzumaki could be aware of Root?"

"Considering the unknown nature of Naruto Uzumaki's skills, there is a slim to none chance that he might be aware," Torune replied.

Yet, this slim chance was all Danzo needed to retreat further into the shadows, to bide his time to strike.

He was a hawk after all, watching intently from the shadows with the patience and focus of a seasoned predator. Like a raptor high in the sky, Danzo Shimura surveyed the landscape, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. His actions, never impulsive, were as deliberate and precise as a hawk's swoop on its prey.

"For now, he won't involve himself or Root, only watch until it's time," Danzo decided, his voice echoing ominously in the quiet room.

You will learn to serve for Konoha's interests, Naruto Uzumaki.


[ Konoha Hospital ]

Outside the emergency room, Naruto, Hinata, and Tenten sat in tense silence, their bodies rigid with anxiety. The medical ninjas inside were tending to Mr. Higurashi, leaving the trio to grapple with their worries in the stark, sterile hallway. Naruto's legs bounced nervously, Hinata's hands were folded tightly in her lap, and Tenten's eyes, usually so sharp and clear, were clouded with fear.

The door to the ER swung open, and the medical ninja emerged, removing his mask with a somber expression. The trio immediately stood, their bodies tense, as they braced for news.

"I have good news and bad news," the medic announced, his voice steady.

"Bad news," the trio responded in unison, their voices a low chorus of dread.

"The bad news," the medical ninja began, his tone clinical, "is that Mr. Higurashi is in a coma due to severe chakra depletion. It appears he was using an unsustainable amount of chakra, which has led to significant breakdown in his body functions. Specifically, his brain has suffered extensive damage because it was deprived of the necessary chakra to function properly. This has triggered the coma state, and his prognosis is uncertain at this stage."

Tenten's face crumpled at the explanation, her composure shattering like glass. She sank to the floor, her shoulders shaking as sobs wracked her body. Hinata immediately knelt beside her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders in a gentle embrace, murmuring words of comfort. Her own eyes were moist with tears, but she pushed her feelings aside to support her friend.

"What's the good news?" Naruto asked, his voice hoarse, as he tried to cling to any shred of hope.

"We can keep Mr. Higurashi alive," the medic replied. "But restoring him to his normal state is beyond our current capabilities. Unless you can bring Tsunade-sama back, or a miracle happens, our options are limited."

Naruto's fists clenched at his sides, his nails digging into his palms as he absorbed the gravity of the situation.

He glanced at the system interface.

[ Quest: Save and Subdue ]

[ Status: Successfully Completed ]

[ Rewards Granted: ]

- [ World Quest: Remove Konoha's Cancer ]


[ Quest Title: Remove Konoha's Cancer ]

[ Description: Root, one of the branches of the Konoha ANBU, was created during the 1st Ninja War as Konoha needed to conduct covert operations that were deemed necessary by Danzō Shimura. Root has been functioning under the ideology that they are "the unseen ones who support the great tree of Konoha from the depths of the earth." ]

[ Objective: ]

- Kill Shimura Danzo.

- Kill Root ANBU [ 0/1000 ]

[ Rewards: ]

- Hiten Higurashi's Coma Recovery

- ?

- ?

- ?

- ?

[ Failure: ]

- Destruction of Konoha.

- 4th Shinobi World War.

- Death of the World.

[ Note: This world quest has ramifications that will change the world. ]

Shimura Danzo? Root? I'll destroy you all.


Author Note:

Honestly, this chapter was one of my favorites to write.

1- System:

What do you guys think the story behind this part of the fanfic is? The system is so powerful, so what does it want with Naruto? Can you take a guess?


2- Hinata and Tenten:

I want Naruto's character to not rely too much on external aids; rather, I want him to be self-sufficient. Like how in the first Naruto vs. Sasuke fight, Naruto realized he was using the Uzumaki clan as his crutch, now I want him to realize the same about the system. Unlike the Uzumaki clan Taijutsu system, the system has done so much for Naruto that him becoming self-reliant will have to be influenced by Tenten and Hinata.


3- Fu's Gone, Whoop, Whoop:

One of Danzo's top men died, but we lost the insanely powerful Necronomicon. I was actually surprised that only one of you readers chose the necromancer class to be Naruto's second class, especially given how popular the whole necromancer class is due to "Solo Leveling."


4- The Fights:

Oh, I loved thinking about them so much, especially Naruto's Sherlock Holmes-level detective work as he instantly figured out Fu and Torune and immediately made a foolproof plan to kill them. This is what I love about Naruto's fights—they are so technical. Fu and Torune had no clue about party teleport, part chat, rune of telekinesis, Zephyr's Arrow, and the Necronomicon, and because of their ignorance, they met their demise—well, Fu died, and Torune lived.


5- Fuck Danzo:

Now he has Hiruzen investigating him, Dragon resisting him, and Naruto hunting him. Danzo doesn't even know how royally screwed he is. Especially since Naruto, bloodlusted and with ANBU training, is going to grow so fast it will make Itachi look like a talentless civilian. Neither Danzo, Dragon, nor Hiruzen even remotely realize how broken Naruto is due to the system. Naruto at the academy was insane just by getting help from a Genin. Think of how strong Naruto will get under ANBU teachers. What jutsu do you want Naruto to learn as an ANBU? I mean jutsus that do stuff, i.e., substitution, transformation, etc.


Thank you for your continued support and engagement with my work. Have a blessed rest of the day, and I look forward to reading your thoughts in the comments!