
Naruto : The sword demon

What if man reincarnated in the Naruto world with Boruto jougan dojutsu and has Godzilla seal inside him.

Edris_Naw2 · Others
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9 Chs

The battle

Hmmm a kid I wonder why is it here? The mystery man thought, maybe he is abandon or

The man change his head towards the opening of the cave

I heard some explosion noise tho his parents must have tried to save him I guess

Can't just leave a child here… the mystery man holds the baby in his hands and scan the baby carefully

Hmmmm his name is Thomas Shelby uzumaki it is written in his blanket

So now I have to raise a uzumaki child now I guess, the man went outside revealing a shocking thing, the man is not some 74 years old but a ink demon that has been in that cave for over a century or even older than a century

"I see so that's what happen" the ink demon aka 'bendy' said while looking at the dead bodies

I could see some alive but unconscious let's just leave them, they have nothing to do with me. With that he left and went back to his cave but this time he locked the cave with rocks so no once can enter

"I don't know much about how to rise a baby but have to use some things I know" the ink demon said before he goes outside to steal some dippers and milks for the baby

He knew those were important for example the dippers of course the baby would need those.

The ink demon came back with those dippers and milks faster than any dad trying to get milks

—-time skip

Years have passed and Thomas has gotten old , he is 5 years old. Right now he is being taught about geography

"Right now we are at the second great ninja war, we have to be careful who to trust because you never know who will betray you just like konnoha abandoning their allies with uzumakis and they were attacked by 3 great hidden villages and that's why whirlpools the land of uzumaki is destroyed." The ink demon explained

The past years bendy was a father figure but still a homie who always has his back, bendy has some Anger issues always becoming angry when he fails to cook, he even got angry more when he saw a kid is better than him in cooking but he can't blame him self he never cooked, bendy would sometimes help him go outside of the cave just to have some fresh airs but was almost kidnapped by some bandits when they saw Thomas red hair, they knew uzumakis are good to sell making them easily rich but bendy came in time and killed them brutally

After that bendy would Rarely let Thomas out side

——3 years later

Thomas has become much stronger, he is 7 years old right now, he has been training ever since he was helped by bendy awakening his chakra, he learns how to control his chakra and how to hid it but it wasn't that easy for 7 years old but for Thomas it was easy but not that much easy

His chakra control is just low genin but hiding his chakra is surprising is low chunin level after all he was also a assassin back in his old life he could hid his presence very well but over all he became a soldier and used that in his soldier duties

"Master bendy" asked Thomas, Thomas has always trying to learn jutsus and always was asking bendy to help him scrolls but bendy always rejects him and tells him 'your to young learn'

But today was the he wouldn't let bendy get away without giving at least 1 jutsu

Thomas walks into a place seems like a place fill with ink, " hello bendy I had come for something"

The room was filled silence but only the inks sounds were falling

Bendy head came out of an ink ocean and then his whole body came out and said "hello kid what is it you want?"

"I want jutsu at least 1 jutsu please!" Begged Thomas

"No" bendy replied "go create your own jutsu when you awaken that skeleton powers" bendy said

"But how?." Yes bendy somehow mange to find out that Thomas has some special powers that could destroy a planet with ease

"Just train kid tomorrow I will help you when we spar in that spar you will learn" bendy replied once again before continuing saying "make sure to be peppered"

His body went back to the ink ocean

"Well I need to be peppered"

———the next day

We could see Thomas standing in a big room with his katana, that katana was gifted by bendy at the age of 5, he was a prodigy at kenjutsu he was able to create his own breathing forms you will see them in his fight with bendy and he was able to cut leafs in a second with blindfold.

Now we could see a dark inky creature coming

On his way to the big room, he has thin body with one of his legs being different from the other leg which is why he doesn't walk normally, he has sharp hands and always has his creepy smiles which make Thomas sometimes scared 'damn his smile is way scarier than the game'

After a while he reached the big room looking at Thomas with his creepy smile, "so are you read-" he was cut by bendy sending his fist long or far at Thomas but luckily for Thomas he reacted fast and cut it with katana

'He won't let me have a second to breath!' Thought Thomas while cutting the tentacles that was also sended by bendy from his back

"Fire breathing: first form position teleporting!"

Thomas in a second cuts all the tentacles that was sended at him with that style, "didn't expected this from you but how can you beat me from that far away with your breathing forms?"

"I will show you"

"Fire breathing: second form long range!"

A long big thic fires canes at very long range at bendy but unfortunately for bendy he stood there not give damn

It cuts bendy in half when bendy made contacts with the fire, bendy body's went down with giant ink ocean like drowns them and brings back a perfect condition bendy back.

"Lets end this" bendy said before pacing at Thomas with crazy speed not even the rikage could catch on that

Finally he came to Thomas punching so hard that he was sended to a wall revealing a big hole

"It toked just 1 punch" bendy said "you could have blocked with your katana but heh your katana would break and still you would be send in that wall once again"

"When you turn 11 I will let you go outside you will be independent and would be on your own so from now on I would teach jutsus and work on your taijutsu,kenjutsu, medical jutsu and finally at last funinjutsu"

Bendy heads back to his room where the ink ocean is

—-time skip when Thomas is 10

"Now that I have reached you taijutsu,kenjutsu and medical jutsu, now I will teach you funinjutsu but I won't teach you sealing type but teaching how to summon chains"

Bendy gives Thomas a scroll that contains funinjutsu chains , in that scroll there many types of chains like the chakra chain , it can drins people's chakras, the heat chain , it boils or heats the people bodies when they made contact with it their body would go boom some will be lucky to survive it

"Now Thomas you have bring a lot of your chakra into your hands and do this hand"bendy shows the hands signs it was pretty easy just 2 hand signs

Thomas did what he said bring his chakras into his hands and then after a while he does the hand signs that Bendy showed him

There were a blue light chains in Thomas hands, bendy looks at Thomas with some proud parents eyes

"You did it at your first try excellent" bendy was proud of Thomas 's progress he didn't thought the Thomas would become this strong at the age of 10 'your quite strong for your age'

Bendy goes near at Thomas ands pats his hairs before slapping Thomas in the back of head

"Ow! What was the for?" Asked Thomas being angry at bendy "heh just a sign that I'm proud of ya"

Thomas made that 'are you serious right neow?' Face

———at age 11

Thomas has left the cave now, being confident that he could take care of him self before he go outside bendy asks if he was ready which in reply Thomas just nodded his head and went outside to finally see the sun light for first time

In years "mmm the beautiful sunlight I finally could see after many years"

Thomas also got a map of shinobi world he was currently in the land of rice

He heads towards the capital city of the land of rice to get a job as a Assassins or hunt people for their bounties he was fully confident that he could take care of a chuunin or low Jonin levels.

He was good in sensory too he could throw his kunais at animals that are 23 meters away from him and gets a head shots

It was night, he was eating a rabbit which he killed with kunai "hmmm my energy or my stamina is quite huge I could run non stop for weeks or even run at full speed" there was a smile on his face because he was happy with his stamina and then after eating the rabbit he went to sleep at the ground not caring how cold it is.

The next day he got up early and continues his journey to capital of the land of rice

There he reached he was getting awkward stares from the people but they then minds their own business not wanting to mess with him

He heads to the building, when he reaches there he headed towards to the counter "hello what I can do for you?"

"I would like to hunt bandits or assassin" not caring saying to loud infront of other people

"Alright sure buddy but I need your name and last name too" the head counter guy broughts a paper to Thomas which he writes his name their

The head counters looks at the paper before he says "welcome Thomas Shelby uzumaki" the man broughts His hands towards Thomas to shake his hands in return he did

(By the Thomas is wearing mask so he could get the job if he was young he would not get it and the mask is just completely white nothin wrote there or painted)

"Now allow me to show you the ranks my new friend" the man brought another paper showing the ranks of bandits it goes from D to C to B to A, each could give him a large of money for example the B and A rank bandits

"So for you you can hunt any ranks if you wished"

"I would like to go against the C rank bandits please" Thomas asked

The man looks at him 'hmmmm should I give I ment he looks short he might be young and wearing a mask might be pretending to be a adult or older but his tone seems old so I quess he is too short?'

(By the Thomas is 5'4)

"Alright here is the mission, the bandits are near this town" shows him the town which is not that fair away "anything you found in their is yours, you can keep it"

"Alright thanks I'm heading now" has left now heading towards the location