
Naruto: The Strongest Senju

A girl from the modern day is given a chance of rebirth with perks as the princess of the Senju Clan. Will she simply follow the laid out plan or will she make the world look entirely new? Read chapters ahead on Patreon.com/KillerDJ2023 Discord: https://discord.gg/gPa65Uw9fB

Kingkillerdj2023 · Anime & Comics
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Epilogue 6: (IV)

Tsunade arrived in the Village Square, with her seeing that Hiruzen already stood on the balcony in his robes, with hat bearing the Kanji that read 'Fire' sitting on his head.

Unbeknownst to the crowd, Hiruzen was about to give his Hokage's Address, and it would be the final one that he would give as the Hokage.

The Secret Election had occurred, and the winner was decidedly overwhelmingly once it was established that the other candidate did not wish to run.

Thousands of the citizens in Konoha crowded the area, with them all looking up at the man who had led the Village through Two World Wars.

He was the Professor, a man more knowledgable than most when it came to the Shinobi Arts, and he would now say his goodbye to the people he viewed as his responsibility.

Hiruzen gained a peaceful smile on his face as he looked down and began.

"When I was 12 years old, I, alongside the others in my Class, became the first batch to graduate from the Konoha Shinobi Academy. At that time, the Academy only went up that far and I was blessed enough to be taught by Lord Second and Lord First. 

The two of them taught me and my fellow Shinobi everything pertaining to the Shinobi Arts. Lord First dedicated his life to protecting the Village, and even when his health began failing, his presence alone protected us from any foreign threats who even possessed the thought of attacking us.

Lord Second guided us in establishing the facilities that would go on to become cornerstones of the Village. He sacrificed everything for the Village, even his health and time with his family for years, simply to protect the Tree that he and his brother planted.

I inherited their will, and thanks to them, as well as the efforts of the thousands of Shinobi who supported me, I was able to protect the Village from any dangers.

But before I continue, I would like for us to take a moment for to give respect and reverence to all of the Shinobi we lost during the war. It was thanks to these heroes that we are able to live as well as we currently do."

Hiruzen then lowered his head, with the rest of the Village doing the same thing in an attempt to give thanks to all of their friends, family, or fellow Shinobi who died protecting the Village.

Tsunade suddenly felt Jiraiya's chakra signature appear beside her, with her using her Kagure of The Mind's Eye and Yin Release to speak directly into his mind.

'Why are you so late?' Tsunade asked.

'I had to get something from home. Is it time yet?' Jiraiya answered before asking a question of his own.

Tsunade simply responded that she didn't know before the two quieted down.

After around 10 seconds, Hiruzen raised his head, with him looking at all of the citizens before him and steeling his heart, solidifying his decision.

"In this last war, it became apparent that my era in this Village had come to an end. This could be seen as the new generation of our Village shined through.

I wish to give thanks to a few Shinobi in particular, as their actions are what led to the end of the war as a whole.

First, there is the White Fang, Sakumo Hatake. He, alongside Danzo Shimura, fought valiantly to hold off against Madara Uchiha. His actions saved hundreds of lives simply by him stopping him from advancing.

Next, their is Kenta Uchiha. This man showcased the true might of the Uchiha Clan as he fought against Almighty A and won, showcasing just how powerful he is. He represents the greatness that the Uchiha Clan can accomplish. 

After him is the Toad Sannin, Jiraiya, with him being the man who fought against the Four Tails Jinchuriki and helped bring down the Third Tsuchikage. These two feats alone put him in a class of Shinobi that seem nearly mythical. It is a pleasure of mine to see my student surpass me.

And in terms of surpassing me, I'm sure that none have done so more than my other student, Tsunade Senju. 

She is the Goddess of Shinobi.

There are no words to describe her greatness, and if not for her declining, she would likely already be wearing my hat.

But, there is one student that I have yet to describe, and the reasoning is because he is the precise reason that I called this meeting.

It is with careful consideration and great respect for his abilities that I announce our new Hokage. He is a man of extraordinary talent and intellect, whose contributions to our village have been immense. His knowledge of ninjutsu is unparalleled, and his dedication to the safety and prosperity of Konoha is unwavering."

Hiruzen turned slightly, gesturing to the man who stepped forward, his presence commanding and enigmatic. "I present to you, Orochimaru, as the Fourth Hokage of Konohagakure."

Orochimaru, clad in his own version of the Hokage's robe and hat and with a slight smile took his place beside Hiruzen. His golden eyes surveyed the crowd, a sense of prestige and pride flickering within them.

"I am honored to accept this great responsibility," Orochimaru spoke, his voice smooth and charismatic. "I pledge to use my knowledge and skills to protect our village and lead it into a new era of strength and prosperity. Together, we will face any challenges and emerge stronger than ever."

Konoha erupted into cheers, with the Villagers happy to celebrate the new Hokage.

Tsunade smiled, as did Jiraiya, with them both happy to see their friend achieve his dream.


Tsunade and Jiraiya stood on the Hokage faces, with them discussing a various amount of things while looking down at the Village.

"Do you think the peace will last?" Jiraiya asked as he looked down at the peaceful nation.

"It will as long as I am alive. Unless the future generations forget how terrifying I am. Other than that, it is likely that this era of peace will remain." Tsunade answered.

Jiraiya simply nodded before growing quiet as he continued watching the serene scene as the sun set behind them.

Jiraiya, usually full of bravado and humor, was uncharacteristically quiet. He glanced at Tsunade, her blonde hair catching the last rays of sunlight, and took a deep breath. His heart pounded in his chest, and he knew that this moment, long postponed, could not be delayed any longer.

"Tsunade," Jiraiya began, his voice softer than usual, "we've known each other for so many years. We've been through battles, heartbreaks, and countless memories together."

Tsunade turned to look at him, her amber eyes reflecting the fading light. She raised an eyebrow, a small, curious smile playing on her lips. "What's gotten into you, Jiraiya? You're sounding unusually serious."

Jiraiya chuckled, scratching the back of his head nervously. "Yeah, I suppose I am. But... I've just been... thinking about stuff, that's all." 

Tsunade rolled her eyes, but there was a hint of a smile on her lips. "Thinking? Now that's something new."

Jiraiya chuckled, but his laughter quickly faded into a serious expression. He looked out over the village, the sun casting long shadows and bathing everything in a warm, golden light. "Tsunade, there's something I've been wanting to tell you."

Tsunade turned to face him fully, her amber eyes locking onto his. "What is it, Jiraiya?"

He took a deep breath, his heart pounding in his chest. "We've been friends for a long time, right? We've trained together, fought together, and we've always had each other's backs."

Tsunade nodded, her curiosity piqued by his sudden seriousness. "Yeah, of course. We're a team."

Jiraiya took a step closer, his eyes reflecting the sunset's glow. "But there's more to it than that. Tsunade, I... I really like you. More than just a friend."

Tsunade's eyes widened, surprise flickering across her face. "Jiraiya, what are you saying?"

"I'm saying that I love you, Tsunade," Jiraiya said, his voice steady despite the nervous fluttering in his stomach. "I've loved you for a long time. I know I'm just a goofball most of the time, but I'm serious about this. You're amazing, and I can't imagine my life without you."

Tsunade was silent for a moment, her expression unreadable. Then, she took a step closer, her eyes softening. "Jiraiya, you idiot."

Jiraiya blinked, taken aback. "Idiot?"

Tsunade smiled a genuine, warm smile that made Jiraiya's heart skip a beat. "Yeah, idiot. Why didn't you say anything sooner?"

Jiraiya's eyes widened in surprise. "Wait, you...?"

Tsunade nodded, her cheeks tinged with a faint blush. "Yeah. I like you too, Jiraiya. You're a goofball, but you're my goofball."

Jiraiya's face broke into a wide grin, his heart soaring with joy. "Really?"

Tsunade laughed, a melodic sound that made Jiraiya's grin widen even more. "Yes, really. Now stop standing there like an idiot and come here."

She pulled him into a hug, and Jiraiya wrapped his arms around her, feeling like the luckiest person in the world. They stood there, holding each other as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the village in the soft glow of twilight.

As the first stars began to appear in the sky, Jiraiya whispered, "Thank you, Tsunade. For everything."

Tsunade tightened her embrace, resting her head on his shoulder. "No, Jiraiya. Thank you."

And so, atop the Hokage faces, two young hearts found a shared moment of happiness, bound by a love that would grow stronger with each passing day.


Hinato kneeled down with sweat pouring down his face, the fear on his face being fully evident as he was terrified of even gazing at the person who sat across from him while drinking wine.

He grew tired of never achieving the greatness he thought he could, so when a person approached him saying that their Lord could offer him power, he accepted.

But, just gazing at the monster in human skin with his Byakugan made him regret his decision nearly immediately.

He had never seen anything with this much Chakra before. Even the Jinchuriki paled in comparison to him.

The man then spoke, with his voice sounding like a Devil giving an order rather than a mere man asking a question.

"Tell me everything you know about Tsunade Senju."

[AN: This Novel began simply because I felt that no one had written a Tsunade Novel on Webnovel. It developed into me writing a story that grew with me, and the people did as well. Through all my breaks. Through me being a Junior in High School to a sophomore in College. I just want to clarify that this is not the end of my novel. It will be on Hiatus as I storyboard and map out my book. When I started writing it, the first 140 chapters were mapped out. I plan to map out the final arc until the very end. I can promise that the updates will continue before October. I plan to make the schedule Mon, Wed, Fri.

And check out my other books, I've been getting my storyboards together for them which is why their aren't a lot of updates, but once I get it going, it will be great.

And thanks to all of you guys. If not for the small comments or remarks I saw on the Novel, I likely would not have continued to write so long.

Be safe guys~ Kingkillerdj2023]