
Naruto: The Strongest Senju

A girl from the modern day is given a chance of rebirth with perks as the princess of the Senju Clan. Will she simply follow the laid out plan or will she make the world look entirely new? Read chapters ahead on Patreon.com/KillerDJ2023 Discord: https://discord.gg/gPa65Uw9fB

Kingkillerdj2023 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 206: Battle of Yugakure (II)

Tsunade stared down the opposing army, the indifference and coldness in her eyes being something that couldn't be ignored by any of them, with her seeming as if she was a divine being looking down on mortals.

"HOW DARE YOU!!" A booming voice said as a figure seemingly teleported in front of Tsunade nearly instantaneously, with A's face showcasing his anger.

He was ready to take out this insolent girl in one fell swoop, as he felt that she was too dangerous to live if she wished for the end of the Era in which Konoha led the world.

However, at that moment, a figure with flames covering their body blocked his punch, with him getting pushed back due to the immense heat that they emmited.

'Is it a Fire Variant of my Lightning Cloak? It seems similar yet also different.' A analyzed as his Cloak began to grow even thicker.

"Let me deal with this bastard, Tsuna. Afterall, if I let a mere Kage battle my end goal, what kind of rival would I be?" Kenta said from inside the flames, with Tsunade giving him a smirk.

He had learned the Jutsu from seeing her use it in their spars, yet he was able to adapt it to form a style similar to a flaming samurai rather than powerful punches.

But, he had never used the Technique against Tsunade, so even she wished to see how far he had grown in the use of it's power.

Kenta then turned his head to dodge a punch from A, immediately using a Genjutsu on the Raikage, with it only working a sliver of a second.

Yet that sliver of a second was all that Kenta needed as he placed two fingers onto A's chest, with him blasting him off to the distance and charging after him.

"Well, one's done. Now, where's the Kitty?" Tsunade asked, with her looking up to see a dark haired woman blasting towards her, her fist coated with blue flames.

Tsunade prepared to fight her, with her ready to utilize her innate advantage against Jinchuriki that was Wood Release to suppress the Two Tails.

However, just as Asuka was about to reach the ground, a massive serpent burst from the ground, with it devouring her and going off in the opposite direction.

"Can I have my fun?" Orochimaru asked as he walked beside his friend.

"Want to take out all the Jinchuriki, huh? Go ahead. And try not to be too cruel." Tsunade said with a smile.

"No promises." Orochimaru said as he smiled back, with neither of the two wishing to show any mercy to an enemy.

"Now. Where were we? Oh yes! I was about to recreate an iconic scene. Well, no use in waiting." Tsunade said aloud as she began taking slow yet purposeful steps towards the Kumo Army.

"How dare you belittle us!!" An Elder of Kumo roared, with him being the voice that they needed to escape their stupor and head towards the largest threat present.

But, Tsunade only slowly increased her pace, with her gold hair waving in the wind as she took step.

'For my peace.' Tsunade silently thought before she burst from her position as if she simply disappeared.

She reappeared above the center of the army, with her punching the ground, creating an earthquake that shook many of the Shinobi while those closest fell between the cracks and were crushed.

Tsunade immediately grabbed the throat of a nearby Shinobi and crushed it before throwing the body at monstrous speeds at a group of nearby Shinobi.

A Kumo Shinobi immediately attempted to stab her from behind, yet the blade was snatched from his hand and stabbed into his head before he could even realize what happened.

Chains emerged from her back as each stabbed into their own Shinobi as if it was the simplest thing ever, with the chains killing one Shinobi after another.

Tsunade twisted and delivered a powerful kick to the side of a Shinobi, with her elbowing another in the chest. Both attacks possessed enough force to destroying entire city blocks, so each one easily ended the lives of the Shinobi's.

She then turned to see a group of approaching Ninju who were weaving signs, with her instantly creating a deadly poison and blowing it towards them, with it being able to both disable their Chakra Networks and paralyze their respiratory systems, killing them due to suffocation.

Tsunade then began to shine brightly as he speed blitzed tens of Shinobi in an instant, with her then jumping and beginning to channel a massive amount of light into her hands.

"Yasakani no Magatama!!"

The light began to be blasted towards the Shinobi as small balls of light, with each moving at extreme speeds.

The destructive power of each was comparable to an A Ranked Ninjutsu, with the taking down hundreds of Shinobi due to the sheer destructive nature of the Technique.

"Don't you Kumo Ninja know better than anyone that Speed is Power?" Tsunade asked as the light coated her body with her traveling at speeds greater than the Raikage.

She appeared above the Kumo Elder, with her fist hitting his chest as destroying it, blasting a hole into his body.

Tsunade then landed on the ground again as she made a sharp vine erupt from the ground and stab the Shinobi behind her through their heads, with the vines then blasting towards others.

She created another blade of light and began slicing through the Kumo Shinobi as if they were nothing, with the sheer heat that the blade possessed allowing it to seamlessly cut through them all.

Tsunade then used her Seismic Sense to detect the layout of the battlefield, with her preparing a counterattack upon seeing tens of Kumo Jonin preparing a combination Jutsu.

"""""Lightning Style: False Darkness!!!"""""

A passive blast of Lightning was sent towards Tsunade as if it was the punishment of the heavens, yet Tsunade simply performed a few hand signs before speaking.

"Wind Style: Typhoon!"

Tsunade made a massive tornado of appear and block the attack, with it first seeming to absorb the attack before it was suddenly sent back at the Jonin, yet this time it was alongside a massive tornado.

Tsunade looked to see a few other prominent members of Kumo, with her simply grazing them with poisoned kunai, yet the aftermath came a few moments later, as their bodies suddenly had branches emerge from it, as if an entire tree had grown inside of them

She then manipulated the Lightning Chakra around her to throw off the Electrical Signals that everyone's body in her close vicinity was sending, with them all falling to the ground as she prepared another powerful attack.

Tsunade made just three hand signs before the atmosphere around her got noticeably dryer.

"Water Style: Hydra!!!" 

Tsunade spewed as massive amount of water from her mouth, with it turning into a three headed hydra made purely from water, with it blasting towards each of them at such a speed that very few could respond.

"Magnet Style: Iron Wall!!!"

"Storm Release: Laser Shield!!"

The Clan leaders of the Major Clans of Kumo immediately used their strongest defensive based Ninjutsu, with one of them manipulating the weapons of their fallen comrades to form a wall that was enhanced with his Chakra, while the other manipulated light to form a shield.

The attacks were barely capable of stopping it, yet the last attack hit, with it doing so much destruction that a tenth of the army was wiped out.

Tsunade seemed unfazed by that, with her then channeling an immense amount of Lightning Chakra into the water on the ground.

The Chunin and Jonin trained in Elemental Chakra Manipulation were able to offset it's effects, yet the Genin and weaker Chunin who didn't found themselves electrocuted to death, with Tsunade charging into the remaining Shinobi as if the mass amount of death she had just caused had no relation to her.

The remaining Jonin tried to use their numbers to their benefit, yet Tsunade's Taijutsu skills far surpassed their while her Physical Strength meant that even the slightest touch could cripple or kill them if they were not careful.

Tsunade then looked to see the last two pillars for Kumo, the elders of two of their major clans, and the only two individuals with decent strength left on the battlefield.

The Patriarch of the Izaya Clan immediately tried to manipulate the Magnetic Forces around her, though he suddenly found the world upside down with him not knowing until his last moment how he had died.

The Patriarch of the Gobetsu Clan attempted to form a blade, yet Tsunade's light blade pierced his heart, ending his suffering.

Tsunade, seeing that the battle was no longer having any major high level Shinobi, jumped back and performed a Jutsu that no one had seen the true power of since the end of the Warring States Era.

"Wood Style: Deep Forest Emergence!!"

Trees began taking up the entirety of the clearing that the battle took place on, with the trees grasping and taking hold of the remaining Jonin who could not flee fast enough.

The trees drained them of both their Chakra and Lifeforce, with the remaining Shinobi only being able to look on helplessly as they died.

Tsunade looked at the scene and simply shook her head, as if she had already made this decision years prior.

"If a temporary peace is needed, then I'll be the deterrent the Leaf needs for the next half a century." Tsunade spoke to herself before she looked over to the direction of the two battles, while the Leaf Army behind her simply stood in their place with their mouths wide open, unable to believe what they just saw.

"Close your mouths. You'll catch flies." Tsunade spoke as she sat down, waiting for her friends to finish their battles.