
Ninja Academy 3

"Okay, so I'll start it, and you all should follow accordingly." Iruka said with a smile, then continuing,"My name is Iruka Umeno, I'm a Chunin of our beautiful hidden village Konoha. My likes are teaching, as for my dislike it is student who breaks the rules and cause commotion in class. My aim is to teach as my students as I can."

"For the next 6 years we will be together so please co-operate with me students and let enjoy our journey as students and sensei."

"Hai, sensei," all the students replied simultaneously in a loud chorus, making Iruka smile.

"So this sleepy classmate you should start the introduction." Iruka said pointing at a student who was looking sleepy and trying to sleep.

"What, me? What a drag," the boy muttered, expressing a sense of reluctance and feeling like crying without tears.

"I'm Shikamaru Nara. My likes are... my dislikes are... my goal is to be a cloud... ahem is to be a great ninja," Shikamaru introduced himself. As he spoke about his goals, he felt like that his teacher's mood grew darker. In a hurry to correct himself and suffer less in coming years, he finished his introduction.

"Okay, next student" Iruka said with smile.

"My name is ..., my likes... my dislikes... My goals...."

Just like that most of students finished their introduction.

"Next student." Iruka continued with a smile.

"My name is Megumi Senju, My like is my mother, big sister Shizune and my pig TonTon, my love is Kenshin, my dislikes are losing to anyone or anyone, my dream is to be a great Kunoichi like my mother and even one day like my great grandmother and great grandfather." Megumi stood up as it's her turn and she introduces herself.

Her introduction managed to get attention of everyone, even if many of them knew but hearing it is different matter.

She's practically the Princess of Konoha. Her background is too big to be true.

She practically starts at a point where many of the classmates won't have a chance to ever reach.

If in the class many of them are silver spoon as being from main clan or heir, then she's diamond spoon.

While many of the girls were jealous as she can introduces herself so freely and even say that she love someone so easily, especially when that someone is Kenshin, the crush of every girl in Konoha.

But this also earned many envious and jealousy of many male students as that the boy with "Forbidden Bloodline" managed to get attention of "Konoha's Princess".

While Kenshin just ignored all of it and was just gazing outside ignoring all the noise.

"Silence, now the next student," Iruka commanded, composing himself and instructing the students to let the introductions continue.

Then their stood next Naruko, who was going to introduce herself. When she stand she managed to get bad looks of everyone, while children don't know much but thier parents had told themselves to stay away from this pair of weirdo of siblings, with blond hair, blue eyes and whiskers on face. But among them Iruka knew why and he also had bad face towards her.

Seeing it makes her feel very sad, as she once again began to wonder why is she and her brother ostracized. Even seeing the 'kind' sensei, who was smiling at everyone having hateful face, she feels hurt.


Just when she was in state of self denial and feeling like she would cry and make a fool of herself-


An abrupt coughing sound made her came back to senses, she instinctively moved her eyes towards that direction and saw her Kenshin still gazing outside like he didn't care what happened to her.

But this didn't make sad but smile as she saw her was like always and that sound helped her lot and then she saw the faces of her rival in love who are her 'enemies/friends', were also showing signal to continue and encouraging her with theirs eyes.

Then she saw her brother, Naruto sitting at last seat while showing thumbs up, like wanting her to continue, same with Sasuke who looked at her with encouragment and even that shy and mute looking girl who had same eyes as aunt Izumi was encouraging her.

Then she once again with new found condidence gaze towards her classmates and noticed that many of her classmates didn't really seem hate her, but confused and didn't seem to be disgusted with herself at all.

This made her came to her senses and thought to herself as she remembered what once 'her' Kenshin told her, ' You don't need anyone's approval, as long as you can be happy.'

Yes, I don't need anyone's approval, I must not these look harm me, not to mention I have a loving 'boyfriend', brother and friends.

"My name is Naruko Uzumaki. I like ramen, my brother and friends. I dislike—no, I hate you people staring at me as if I've committed some terrible crime, which I never did. My goal is to have a happy life with my sweetheart and become a Hokage. Dattebane," she declared with confidence, asserting her determination to rise above the judgment while lovingly(actually that's cutely)glancing at 'her' Kenshin, who didn't even glance at her but only the outside scenery through the window.

After that she scanned with her eyes at everyone and wherever her eyes went, most shifted their eyes who were looking at her with disgust even the teacher, while those who supported her was looking at her with amazement as she really stoodup for herself, while her rivals were just shaking thier heads, like they didn't believe what she said.

"Cough.. Okay next student" Iruka said as he felt being slapped in face after seeing this 'demon' gained new confidence.

"My name is Kei Hatake. My likes are training, reading, and studying new things. My dislikes is losing, my love is someone, my hate is towards those who commits suicide without ever worrying what could be potential damage it could have to those left behind. My goal is to be become strongest." Kei introduced herself coldly and didn't care what anyone thought and directly sat down, while secretly peeking at that someone and saw that he still didn't even say anything just silently gazing outside and she smiled under her mask.

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