
Naruto : The Sound of Leaves

What if you get reincarnated? What if you get what you want? What would you do? Would you waste it? Would you seize it? Note: All credits go to Kishimoto and his works I'm just a shameless author trying his luck here and trying to gain experience! that is all! Read it if you want drop it if you want! Do what you want to Do! If you are the owner of the Image please tell me! and I will take it down!

OpSig · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs


So to sum it all up I had 5 Affinities, Water, Lightning, Earth, Yang and Space.

Damn, I wonder what my Kekkei Genkai is if I combine them? I think I should remember something important but I can't put my head around it? Guess I'll remember it soon enough.

Now what should I do?

"Ryu! Come here"

"Yes!" I went to mom and we went to the lake in the house, (Yes my house is that big that she recreated one of the training grounds found in Konoha)

I saw mom standing at the Lake and I knew then and there that we would be practicing chakra control.

"First off we have to make you practice your Chakra Control! I know you're young but I don't want to make you look like an unrefined Idiot! I don't want to make my soon to be daughter or daughters-in-law make look stupid in choosing a weakling!"

Ouch, Mom is different this time and this is a first, but yes I don't want to be a beta I'll make myself clear on that!

"Now the basics as much as I want to build your foundations right now I'll find someone better to do it for me" I wondered who that someone is, as I was thinking Mom put a leaf on my head.

"Now do and follow what I say we'll start with this! Oh to make this faster every time you finish an exercise I'll teach you Suiton jutsu or a new Fuinjutsu"

My eyes sparkled upon hearing her statement and Immediately followed her.

"Do I teach him the Shadow Clone? Or the Water Clone?" Muttered Mom. "Not yet after he finishes Chakra control exercises"

It's been about Three hours and the sun was setting I saw Mom took out a Shuriken, Tanto and a Kunai.

"Ryu, you've completed the first chakra control exercise and I'd say it was satisfactory, choose one of these Ninja tools and I will teach you how to handle them and by the time you're enrolled at the academy you can act like a Nara all you want"

As I was contemplating which tool I should master first, I wondered if my Mom is the system? I did the exercise and she rewarded me? When I looked at her she stared at me back and it sent a shiver in my poor spine for the nth time today

"Why do I feel like you're thinking of something rude about me Ryu-chan?"

"N-no Ma'am"

"Choose now before I change my mind"

"Uhm, what about All three?" I answered hesitantly

"Good choice, if you were to choose one only I'd smack your ass out of here"

"Mom can you teach me Kenjutsu?"

"When your body is ready and chakra perfectly controlled I'll teach you your father's Kenjutsu"

I grinned like a child who finally got his candy

"What about Taijutsu?" I tried my luck

"I have that covered already and I finally have someone I know who wouldn't mind having another student and he would be happy"

I'm having visions of someone with Bushy Brows and shouting YOUTH! At the top of his lungs..

Now I'm beginning to question what kind of blackmail does Mom have on all the Jonin of Konoha?

"My Mom senses are tingling Ryu, is that another rude thought I feel? Hmm I guess we will up your training!"


While I was lamenting and cursing my own thoughts, I remembered that Yellow Squirt"

"Mom, what about Naruto?"

"Yes he can join, but not every day like you, as much as I'd like to also teach him every thing an Uzumaki should know I can't push my luck like I always do, especially with that One-eyes Pedophile's dogs sniffing around when we're with Him, I'll only teach him the basics so he won't attract the attention of that man."

I know who she's referring to and now that I think about it she's also aware of the dark politics of the village? Am I just narrow minded or is My mom just overpowered right now?


"Mom can we start Fuinjutsu training already?" I asked as we were walking back to the house

"No, we learn step by step not by taking a short-cut, you'll get there when you get there. I'll always be here you know, and unless you somehow surpass me in calligraphy by next week or month then we won't start it."

When I was opening the door I was met and suffocated by breasts from a certain someone.

"Ryu-chan! Come here! Give Onee-san a hug" said the choker

"Stop...breath...help...Mom" I have to act like that despite knowing I like it.

"Ara~ now what did I say about suffocating people with hugs especially Ryu"

"Come on Kaa-san just a little bit more" Yes mom just a little bit more.

"Hmm" with that I was suffocated for a few more moments.

"Okay Anko-chan time is up!"

"Mouu not fair" Anko said poutingly

Yes the girl who suffocated me was none other than Anko Mitarashi!

Anko was still marked by that Cockroach but her trauma wasn't present, apparently Mom and Dad took care of Anko ever since she was scorned and discriminated and she has been living with us ever since! They both adopted her and she has been with me since I was a baby treating me like her little brother and I won't say I don't like it but the way she treats me... I guess that route is locked.

The Anko here is much stronger than Canon since she was trained by Dad after Orochimaru left and she was promoted to Jonin.

"So Anko you came home earlier than expected"

"Yes Kaa-san I didn't want to miss Ryu's first week of training!" She said sheepishly, she acts like an adult Naruto does she?

Wait what does she mean she doesn't want to miss my first week of training, I look towards her and she had a faced that said "Oops should have not said that"

"Ara looks like someone needs more tor- *cough* training again"

We both shuddered looking at Mom

And so began my Spartan Training under The White Witch began.

Here too,

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