
Naruto The Son of Acnologia

He said he saw great potential in my small body and he raised me. Because of him I lived, I learned, and I finally found someone I could call my father. Even if he didn't see me the same. I am his son, I am his student... I am Naruto The Son of Acnologia.

Nebula_Scribe · Anime & Comics
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103 Chs

Flames of Justice

South of Tully Village-Unknown Area

Naruto walked and Kurama flew through the compilation of vegetation that made the forest surrounding Tully Village. As they traversed the forest, Kurama sniffed the air before looking at Naruto.

"Oi, Naruto!" The blonde raised a hand.

"I know, Kurama. I know." The Dragonslayer of the Apocalypse said. The duo continued to move through the forest before a large sword made of obsidian, flew through the air, but Naruto raised his hand and caught the blade between his middle and ring fingers before throwing it up, allowing it to flip so that he could grasp it by the hilt. He threw the blade back from whence it came and the sound of a blade slicing through flesh was heard. A loud scream followed after. Suddenly, the leaves of the trees above them rustled and then arrows came down like rain. Their black arrow heads were tipped with a green liquid.

'Most likely poison.' Naruto thought before looking at Kurama. The Exceed had a bored look on his face as he watched the arrows speed towards them. Kurama spun in a circle, arm outstretched, and a ring of fire expanded from their location and burnt through everything single arrow and thus leaving them unharmed. Naruto and Kurama continued to venture closer and closer to the guild's location. Naruto quickly formed a dome of wind around his and Kurama's bodies to block another hail of arrows before reaching out and grabbing a Black Knight member as he tried to slash at Naruto with his sword. Naruto crushed his skull before throwing the body into another Black Knight and caused the man to impale his fellow member before he and the dead body were burned by Kurama's flames. Naruto then clapped his hands together.

"Fuuton: Atsugai/Wind Style: Pressure Damage!" Naruto cried as a large, grey-green magic seal appeared over his head. The result of the attack caused the area around him and Kurama to suddenly become flattened by the extreme winds that forced themselves downwards. The hidden swordsmen and archers were all crushed by a single attack and the duo continued to walk towards the, now visible, Dark Knight guild house where the Devon Theft Family was also located.

Naruto saw that there were a few survivors from his attack and looked at Kurama. The Excee grinned before changing into his kitsune form. Three tails swinging behind him.

"Oh how I love to hunt." The kitsune said giddily before howling to the full moon as it hung in the night sky. Its light acting as a spotlight to show the dragonslayer and the kitsune where the guild was and to act as a witness to the deadly bloodbath that would ensue within the dark guild this night.


Dark Guild, Black Knight- Main Floor

The members of Black Knight were all drinking and laughing.

"So when do we go back to that village and pick us up another few whores, eh?" A member asked with a perverse grin on his face.

"Come on, man. We've already taken enough people for the slave trade. That blue haired client, fella will be coming by soon for the next set of people to help build his 'Tower of Heaven'. Whatever the fuck that is." Another member responded to his comrade's question.

"He's a loony, that Jellal. Always spouting nonsense about 'eternal peace' and some resurrection or something into a 'perfect world'. Idiot." A female member of Black Knight laughed before slapping a male member who managed to grope her breasts, sending him to the ground. The guild master was a large man, in terms of muscle size, not fat, and was laughing as he sat upon the throne set in the room.

"Master, when do we go back for more people?" Another female member asked. The master waved his hand.

"We will return to Tully Village for another set of people in another hour, then we will have some 'fun'...with our new 'guests'. Our client requested we get as many people as possible in the two weeks he has given us. By then, we should have enough people to satisfy that blue haired idiot and we will get as much money as we can take." The master of Black Knight grinned widely before getting up. He walked over to a door that led to another part of the large guild. The master smirked as he saw the frightened men and women, ranging from teenagers to full grown adults, backing into a single corner to try and escape the man. He bent down and cupped the cheek of a young girl who looked to be around fifteen.

"You better not mess up the transaction between the Black Knights, the Devon Theft Family and our client...or else I'm going to be keeping back some of you for the guild's...personal needs." The members of the kidnapped people were frightened beyond belief. The master of Black Knight then turned to see a small group of people standing behind him. The group consisted of a short, stocky man with beady black eyes and wore an expensive, dark green business suit.

The man was bald, but had a large moustache and was smoking a cigar. Next to him stood a rather thin woman with barely any curves at all. She had large brown eyes, and long black hair that flowed down to her shoulder blades, but had a long, thin nose making her look like a female Pinnochio. She wore a crimson dress and a pair of black high heels. On either side of the man and woman were two younger men, twins actually. They towered over the shorter, aforementioned man, and both had black hair cut into bowl shapes. The hair was long enough that it covered their eyes. They had bulbous noses and wore the same kind of clothing as the short man.

"Ah, Mr. Devon...so glad to have you back. I assume you have planned out the next run?" The Black Knight guild master shook hands with the short man. "Welcome back, Mrs. Devon...Dave and...Dave." The master looked at the twins and always wondered why the Devons had named their children with the same name...even if they were twins.

"Of course. We will get even more money by the time the client arrives if we get more people for his cause. This 'Tower' or whatever he is building is requiring a lot of people though." Mr. Devon said. Mrs. Devon snorted.

"What does it matter, dear? As long as we get paid." She laughed. Dave and Dave laughed with their mother before she told them to shut up.

As the Devons and the Black Knight guild master were conversing, the members of the dark guild were busy playing limbo. A rather fat man, despite his size, was able to win the contest and this elicited a loud cheer from them, only for that cheer to be drowned out by the sound of a bestial roar. The guild became silent as the roar echoed through the air. The door to the guild shattered as a figure was thrown through it. The dust and wood cleared to reveal a tired looking mage of the dark guild.

"Master, there's a...there's a... a..." The man didn't get to finish as he was suddenly impaled through the chest by a fiery tail, courtesy of Kurama. His body then erupted into flames, turning into ash. The mages of Black Knight went into a panic before getting ready to attack as the fire tail vanished into the dark.

"What the fuck was that?" A member cried out. However, they were all silenced when the roar was heard again. Then, the master got up and narrowed his eyes to see if he could be able to spot the thing that ended his mage's life within the dark recesses of the forest outside. However, he was surprised when a lone man emerged and walked up to the area where the destroyed door of the guild had once stood. The lower half of his face was covered by a face mask and a black cloak billowed in the wind. The man had spiky, golden locks and his head was bent low, hiding the rest of his face from view. The blonde stopped at the edge of where the door had once been.

"Are you Black Knight?" The man asked in a monotone. The master gripped his large obsidian blade and pointed it at the blonde.

"So what if we are? You're going to be dead before you'll leave this place." The blonde chuckled at that, irking the master and the other mages.

"Oh no...it is you...who will be dead." Naruto's head snapped up and his eyes widened, changing from cerulean blue to pure white. "Kurama...sick 'em." The howl of the demonic kitsune was heard as Kurama leaped over the twenty year old blonde and began to take down many of the guild members in blasts of red flame. Naruto walked forth and spied the Devon family.

'What ugly pieces of shit.' Naruto thought with a growl. Kurama reappeared next to him as he tackled a member that tried to take Naruto from behind. Naruto then whistled and Kurama stopped attacking. Naruto took a step forward and the large amount of Black Knight members were still aiming to take down the duo, despite their fear.

'Courageous, I'll give them that...but they are stupid if they think they can kill me.' Naruto thought before the air in front of him distorted and a blast of wind crashed into ten members, crushing their bones and killing them. The attack caused the guild to shake from the impact the members made with the wall and the Black Knight guild master had forgotten to close the door so the kidnapped people from Tully Village were all staring with wide eyes and their taped mouth struggled to open wide in shock as they saw Naruto suddenly bend the wind around his arms and form wind blades. The blonde dragonslayer sliced the members of the dark guild in half, chopped off their limbs, decapitated them, stabbed them through the heart and other vitals while Kurama burned the bodies as they fell.


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