
Naruto The Shadow King [OLD] (Dropped)

In the mystical world of Naruto, a seemingly ordinary individual finds themselves inexplicably reborn as Shikamaru Nara, a brilliant and lethargic ninja known for his strategic genius. The story delves into the complexities of balancing the responsibilities of a ninja with the overwhelming potential of the Ten Summon spell. As Shikamaru adapts to his new reality, he faces moral dilemmas, tests of loyalty, and battles against formidable enemies. "Shadows Reborn: A Shikamaru Saga" weaves together elements of strategy, fantasy, and self-discovery, offering fans of the Naruto universe a fresh and captivating tale of reincarnation, summoning magic, and the enduring strength of a lazy yet brilliant ninja. I do not own Naruto. The only thing I own is my own character here. Join my Patreon and get 20+ chapters ahead of Webnovel updates. patreon.com/Kamidemond Discord invite: https://discord.gg/VqU83N2As4

kamidemond · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 18 : Land Of Snow Arc 4

After 20 minutes, Shikamaru completed his trap to tame the fourth spirit. He rigs the entire tunnel with shinobi wire and blocks both ends of the tunnel just in case Nue runs out.

After finally making all the preparations, Shikamaru finally stood in the middle of the tunnel and made the hand sigh, ready to fight off his next spirit. 

Although it was dark, still even darker shadow appeared under him and then it started to extend, Shikmaru gave another look at his other Spirit ready to fight off the fourth Spirit. 

Then from the shadow came out a giant bird with the face of a human, it was light brown in colour and very big, big enough that Shikamaru was sure that his entire team might be able to on the bird if it was only slightly bigger.

But still, three genin of his size is no small deal.

"NEEEEEEE" Then came the shout as the entire tunnel resounded with echoes of that shriek.

Shikamaru involuntarily had to stop, covering his ears while some of his other spirits were also the same. Shikamaru was about to act but at that time his eyes caught the eyes of sparkles coming out of the new spirit. He immediately jumped from where he was standing and not just a few seconds later a bolt of lightning was released from the new spirit.

"Attack attack," He shouted as all of his spirits rushed at the flying spirit, the toad tried to connect their tongue, and the rabbit created an illusion around the tunnel to further restrict the mobility of the flying spirit. 

But again the main way to attack was none other than his wolves. They were able to jump and lach themself onto 'Nue' the flying spirit.

"This is gonna be troublesome," Shikamaru muttered to himself with much irritation but still acted fast and went after Nue as he saw another thunderbolt was about to fall on one of his poor spirits.


The unfolding drama took an unexpected turn when Yukie, feeling overwhelmed by her newfound responsibilities, slipped away unnoticed while the film crew was busy setting up their equipment. Panic ensued as the realization struck, and the team rushed into action, mobilizing to find the missing princess. Amid the commotion, Asuma, Choji, and Ino gathered to discuss the situation.

Asuma's furrowed brow reflected his concern as he questioned Ino, "What happened, Ino? Where's Yukie?"

Ino sighed, her expression a mix of frustration and worry. "I don't know, Asuma-sensei. One moment, everything was fine, and the next, she was gone. It's like she vanished into thin air. She did same, back in the land of fire,"

Choji, chewing on a piece of jerky, interjected with a concerned tone, "We need to find her before anything happens. The Land of Snow is not the safest place, if only Shikamaru was here, he could have sent his wolf after her."

" We are not trying to hunt her down you know," Ino gave a deadpan look.

Asuma, exhaling a cloud of smoke, nodded in agreement. "Alright, Ino, give us the details. Did anyone see which direction she went?"

Ino shook her head. "No one saw her leave. It's like she just vanished. And, there's something else. Shikamaru is missing too."

Asuma's eyebrows raised in surprise. "Shikamaru? Well, I wouldn't be worried if this was a normal Nara, we could have found them lying around somewhere here eventually but that boy is... Well a little too motivated for his own good, especially for a Nara"

Ino pondered for a moment before replying, "Last time his spirit found Yukie, without him, it will be really hard to find her again."

Asuma's gaze hardened, realization dawning on him. "Troublesome. Go and find both of them, we need to be quick here, who knows when those lands of snow shinobi come back."

The trio shared a determined look before scattering to join the search efforts, leaving behind the chilling winds of the Land of Snow and the unanswered questions hanging in the air.


Yukie on the other hand was by this time almost a master when it came to escaping, she had been doing that a lot after that day when her father died.

She never wanted to return to the land of snow, and thus she planned to get out of there before others knew it, but unfortunately for her, she didn't know how to get out.

As she was figuring out a way to get out of this place, she found herself in front of a tunnel. There was no other way to go so she entered to hide and find a way to get out of this place, but unknown to her, she ended up bumping into someone.

This someone was none other than.

"You," Yukie pointed at Shikamaru who was badly bruised and sitting on his ass while still panting, if only Yukie has would look around her then she would have found that from inside the entire tunnel was a rig with many shinobi wires which were broken was all tangle up, while also many explosion signs were there.

"Yo Princess, what are you doing here? Don't tell me that you ran off again," Shikamaru nonchalantly said like he got her all figured out.

"I'm not going back there, you hear me." Shouted Yukie with much determination in her voice.

"Well you can do that yes, but for how long. That uncle of yours is looking for you and clearly, he needs something you have or something you can do for him. And even after this many years if his goons show up the moment you come near this land, do you really think that you can keep running, if yes then for how long," Shikamaru slowly stood up and asked with a serious voice.

Receives a noticeable response from her as her hands also reached toward her necklace, something which Shikamaru saw and suddenly remembered something about this princess having some sort of necklace on her, but that was all for later.

"I ...I a..I dont know," Yukie responded as there was nothing she could have done.

"Are you afraid of dying," Shikamaru's next question left her stunned and then there was anger.

But Shikamaru didn't let her talk as he again said, "That expression of yours is enough to explain that that is not the case, then what is keeping your back from returning to your own land to our people." Getting a little closer and making Yukie take a few steps back, Shikamaru continued.

"You can't speak like that, you know nothing. You were not there when that happened, he ..he kill...."

"Yes, I was not there, Yes I don't know your situation better than you do, and yes I am not body to tell you what you should or shouldn't do. 

But someone has to say this, if not me then someone else will say it. Believe me, on this one thing, you have a chance to make a difference until there is someone standing beside you and telling you what you can do. They believe in you.

Once that belief is lost, no one can do anything." Shikamaru said with a calm tone as his every word rang inside Yukie's soul.

" If you think that you lack power, then we are standing beside you, are we not? We can protect you and even fight alongside you but the first step, is something that only you can take princess" 


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