
Naruto The Shadow King [OLD] (Dropped)

In the mystical world of Naruto, a seemingly ordinary individual finds themselves inexplicably reborn as Shikamaru Nara, a brilliant and lethargic ninja known for his strategic genius. The story delves into the complexities of balancing the responsibilities of a ninja with the overwhelming potential of the Ten Summon spell. As Shikamaru adapts to his new reality, he faces moral dilemmas, tests of loyalty, and battles against formidable enemies. "Shadows Reborn: A Shikamaru Saga" weaves together elements of strategy, fantasy, and self-discovery, offering fans of the Naruto universe a fresh and captivating tale of reincarnation, summoning magic, and the enduring strength of a lazy yet brilliant ninja. I do not own Naruto. The only thing I own is my own character here. Join my Patreon and get 20+ chapters ahead of Webnovel updates. patreon.com/Kamidemond Discord invite: https://discord.gg/VqU83N2As4

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Chapter 10 : A New Kekkei Genkai ?

Shikamaru sighed, he didn't think that his action would land him in his position. After coming back to his home, the first person to greet him was none other than his father.

The reason was that Hokage suddenly asked him about his Ten Shadow Technique. Not like they were not ready for this, in fact, Shikaku was working quite hard in the background to handle this situation.

Someone suddenly awakening an unknown Kekkei Genkai in the village is a very big deal, he could possibly start another bloodline succession by him alone. 

In simple words, if he is identified as a person who has Kekkei Genkai of unknown origins and especially something so powerful and versatile as Ten Shadows, Shikamaru is sure that his important scale in the village will skyrocket, to the point that he might restricted from taking any dangerous mission and so on.

Not to mention all the attention this gonna bring toward him. This is the reason why his father confirmed that he has a Kekkei Genkai, or at least he believes it because no one else than him can use the Ten Shadow anyway.

He makes sure to work in the background to establish this as a technique and not a Kekkei Genkai. And even Shikamaru when explaining this to Asuma explains it as a technique and not a Kekkei Genkai Technique which he created. Of course, he also said that its a pretty hard technique like Hiraishin and even after trying to teach others from his clan, they can't learn it.

"You at least could have told me that you are gonna use it against the Hokage's son," Shikaku asked with a little irritation on his face.

Actually, the Hokage have no authority when it comes to clan-related matters and this technique is now considered a secret technique of the Nara clan. But still, if the Hokage asked for a demonstration, Shikaku would agree. After all the Ino-Shika-Cho clans have been under Hokage camp for years.

"Yeah sorry but we both knew that it would happen one way or another, it's better this way," Shikamaru said with an apologetic smile on his face.


The next day, in an open clearing Shikaku and Shikamarua appear, with them was an elder of the Nara clan.

Shikaku still hasn't openly said about Shikamaru's powers to even his own clan, in fact even Yoshino was at dark. 

But now, both of them had no way but to come clean, well still they were gonna call it a Technique and not a Kekkei Genkai. 

"Elder Shiro, glad you could come," Shikaku said as he bowed at the Nara elder. Yesterday after the Hokage talked about Shikamaru's Ten Shadow techniques with him, he knew that it was time to announce it to the higher up in the clan.

Shiro was an old man with many wrinkles on his face, and it was especially prominent today as his face was crunched up like someone owed him money. The reason he was looking like that though is because Shikaku hide the Ten Shadow Technique from the clan and the elders.

"I hope this technique is worth hiding away from us elders," Shiro just snorted and walked on.

"Troublesome," Shikakua murmured under his breath.

 Shikamaru saw this and just kept his distance, they were waiting for the Hokage to come, and then he would showcase his technique.


"Welcome Hokage Sama," Shikaku said and Shikamaru just copied his father.

Puffing on his pipe, the Hokage was looking just as old as he had seen in the anime, Shikamaru looked around, trying to find any anbu who usually trailed the Hokage to protect the leader of the village, but couldn't.

He knew that they were there but he couldn't sense them or notice their presence, this is another one of the big problems he is facing right now, he needs a way to find anyone around him. 

Thinking about it, maybe one of his future spirits can do it, but that can only be done when he has an active spirit beside him, so overall that is not a proper solution. 'Troublesome, I need to find a solution of this later on,' Shikamaru thought.

"You have done very well Shikamaru my boy, I have heard from Asuma that you were able to trap him, I am very curious about this particular technique that you developed," Sarutobi Hiruzen said with a grandfatherly smile.

"Thank you, Hokage Sama," Shikamaru said with a plain tone, he didn't want to engage much with this old monkey, in his viewpoint, this old man was the most annoying character for him, the reason becuase he couldn't label him either a good person or a bad person.

Even in the anime, it has shown that he loves his village and the shinobi but he has done very shady things, it's not easy to understand his true motives or how to deal with him, it's not as easy as Danzo where you just go for the kill, or Itachi where you know that he is a good guy even if he will try to kill you, as he just doesn't have any other way.

"Sigh, this is just Troublesome," Shikamaru was trying not to act like the original Shikamaru but this situation is really troublesome.

"Why are you making that face kid, kid everyone is waiting for you, you are the star of today's show," Asuma suddenly appeared out of nowhere and hit Shikamaru's back with much force, almost making him tumble out to the ground.

"Asuma sensei, you are here too," he asked with pain filled voice.

"Of course I am, you are now a part of my team, there is no way that I will not come," Asuma said and let Shikamaru where everyone was waiting.

At first, the demonstration was about to happen in an open area but Shikamaru and Shikaku changed that and asked the Hokage and others to let it happen in the Nara Land. This way they can stop a particular old man from eardroping.

"Shikamaru, so you have created a new technique with the help of your Nara Clan special technique. Would you mind to demonstrate it to us," Hokage said." 

Shikamaru wanted to reply 'NO' but he just smiled and nodded.

Quickly making a hand sigh, he summoned his very first spirit, something which even Asuma had seen and surely would have told this to the Hokage. 

So showcasing the rabbit was the best idea, he rather not show his other spirit, well he only has one other so who cares?

As soon as he created the hand sign, his shadow started to morph and soon a single white rabbit came out.

Everyone looks at this with a little confusion and gobsmack faces, but none other than Shiro Nara.

Asuma had seen this but still he felt curious, Hokage on the other hand was also in a strance, he knew that this is no summoning, summoning needs blood.

The rabbit clearly came out from the boy's shadow, if that is the case then is this really a Technique, how is it possible?

'Making a living and breathing thing with just his shadow, what kind of technique is this?' The old Hokage pondered, that there was no way to make a living thing with a mere technique.


Unless this is no technique and a Kekkei Genkai, previously only one person was able to create a living being with his Jutsu. It was the first Hokage who can tree trees.

Even Yamato's wood style is not this good, it's not living wood, unlike the First Hokage.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was ready for this when his son told him, he thought that there is something Asuma didn't understand about the technique but now even the old Hokage who is referred to as the Professor, started to sweat at the ramidification of this technique.

"How does this technique work," After masking his surprise, Hiruzen finally asked this, he now was really interested in it.

This led to Shikamaru explaining the technique to everyone present there.


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