
Naruto The Shadow (temp hiatus)

Born as a shadow and died as a shadow. Reborn into the Narutoverse as our favorite knucklehead, watch as the MC lives through this 2nd life to experience what he missed.

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33 Chs

World History Part 2

"The Sage of Six Paths?, but thats just a story" Hiruzen instantly picked up the meaning behind the moniker.

Naruto shook his head "Most of the story is true, but with inconsistencies, over 1000 years ago the world didn't have chakra as it does now, chakra only came to be when an outsider came to this world and ate the fruit of the Shinju tree, 2000 years ago a seed of the Shinju tree crashed down into our world and germinated, people started revering the tree and thinking that it started helping the environment, but what the tree actually did was drain the worlds vitality or natural energy and turn the energy into producing a chakra fruit every 1000 years"

Everyone had a solemn look at this point, this was a shocking discovery for them, Naruto didn't give them much time to think and continued.

"1000 years ago a person by the name of Kaguya Otsutsuki came with some of her clansmen to this world seeking out the Shinju tree for the chakra fruit to give it to the main branch of her clan, what you need to know is that the Otsutsuki is a clan of celestial beings that seek out Shinju trees to consume their fruit for longetivity and power, some would stay in a world until they completely harvest the world of its energy. When Kaguya appeared she was discovered by the empire that housed the Shinju tree and was presented to their Emperor where she introduced herself as the guardian of the Shinju tree. The Emperor was interested in her when she said she came from the stars and decided to integrate her among the people and was soon seen spending more time with her to learn, after a short interaction they were drawn to eachother after discovering their similarities and view on peace, after he promised to give her the peace she wanted in this life they became lovers, during that period another empire started having a border dispute with them and was about to go war, but the Emperor wanted the peace he and Kaguya wished for and refused to go to war, so he threatened his subjects with death. The minister of the other empire decided to take action and kidnap Kaguya to use her against the Emperor, but he didn't know about who she was so ended up losing soldiers to her mysterious power in the attempt. The other empire was intrigued and wanted Kaguya for themselves, so they sent a representative to the Emperor and said that if he wanted to avoid war then he had to give Kaguya to them. The Emperor, terrified of her power instantly chose to betray her and agreed to the proposal not aware that she was pregnant with his child. Seeing this Kaguya was heartbroken and ran away with the caretaker that the Emperor bestowed upon her when she became his concubine. They ran away towards the Shinju tree while the 2 empires started hunting them down, in the end the caretaker was killed saving Kaguya when she found out that she was pregnant, giving her enough time to reach the Shinju tree. She lost all faith in humanity after that but still longed for peace, and at this point she believed that it was necessary for her to attain god-like powers in order to put an end to all of the conflicts, so despite her clan waiting to harvest that world of its energy, she defied the taboo surrounding the fruit and ate it. In doing so, she awakened the Rinne Sharingan which is the predecessor of the Sharingan and the legendary Rinnegan becoming the only person on the planet with chakra."

Throughout the story the rest couldn't stop the different emotions from showing, it was mostly sadness, pity and shock. Hiruzen started smoking his pipe in the middle and Inoichi was pacing from what he heard, I could also see Neko whiping tears away. Inoichi couldn't help but interrupt at the end part.

"So are you saying the Uchiha are actually descendants of Kaguya and the emperor?"

"Sit down Inoichi let him keep going, we can ask questions when he finishes"

"After she gained that power she started single handedly ending conflicts and took control of the nations, the people started worshiping her as a goddess from the feats she did and gained the moniker of The Rabbit Goddess, she soon gained the peace she longed for and settled down while ruling humanity to keep them from going astray. While she was doing all that she gave birth to twins from her pregnancy which she named Hagoromo and Hamura, she had dispersed some of her chakra and granted it to them at birth making them the only pair other than her to posses it. Growing up under the early years of Kaguyas campaign they came to admire their mother for what she was doing and started adopting her ideals of peace. What they didn't know was that Kaguya was getting drunk on her powers and started developing a God and Messiah complex, she started enslaving humanity and would periodically kidnap people to do what she called the Shinju ritual, it was ritual used to create an army of White Zetsu that were humans stripped of their individuality using a strong genjutsu and assimiliated them into the Shinju tree changing them completely.

The twins were approached by the Great Toad Sage who told them about the rituals existence and had asked them to go see it, since he had been witness to Kaguyas cruelty and wanted it to stop. They had ignored his words at first but Hagoromo grew distressed when a female he cared about was chosen for the ritual and asked his mother to stop it not aware of her true nature, they had asked why she was doing the ritual, she had simply told them "the other" would come to this world and end them so she had to do the ritual to help her defeat it and protect them, this had caused them to hold even more affection for her as she was just a mother trying to protect her children, but they still decided to check it out secretly and were horrified to learn that the missing citizens were sacrificed to the Shinju tree to create an army. This especially hurt Hagoromo, and he awakened the Sharingan in his grief.

Wishing to learn more, they sought out the Great Toad Sage to learn about the truth, when they found him he revealed to them their mother's history of coming to this world and using the chakra fruit to gain godlike power and enslave much of the land using a technique of her eyes called Infinite Tsukuyomi. Deciding that they needed more power to confront Kaguya should she turn hostile, Hagoromo began training under the Great Toad Safe in senjutsu. As Hagoromo finished his training, a messenger toad came and informed them about Hamuras sudden disappearance which made them guess that Kaguya already learned of their plans.

Deciding it was time to confront his mother he asked the toads to evacuate the people for the inevitable battle, before he left the Great Toad Sage gave him a sacred seal created by the Toad Sages over centuries that can revive anyone near death. When they confronted eachother, the mother and son made their respective views known and as Hagoromo tried to reason with Kaguya, his words fell on deaf ears, as Kaguya deemed Hagoromo and Hamura as ungrateful for betraying her when she showed them nothing but uncondional love, even giving them chakra. She then had Hamura, who she brainwashed, attack Hagoromo. Unable to reason with Hamura, Hagoromo was left with no choice but to fatally wound his brother to remove her control over him, which awakened his Mangekyo Sharingan and Rinnegan. Hagoromo then decided to use the Great Toads gift and placed the seal tag on Hamura healing him completely. When Kaguya saw that she tried to stop the fighting and just asked for her chakra back. The brothers ignored her and started attacking instead. Angered by being ignored and the fact that her chakra had been used against her, Kaguya willed the Shinju to transform into the Ten-Tails Juubi which attacked the brothers and attempted to reclaim the chakra. Hagoromo and Hamura fought both their mother and the Juubi in a battle that lasted for months, decimating the land in the process, until they were able to defeat them both by sealing Kaguya inside the moons core which Hagoromo created by using his Rinnegan, and the Juubi and its chakra was sealed inside Hagoromo making him the first Jinchuuriki granting him godlike powers, but before she was sealed, Kaguya released her will as a Black Zetsu with the mission to unseal her"

I stopped at here to see if they were following me so far, I saw them nod and continued.

"They studied their mothers technique after the battle and was able to free the world from the Infinite Tsukuyomi. Hamura took his main descendants and left to stay in the moon guarding his mothers seal while, Hagoromo, still wanting peace decided to enter priesthood under the name of The Sage of Six Paths and travel the world to repent for the damage they caused the world from their fight against Kaguya.

He started spreading out chakra to everyone while preaching his ideals and religion of Ninshu, the teachings of ninshu were meant to give people a better understanding of themselves, as well as others, and lead the world into an era of peace. Hagoromo eventually finished his journey and decided to return to his home village to make it the centre of Ninshu. He fell in love, married and had 2 sons there before his wife died during the second birth. He named his sons Asura and Indra.

He knew that he couldn't attain the peace he wanted in this life so be entrusted this task to his sons which he started instructing in Ninshu. The older son, Indra, who inherited his fathers eyes the Sharingan was acknowledged by Hagoromo as a true prodigy, but he quickly began to revel in his natural prowess and became very solitary, unaware that much of this came from the subtle manipulations of Black Zetsu his mother had left behind. The younger son, Asura, proved to be the exact opposite, having shown no special abilities or natural talent, but he pushed on through his limitations, growing stronger and more mature because of his struggles and making friends with others along the way....

Finally deciding the time had come to chose a successor to Ninshu, Hagoromo sent each on his sons on a different mission of restoration for a struggling land that was ravaged by the battle against Kaguya to test their capabilities. A year went by since the missions were given, Indra quickly returning after completing his while Asura took much longer. Deciding to wait for his younger sons return before making his decision, he was told the nature of how Indra completed his mission by the Great Toad Sage and Asuras progress. Eventually, Asura completed his mission, but also returned with many people from the village, who were inspired by Asura and even learned Ninshū from him, having helped him complete his mission.

Inspired by his younger son, Hagoromo separated the Juubi chakra within his body and used his Creation of All Things Technique to divide it into nine separated bodies, creating the tailed beasts and giving each a name. As a result of extracting them all at once, Hagoromo was left weakened and incapacitated for several months, though the powerful life force of the Juubis husk kept him alive for a while longer. Some time after their creation, the young tailed beasts were told that they were all still linked to one another despite being separate entities. Hagoromo also told them that they would eventually become one again, yet not as they originally were, and that one shall appear at that time to show them what true power is. He and his followers built temples in nine different regions of the world where the Bijuus could live and be protected. Hagoromo eventually sealed the husk of the Juubi within the moon where his brother looked after it with his descendants having the Byakugan.

With Asura and Indra present, Hagoromo decided to choose his successor in Ninshu at his deathbed. Much to everyone's surprise, Hagoromo chose Asura and acknowledged Asuras chosen path, agreeing that love and cooperation were the true keys to peace, amd gave him his power. Indra, overcome by bitterness and envy as well as being encouraged and manipulated by Black Zetsu, fought against his brother, beginning a war between them that would continue through their descendants, The Uchiha and Senju.

Hagoromo who was already suspecting that Indra or one of his reincarnations would eventually attempt to take Asuras power for themselves, left behind a tablet detailing his history in an attempt to make them reconsider. Only those who possess the Rinnegan can fully decipher the contents of the tablet, while a reader with other dojutsu such as the Sharingan can still partially interpret the information. However, unknown to him, Black Zetsu, had altered the contents of his tablet so he could manipulate Indra's descendants through the ages into resurrecting Kaguya and initiating the Infinite Tsukuyomi anew. Even though Hagoromo died and his body was destroyed, his chakra and consciousness remained even to this day.

His sons, even after death, continued fighting eachother with their chakra reincarnating into their descendants and creating constant conflict while Black Zetsu kept trying to create a Rinnegan eye to complete his plan, he had failed everytime until the last reincarnation of the two sons, he succeded."

"Hashirama Senju and Madara Uchiha, but how is that possible, Madara already died by the hands of Hashirama so it can't be possible unless.... he survived" Hiruzen instantly realized who I was talking about before his eyes widened when he came to the conclusion.

"Thats right, Madara survived that battle and infused Hashiramas cells into himself therefore reuniting Asuras and Indras chakra, Black Zetsu managed to trick him into making him think it was a manifestation of his will and he had read the Uchiha tablet and decided to revive the Juubi, become its jinchuuriki and cast the Infinite Tsukuyomi without knowing he's being used to release Kaguya"

"But how can he survive this long, even with Hashiramas cells he should be dead" Inoichi cut in.

"He should be but before he died he managed to obtain the Rinnegan and summoned the Juubis husk, using the life force inside to survive longer, while plotting, thats all I know"

"So what now? if this is true its really worrying "

"Nothing you can do about it, I plan to fix that problem myself since they'll target the Bijuu, all you need to know is that there is a threat like that and to be prepared for the near future"

"*Sigh* my babygirl will be a target if you go through with this you know" Inoichi had already analysed it and understood the implications but couldn't help but worry.

"She will be a target anyway to get to me, giving her the Yin chakra will make her stronger and if she builds a friendship with the nine tails he can start working together with her to boost your clan techniques like taking over her body when she uses mind body switches. Also noone will know she had it if we don't announce it to anyone"

"What did you mean by Yin Kyuubi Naruto-kun" Hiruzen was bewildered and so were the others.

"Oh, my dad cut the Kyuubi in half with the Shinigami, its Yang part was sealed inside me and the Yin part went with him inside its stomach"

"How are you getting the Yin part then?" Inoichi couldn't help but be confused

"Already have it, the panda elder could call my dad for a limited time in which he gave it to me"

"You met Minato?, did he say anything?" Hiruzen was surprised that they could even achieve that.

"Not much since we were short on time, he did say that the Kyuubi was controlled and released by a man in a orange mask with a Mangekyo Sharingan"

"Is that all?"

I nodded before giving them a overview of how Zetsu looked and his abilities when they asked before unlocking the seal, as I was leaving Hiruzen asked how I knew this and if I knew the next reincarnations. I didn't look back and answered before closing the door, leaving it to his imagination.

"I think you already figured it out"