
Naruto The Shadow (temp hiatus)

Born as a shadow and died as a shadow. Reborn into the Narutoverse as our favorite knucklehead, watch as the MC lives through this 2nd life to experience what he missed.

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33 Chs

I Got Broads In Atlanta Panda

I quit ANBU and returned the mask to Hiruzen, he was sad I was leaving since I had helped him out with his administration work and we had fun together, we bonded and created a friendship together, I could connect easily with Hiruzen since he's the person closest to my age, we would usually sit down after training or work to enjoy tea, it helped me relax in times like those and let go of any restraints, he would always say I looked like an old man in times like those though I ignored it and relaxed, he made me play GO before I leave, so I sat down and played a few games since I was leaving for a while, he discovered and marveled at my intelligence.

"You know your intelligence is frightening brat, how about taking over my seat when you graduate and let this old man rest"

"In your dreams jiji, I'm too young to waste my life behind a chair, once I tie up loose ends and gain enough strength I'll be taking the open Sannin position and start traveling."

"Sigh, What a waste, if only I could retire now and let go of this burden"

"You could, but you can't sit still old man unless you find a suitable replacement, you and your motto of everyone in Konoha is family won't allow it"

"Indeed, the only candidate I had that would be suited was Itachi, but we had to put such a burden on him, at times like these is when I hate the position, one wasting her life away drinking and gambling, another who runs away from responsibilities and a traitor, this old man can't event rest easy, sigh, atleast promise me you'll protect the village if I pass to the next life"

"No can do jiji, you know me by know, you won't die unless its by old age if I take you in, you shouldn't worry too much about the seat, someone will come and take it soon enough"

"Oh? you know something, Hahaha, if its you saying it I can put my heart at ease and wait for that person"

I dissappeared and appeared in the Namikaze training ground, I discarded my thoughts and bit my thumb before using the summoning technique. I was transported to a bamboo forest, before I could move around I was surrounded by pandas before being questioned by a panda carrying a black and white staff. He looked at me with a grave expression.

"Who are you human and how'd you get here"

"I'm called Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze and came here by using the summoning technique to look for an animal to sign a contract with"

He looked towards the panda beside him and seeing him nod he looked back to me and asked me to follow him. We walked towards the inner region of the forest, I couldn't expand my perception here for a reason, it felt blocked. We soon arrived near a big lake with a huge bamboo hut or mansion all the way in the middle of the lake, we started walking towards the mansion.

"So this is the human who came to sign a contract with us huh, let him in Bai Yun"

I heard a deep and aged voice before we entered, the now recognized Bai Yun indicated me to enter. I walked inside and found myself in a huge hall, but before I could check it out my attention was taken in by a huge panda, he was atleast 15 meters high, with a long white mustache curved downwards and a goate beard that almost reached the floor, He was sitting croslegged with his paws? hands? on his lap. He had his eyes closed, but it didn't last long, when we made eye contact I felt a soft intrusion into my mind, I was instantly alert and expelled it forefully while unleashing my chakra, creating a dent in the floor and a 9 meter big chakra cloak covered me, it was like a dam that burst inside me. I released my killing intent fueling it with my dense chakra and aimed it towards him.

"You got 10 seconds to give me an explanation on the mind probe before I kill you."

I felt his shock and a bit of fear before he answered "C-calm down friend, it was just mistake and I apologize but it's something I do to know anyones intentions when I see them"

"Hmph, try that again and I'll cut off your beard next time" I retracted the killing intent, returned my chakra back and sat infront of him. Not many people can withstand my killing intent because its mixed with Kuramas chakra which embodies negative emotions boosting it to crazy degrees, even Hiruzen almost collapsed when he stood next to me from the pressure.

"I'll cut to the chase, before I can tell you anything you have to pass our test to become our summoner, I'll send this energy inside you and you have to face your dark side and defeat it within 5 hours."

I started laughing and told him to do it, he threw a black and white sphere towards me, I didn't do anything since I knew he was telling the truth and I couldn't detect a threat from my perception even if it was blocked. As soon as it touched me my world went black and I found myself inside a big white space.

"This is really amusing, giving you a test like that" I heard a voice behind me and turned around to see a replica of myself looking back at me, behind him was a big Tai Chi diagram rotating, looking at it gave me a feeling of seeing the whole worlds mysteries as well as a feeling of nostalgia, I looked back towards my dark self while frowning.

"What is that in our subconscious, where did it come from and when"

"Thats a Tai Chi diagram, it's been here since %!@#$... hooh, something is blocking me from telling you..., so do you want to fight or should we just combine, you know thats why you can't open the 7th chakra point you needed to visit me, the 6th point represented Yang which is you but the 7th is Yin which is me, it took you long enough to come here"

"I already accepted my you though not like this, and I couldn't really enter my subconscious with the furball keeping guard, he'll notice and will flood me with malice."

I ignored the diagram and the implications for later, I walked up to him and bumped his fist, a blinding light flashed and something seemed to click inside me before I felt refreshed and comfortable, when I returned I kept my eyes closed to feel what changed. I could feel my presence change removing any aura I had, if anyone who didn't know me looked at me they might just dismiss me as a normal person. I could feel my mental faculties work at double the speed and whatever was blocking my perception was gone and I could feel everything twice as clear, its like a locked part of me was unlocked and added. My chakra went up aswell to around 1 tail worth though not as dense. I breathed out foul air and opened my eyes slowly. Looking at the pandas dumbfounded look made me laugh out loud. He took a while to recover and started taking deep breaths. He started shrinking down until he was 2 meters long before starting to talk.

"You're really full of surprises ne Naruto-sama, as the deal entails from now on you, Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze, will be our first summoner and have the panda clan supporting you with everything we got, this symbol will help you summon any of the clans men to help you out, we are experts at Fujinjutsu, Bojutsu and Senjutsu, all you need to do is think of what you need before inserting chakra into the tattoo, it will pick the best suited panda for the role. I'm the boss summon and an expert at our Onmyodo Bojutsu and Senjutsu, You can call me Bei Bei"

He stood up and bowed before sending out a ball of energy that shot towards my heart, I looked at it with my perception and noticed a YinYang tatto over my heart.

I looked back at him before standing up. "Can any of you send me back, I need to gather some stuff before coming back here to learn under you, please take care of me brother Bei" I bowed before he closed his eyes, I could feel a pulse of energy go off him, a minute later a small panda only reaching up to my knees came strutting in from the side hall.

"Ho boya, why'd you call this old lady for"

"I'm sorry for disturbing elder but we have a summoner now and he needs your help, this is Naruto, Naruto-sama this is elder Lun, she's our best Fuinjutsu master, she created the tatto instead of the old scroll."

"hooh, you're an interesting boya huh, you even have the old mans ninth son sealed inside you, though he seems to be missing his Yin"

When she looked up at me I could see kanji for "Seal" in her eyes, they glowed for a second and I felt like all my secrets were exposed, she's terrifying, whiping off the cold sweat from what she said I bowed deep before greeting her, no matter what, whoever could call the Sage old man must be old enough to be treated with respect, not to mention someone as terryfing as her, its a surprise they didn't appear in the show.

"Greetings elder Lun, I hope to return to the place I was at before coming here to prepare for a week to come and train, I hope to be under your tutleage aswell since I'm a level 11 Fuinjutsu user and would like the guidance"

"Oh an Uzumaki, I had a student from your clan years ago brat, he managed to reach the 13th level before he died from your wars, what a pity, though you seem to be a prodigy if you're already at 11, boya off you go, hurry up for this old lady"

Before her words had a moment to sink in for me her eyes glowed before I found myself back in the training ground, it took me 15 minutes to processes the information and the shock, if Fuinjutsu had more than 12 levels why haven't anyone wrote it down in the Uzumaki records, there wasn't even a mention of a higher level, and how old is she to have trained an Uzumaki. Is it possible for her to have trained the ancestor, if so he might have created the whole system from her whole teachings and passed it down.

I started packing instantly and tied up lose ends so there won't be problems, I reset the blood clone and went back to the compound, bid goodbye to Hiruzen and the girls before doing the summoning technique.

When the smoke cleared I found myself back in the bamboo forest.

Timeline: January Year 61 ME