

The thing that was causing me so much strain was that chakra didn't like remaining still. See the route I took to make my chakra armor was to create a SOLID layer of chakra that I only worked to maintain and keep solid. Chakra by it's nature however was meant to flow, that was why the Gentle fist style of the Hyuga was so deadly, it disrupted this flow. In my case I was keeping the flow going under the solid layer of chakra but not in the layer itself which took much more effort to maintain than if I allowed the layer to flow.-

In a way it was like trying to prevent fish from rotting by blowing on it with cold fan when putting it on ice worked so much better. Both methods worked but one was considerably more effort to maintain and accomplish. By allowing the solid layer of chakra to flow without giving up it's integrity I eased the strain on myself dramatically and saw an immediate jump in how much of my body I could create it over. One and a half arms was my new coverage and that's from my fingers of one hand over my shoulder and down the other arm.-

Even better was that I was making rapid progress extending it further which proved I had broken through that bottleneck and for a little while at least it would be smooth sailing. Beyond myself however there was a few things that I should mention. For starters Naruto had been snatched up by Jiraiya for a three year training period. The rest of my classmates weren't exactly trying to rapidly improve but did seek out new opportunities to better themselves.-

Ino and Sakura both tried to learn from my sensei alongside Karin but only Sakura had the talent to keep up with the training. Ino was good at Yin chakra related tasks but SUCKED at Yang ones which tracked considering her clan. Iryonin jutsu unfortunately however had a heavy emphasis on Yang chakra usage. With my sensei's job as Hokage taking up most of her time she rarely got more than a few moments to teach in person and had a mitosis clone taking care of that task. I myself also had a mitosis clone active running missions for her to put out any fires that pop up.-

This made her job much easier as she knew that I could take care of most missions she had needed done in a very specific manner. For example more than a few nobles of the land of fire need to be reminded that even though her past was not exactly glorious she was still Hokage and deserved the respect that came from that title. Quite the number had thought they could pull a fast one and make secret deals with the other great villages and I was sent to remind their next of kin why that was a bad idea.-

Naturally I left no evidence that directly said it was Konoha that did the deeds but anyone not retarded could figure it out. The nobles quickly started to figure out that this wasn't a drunk gambler they were dealing with but the Hokage of the hidden leaf and she wasn't here to play games. Mind you this all took place within two weeks of me getting my new place so I was quite busy. -

"I'm sorry you need to dirty your hands with this stuff, normally it would fall to the Anbu but they have their hands full integrating Danzo's remaining forces into them." My sensei said after I reported yet another complete mission.

"It's fine, if nothing else I take it as a way to expand my beast collection and get some experience. I even managed to find a rather fascinating beast this last mission." i said with a smile.

"Oh? Anything I may need to worry about like that cat of your that has terrorized even elite Jonin?" she asked with a smile.

I chuckled "Quite the opposite, she's quite shy actually. Why don't you introduce yourself Kiseki?" I said and my collar ruffled slightly as a small white vulpine face popped out.

"Kyu~" a weak vocalization came from the throat of the little fox before the head quickly ducked back into my shirt.

"A fox? It must have quite the ability for you to say it was fascinating." My sensei said slightly surprised. 

"Yeah, it's why I named her Kiseki in fact. She has an ability that lets her directly manipulate lifeforce and massively enriches the area she's living in. It was how I found her since her glade was the only place covered in thick greenery despite being on the side of an otherwise frozen and barren mountain." i said honestly.

"You mean!?" my sensei asked with a gasp of realization.

"Yeah, if she is utilized right she can accelerate crop growth and harvests considerably. Her ability is also particularly good at healing as well though I haven't copied the ability yet so I can't teach it even if it would drastically help improve our Iryonin jutsu. It appears to be a heavily Yang chakra related ability though so I at least have a place to start from." I said with a smile.-

"It seems congratulations are in order then, she seems like a fine addition to your collection." My sensei said with a happy smile.

I didn't need to say it but Kiseki's ability was also applicable in combat and was insidious as well. I hadn't mentioned it but that patch of green heaven on the side of that mountain was littered with the bones and corpses of animals that had thought to steal it from her. Each and every one looking as if it had come from a creature at the end of it's lifespan. It was pretty damn easy to understand how that happened after figuring out what the little fox's ability was.-

She had forced those creatures to age decades in seconds with her ability after stealing their lifeforce. Despite using such a cruel method of killing the little fox was kinda timid and preferred running and hiding than confronting threats. I should also state that she was clearly a dwarf of her species as she was little bigger than a normal housecat with a fluffy tail longer than her whole body. This was how she fit under my shirt in fact as there was no way in hell a normal sized fox would fit under my shirt.-

Something I had kinda forgotten to consider before I brought the fox home was how her ability would interact with my land that was chock full of natural energy and thus vibrant plantlife. The answer it turned out was that literally everything exploded in size with me even having to purposefully dial down the natural energy to stop the trees from collapsing from rapid growth. It was rather amusing though how my neighbors tunes changed after they started reaping the benefits from my moving here as their own places had grown more vibrant and bright.