
Naruto: The Savior

I reincarnated into Naruto as Mizuki but no I have to save the world

Null_Void223 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 2: Chemichal and Falsification

Editor Note: Not finna lie to you I felt good today woke up worked out did some meditation cleaned the house and everything, I felt so good I even dropped a chapter wasn't planning to but ehhh, Mind you though im reading this novel as you guys read it so if I end up diverting from the storyline i'll have to pause updating to go back and fix it, because the way this shit was translated you won't really understand until you read a little further ahead. Now back to the story.......

Walking unhurriedly to the figure on the swing, I thought of the many ways to confront Naruto who was trying to hide his tears: "Naruto, are you still angry with Iruka-sensei? I don't think he meant any harm, after all, you have to know how to do the clone jutsu if you want to be a good ninja. Besides, you can also go back to school and take the exam next year."

Unfortunately, it looks like that didn't work. Naruto lowered his head and retorted unwillingly: "

Unfortunately, it looks like that didn't work. Naruto lowered his head and retorted unwillingly: "I know that Mizuki-sensei, but why is it only me? Why me? I have worked hard to, even harder than some of them." There was a strong sense of unwillingness in his voice. For a love-deficient teenager who has always been unpopular but still keeps his optimism and longs for recognition, failing to pass the exam was a huge blow to him.

The adults who weren't far away looked at this side of the courtyard with cold eyes, eyes full of malice, you could hear their voices full of hate and rejection as they murmured "monsters", "failure, he should have been kicked out a long time ago" it wasn't hard to see why such an optimistic and cheerful kid was crying.

Looks like this wasn't a good place to talk. Looking around I patted his shoulder to bring his attention back to reality "Naruto, How about we go somewhere else? I have something to tell you later. It's about another part of the exam. There will always be hope, as long as you work hard, you might have the opportunity to make it up."


"Really, Mizuki-sensei? You aren't lying are you?" Hearing what to him was great news, Naruto couldn't help but get excited and it wasn't hard to see the hope in his eyes.

"Well, of course, I wouldn't lie to you. Although it's difficult, you have great potential. Maybe with this, you can get Iruka sensei's approval and become a ninja. But we have to find another place to talk "

"Okay, Mizuki sensei where are you going?"

"Let's go to Hokage Rock, it just so happens that the weather is nice. You get there first and I'll meet you there later ."

"Okay, then I'll go first, Mizuki sensei, you better hurry up."

"I'll be there soon " I watched as Naruto blazed his path through Konoha to reach Hokage Rock. It seems that for an isolated and excluded child, the recognition of becoming a ninja was extremely important. Maybe I can use this to my advantage in the future. I have to foster some sort of relationship with Naruto.

I couldn't help but laugh at myself for a while. In the next few years, The average combat power of the ninja world would increase exponentially. As times go on it'd go from catching Tora as a mission but stopping the Akatsuki from capturing the nine tails. Now, in terms of strength, potential and status, I was done for, regardless of whether I not I crossed over with a special ability or cheat if it was weak I'd be done for. " Thinking about it I couldn't help but sigh "Let's take things one step at a time"

The Third Hokage left the school as the students were picked up by their parents. After I said goodbye to Iruka, I also left the school and went to Hokage Rock.

On the way to Hokage Rock, I couldn't help but think about my existence in this world. The original Mizuki was just a little smarter than the average Konoha ninja. He was average in strength but altogether was considered outstanding among the chunin. He was average in ninjutsu and genjutsu but had some talent in taijutsu, he was just limited by his unremarkable body.

He dabbled a little in puppet arts, plus he had a tactical mind. Amongst the Chunin in Konoha, altogether, he was considered an important part of Konoha. If he became proficient in something, he would most likely get promoted to a special Jonin. For a war orphan with no last name, it was already surprising that he reached this level.

However, he had a terrible character, he was too jealous, and he desired too much with no strength and courage to match it. He pinned his future on Orochimaru's charity with nothing to bring to the table. That's why he wanted the scroll of seals. But he ended up losing to Naruto. That was probably a mixture of fate and plot armor. His superiors also used him as a puppet as iron sharpens iron he was used to strengthening Naruto.

The way he was used though was smart, knowing that he looked down on Iruka who was always inferior to him it was no point in taking into account naruto who couldn't even do a simple clone jutsu. It wasn't surprising that he lost due to his overconfidence, who would have expected him to learn how to do the multi-shadow clone jutsu so fast, who would have thought he had enough chakra for that. Plot armor was the simplest answer.

To be truthful though, Mizuki was very similar to me, he was average at best, with a heart that was unwilling to be mediocre, wanting to fight against fate but ended up losing in the end. If I had crossed over to a different village or even earlier it'd have been easier to survive in this world. However, since I traveled to this point in time, with my intelligence and knowledge of the future, I might be able to survive.

So, where do to start? My nature. Mizuki was a mediocre person, just like me so that fit's well. and I was an unsuccessful villain. Although I didn't do over-the-top stuff I wasn't a good person. In Xunzi's "

The Third Hokage left the school as the students were picked up by their parents. After I said goodbye to Iruka, I also left the school and went to Hokage Rock.

On the way to Hokage Rock, I couldn't help but think about my existence in this world. The original Mizuki was just a little smarter than the average Konoha ninja. He was average in strength but altogether was considered outstanding among the chunin. He was average in ninjutsu and genjutsu but had some talent in taijutsu, he was just limited by his unremarkable body.

He dabbled a little in puppet arts, plus he had a tactical mind. Amongst the Chunin in Konoha, altogether, he was considered an important part of Konoha. If he became proficient in something, he would most likely get promoted to a special Jonin. For a war orphan with no last name, it was already surprising that he reached this level.

However, he had a terrible character, he was too jealous, and he desired too much with no strength and courage to match it. He pinned his future on Orochimaru's charity with nothing to bring to the table. That's why he wanted the scroll of seals. But he ended up losing to Naruto. That was probably a mixture of fate and plot armor. His superiors also used him as a puppet as iron sharpens iron he was used to strengthening Naruto.

The way he was used though was smart, knowing that he looked down on Iruka who was always inferior to him it was no point in taking into account naruto who couldn't even do a simple clone jutsu. It wasn't surprising that he lost due to his overconfidence, who would have expected him to learn how to do the multi-shadow clone jutsu so fast, who would have thought he had enough chakra for that. Plot armor was the simplest answer.

To be truthful though, Mizuki was very similar to me, he was average at best, with a heart that was unwilling to be mediocre, wanting to fight against fate but ended up losing in the end. If I had crossed over to a different village or even earlier it'd have been easier to survive in this world. However, since I traveled to this point in time, with my intelligence and knowledge of the future, I might be able to survive.

So, where do to start? My nature. Mizuki was a mediocre person, just like me so that fit's well. and I was an unsuccessful villain. Although I didn't do over-the-top stuff I wasn't a good person. In Xunzi's "Evil in Nature"(1) he pointed out: "Human nature is evil, and the good is false." This didn't mean that humans were all inherently evil. It was meant to bring awareness to the problem of only relying on your nature and ignoring what you learned in this lifetime. Xunzi uses "propriety" and "righteousness" to cultivate a gentleman. But in this war-torn world where human life is relatively cheap, it is an extravagant hope to talk about the virtue of a gentleman, and the warrior who spreads love and justice is the protagonist's privilege.

Right now, I was far from having this qualification. I guess it's just simpler to be a hypocrite. "A sage transforms their nature into that of a hypocrite, hypocrisy arises from the ritual of righteousness, and the ritual of righteousness creates laws." But it's not my turn to say all this profound stuff, even the Hokage is barely qualified. I wasn't a sage or a gentleman, just a normal person, who would run to save myself ignoring the plight of others for my benefit. If you think about it like that, Trickery seems to be a bit of a mystery, surviving tonight relies on that.

Finally, I reached Hokage Rock and met up with the impatient Naruto who had been waiting for a long time. "Mizuki-sensei? You're finally here, why'd you take so long, I'm hungry now. This way, hurry up ~"

"I'm sorry, Naruto, I'm a little bit late, but it's still early and theirs still time."

"Hey, Mizuki-sensei, so how do I pass the exam? come on tell me." it seems as if this little boy couldn't wait any longer.

I couldn't help but smile: "Don't be in such a hurry, there's something else I have to tell you before I tell you how to pass the exam." Looking at Naruto, who was full of hope, my smile grew wider: "Naruto, first, I don't want you to be resentful. Iruka sensei. He is one of the only people who care for you. Just like you, Iruka is also an orphan. So he knows the feeling of being alone. He knows what your going through, so please don't hate him, I've known him for a long time and he's still the same caring person~"

After listening to me it seemed that he was still dissatisfied, his cheeks puffed up as he pouted "I know, but I just don't understand why I wasn't allowed to be a ninja, My dream is to be the Hokage and have everyone acknowledge me but how do I do that if I cant even become a ninja "

"It's not that easy to become a ninja, Naruto. It's not the same as those ninja games you play in the park. A ninja mustn't only know ninjutsu, taijutsu, and genjutsu, but they also have to be willing to sacrifice a lot for the sake of their mission "

"I know". Naruto clenched his fist and said resolutely, "I will definitely become the Hokage, and I won't ever give up that's my ninja way!"

"Is that so? I understand." I guess this naruto is still the same one from the show "that's an amazing goal Naruto. But there is something wrong with that and as your sensei, I have to correct you ~"

"What's wrong?"

"You said that you want to be a ninja and have everyone acknowledge you, but the order and the cause and effect are wrong," Mizuki looked at Naruto and replied seriously, "Your goal should be, become the Hokage first only then do you gain their acknowledgment, so focus on that first then pleasing everybody!"

"Cause and effect? order" Looking it at him now Naruto's definitely confused. Maybe I said too much and overestimated his comprehension ability

" Mizuki-sensei, even though you're saying big words I just have to become the Hokage right. Just hurry up and teach me how to become a ninja already. "

"Naruto don't worry about it trust your sensei " as expected, "The reason why you failed the exam was that you couldn't do the clone technique, if you cant do it you cant be a ninja. Mastering ninjutsu is a must for ninjas, so as long as you learn a powerful ninjutsu, you should be able to become a ninja."

"really? Where can I learn advanced ninjutsu?" Naruto said excitedly, it wasn't hard to hear the excitement in his voice "Could it be Mizuki sensei wants to teach me ninjutsu? Yay!"

"No, Naruto, although I'm a Chunin, Ninjutsu isn't my strong suit. But I know where you can find one, it's high-level ninjutsu that Iruka-sensei can't do. if you learn it even Iruka-sensei can't reject you and will definitely make you a ninja."

"Where, where is it? Hurry up and tell me Mizuki-sensei~"

"There is a legendary book of seals in Konoha, full of B-rank, A-Rank, and S-Rank ninjutsu you just have to find it and bring it to me~"

As expected, He really is gullible. "Okay, the first step is completed. If I want to grow stronger and be able to survive in this world I have to prepare myself ~"

Naruto was part of the Konoha 12 the strongest, In the story, he was just a ball of love and justice if want to survive I have to make sure that he stays the same and becomes as strong as he was before, but I have to raise my status in his heart as well.

"Let's just follow the original plan and wait for him to return, My luck shouldn't be bad now should it, im now a combination of Mizuki and Shuimu a mediocre white-collar worker and an almost above-average ninja. One plus one equals two right so it should definitely be higher than it was in my previous life right? "

(1) Xun Kuang, better known as Xunzi, was a Chinese philosopher of Confucianism who lived during the late Warring States period. After his predecessors Confucius and Mencius, Xunzi is often ranked as the third great Confucian philosopher of antiquity.