
Naruto: The Right Way To Become Hokage

Uzumaki Naruto has 1 year left before he takes the graduation test of the Ninja Academy of Konohagakure, the Hidden Leaf Village. One day, he wakes up to see a floating screen in front of him, claiming that it can help him accomplish his dream to become Hokage. Follow Naruto as he goes on a journey to become Hokage and maybe have a harem of beautiful women from all over the world along the way. (Including Fem Sasuke and Fem Haku btw. And unfortunately there's no Gyatsu in this novel, he is needed else. Instead we have Might Guy.)

some_writer · Anime & Comics
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96 Chs

The Outside World

"You can send the client in now." After Hiruzen's order, Team 7 turned to look at the door. Almost as soon as it slid open the stench of alcohol slammed into everyone's noses.

Sakura almost gagged as Naruto immediately cut off the chakra he had sent to his nose. Satsuki had a disgusted expression on her face.

A middle aged man named Tazuna walked in the room while holding a beer bottle. Tazuna is a grey-haired, bespectacled man with a large beard and dark eyes. He wore a sleeveless V-neck shirt with an obi, pants, and a pair of sandals. He also carried a towel around his neck and wore a pointed hat on his head.

"What the hell?! I don't want a bunch of snot nose brats protecting me! I want real ninjas damnit!" Tazuna shouted in annoyance while pointing at the three Genin.

Before he could start insulting them, he felt a massive chill sent down his spine as Naruto, Sakura and Satsuki glared menacingly at him while releasing their killer intent.

"Say one word about us and you'll definitely believe we're real ninja." Naruto muttered at him. Tazuna took a step back with a fearful expression on his face. Kakashi sighed and patted the blonde's hair.

"Don't go threatening the client now, no matter how much of an asshole he is." Kakashi scolded in a bored tone.

" U-u-uh… right…" Tazuna stuttered a bit before clearing his throat.

" Anyways, I am the super expert bridge builder Tazuna. I expect you to provide me super protection until I get back to my country, the Land Of Waves and complete the bridge." Tazuna requested somehow in his drunken stupor.

"Right then, why don't we all let Tazuna sober up a bit in Konoha and meet at the east gate tomorrow at 8:00 a.m.?" Kakashi suggested. No on argued with that, not even the drunk Tazuna.

Naruto grinned at him. "Sounds like a plan sensei! I'm gonna prepare for tomorrow! Later!!"




The next day.....

" Yo." Kakashi greeted lazily as he appeared using the Body Flicker Jutsu.

"Even with the Body Flicker Jutsu you are still one second late, sensei. What do you have to say for yourself? " Sakura asked him while putting her hands on her waist. Kakashi chuckled before giving an excuse.

"There was actually a herd of black cats on my doorstep, so I had to wait for them to leave, then walk around my house three times before taking the long way around. You know, to stave off the bad luck." Kakashi explained like it was a common thing for him. Naruto chuckled while Sakura giggled, Satsuki just sighed.

"Anyway, let's get going," Kakashi said, picking out his ear as he began to leave. The others soon followed him, however Kakashi stopped when they got several feet from the gate when he noticed they were missing one.

"Naruto?" Kakashi asked as Naruto had turned around and was looking at the gate. "Something wrong?" He asked the blonde Genin.

"I've never set foot out of the village before." Naruto muttered. Kakashi nodded, understanding what the blonde was feeling. He felt the same when he left the village for the first time, actually probably everyone felt the same when they keft Konoha for the first time.

"Same here." Sakura whispered. Satsuki didn't say anything, but she was feeling the same thing like her two teammates were feeling. It was indescribable.

Kakashi patted the three of their backs reassuringly. "Well, you'll get used to it at some point. When you become chunin of jonin one day, leaving the village to perform missions is a common thing. Well, let's get going. " Kakashi muttered as they started walking.

Team 7 began moving through the countryside of The Land of Fire. Naruto in front, Sakura and Sasuke on the left and right respectively and Kakashi taking up the rear.

Naruto didn't know why, but he suddenly remembered the things Sakura taught him about the Land Of Fire.

The Land of Fire is one of the largest and most powerful countries seen, and is the home of the main characters of the series. Its government leader is the Fire Daimyō.

The Land of Fire was the first country to adopt a ninja village, Konohagakure, a custom other countries would soon adopt. The Land of Fire is appropriately oriented towards the element of fire, typically having very bright and warm weather. While not the physically largest country, it has the largest hidden village.

The Land of Fire has been involved in wars with the Land of Lightning, the Land of Earth, and the Land of Wind. In the quiet years that followed, the Land of Fire slowly recovered, and became accustomed to peace. This was seen as a weakness by other countries, which had been working to increase their military power.

On the border between the Land of Fire and the Land of Sound sits the Valley of the End, a large rift formed shortly after the founding of Konohagakure by the First Hokage and Madara Uchiha.

For a while Naruto looked around at the environment, taking in all the sights he could. However, as time wore on his excitement about being out of the village began to fade.

True he was out of the village, but everything looked the same. All he saw were trees, trees and more trees, eventually the green simply lost its splendor.

And it looks like his teammates felt the same way too. Naruto was about to start chatting with them until he felt a bit of killing intent directed towards him.

He was used to the feeling, getting them from the Konoha villagers everyday. He tried finding where it was coming from but it was no use, so Naruto was forced to rely on his eyes for the moment.

As he continued walking he spotted a puddle in the middle of the road. Kakashi, Satsuki, Sakura eyed it too before moving on.

Sakura widened her eyes as she looked at the puddle again. 'Wait. It's hot out here so why's there a puddle this big that's supposed to be evaporated by now?' Sakura wondered before shaking her head and moving on. Though she signalled Satsuki and Naruto to be on guard subtly.

They walked past the puddle. Suddenly, the water from the shallow puddle rose up as two people jumped out of the puddle and leaped towards Kakashi.

"Sensei!" Sakura shouted in shock as Kakashi was a pair of shuriken-linked chains. The two yanked the cables resulting in Kakashi getting torn to shreds, sending body parts and blood flying everywhere.

"What in tarnation!!" Tazuna shouted in shock, not knowing whether he was drunk or this was actually happening. Sakura immediately appeared in front of Tazuna with two kunai in her hands.

Naruto and Satsuki also appeared in front of Tazuna. Naruto studied his opponents. One was named Gōzu who is a rogue chunin of Kirigakure like his brother Meizu.

Gōzu had shoulder-length, wild dark-brown hair and dark eyes. He wears a rebreather that covers the lower half of his face and a large, clawed, poisonous gauntlet on his right arm which had a chain coming out of it that had the other end attached to his brother's own gauntlet.

He wore a camouflage suit with bandages around his waist, dark-coloured, knee-length sandals and a ragged black cape. His Kirigakure forehead protector had a single horn on it.

His twin brother Meizu had the same rank as him before defecting from Kiri. Meizu had shoulder-length, wild dark-brown hair and dark eyes.

He wears a rebreather that covers the lower half of his face and a large, clawed, poisonous gauntlet on his left arm which had a chain coming out of it that had the other end attached to his brother's own gauntlet.

He wore a camouflage suit with bandages around his waist, dark-coloured, knee-length sandals and several pouches around his waist. His Kirigakure forehead protector had two horns on it.

Together they were the Demon Brothers.

Naruto quickly created five Shadow Clones to protect Tazuna from the back. He and his teammates charged towards the Demon Brothers.

Satsuki skillfully threw a shuriken and kunai into the chains, making them stick to a tree. She then ran up to the pair before jumping up in between them and performing the signature Uchiha Clan split kick to their faces.


The Demon Brothers grunted from the powerful kick. They quickly recovered and released the chains before charging. Meizu attempted to stab Naruto with the poisonous gauntlet on his left arm.

Naruto blocked the attack with his right hand. He them smirked at Meizu. Suddenly, Meizu was wrapped around in a chain by Sakura who pulled him in with a powerful tug.

"Shannaro!!!" She shouted before punching the man in the face with a chakra enhanced punch. Her powerful blow knocked the man out while denting his facemask in the process.

Meanwhile, Satsuki expertly dodged a swipe from Gōzu's poisonous gauntlet and performed a roundhouse kick to his face. Gōzu staggered back a little before Naruto appeared in front of him via the Body Flicker Jutsu and executed a combo of powerful punches to his face.

Satsuki leaped over Naruto and stomped the dazed Gōzu on the face, knocking him onto the ground. She then applied chakra to her right leg before stomping onto Gōzu's face again, knocking him unconscious.

"Tie them up to that tree, Sakura." Satsuki muttered while patting the dust off her body. Sakura nodded and began doing what she was told.

"You can come out now, Kakashi sensei!" Naruto shouted as Kakashi walked out of the bush he was previously hiding in.

"Phew, thank the Sage you used Substitution. That blood and gore was far too real." Sakura whispered as Kakashi patted her head.

" Sorry for scaring you like that, Sakura. Good job for defeating those two, you three. That was some good reaction time." Kakashi gave Sakura, Naruto and Satsuki his signature eye smile.

"Thanks." Naruto replied with a grin on his face. Kakashi pointed at his right arm.

"You might want to get that checked out, Naruto. Kiri ninja have been known to poison their weapons." Kakashi pointed at the cut on the back of Naruto's right hand, the hand which was used to block Meizu's poisonous gauntlet.

Naruto sighed before taking out a kunai and without any hesitance stabbed himself right in the wound to let the poison bleed out.

"Geez. You could've just asked me to help, idiot." Sakura grumbled as Naruto grinned sheepishly at her.

"She's right, idiot. Now you might just die from blood loss." Satsuki commented. Naruto waved at off nonchalantly.

" No, I won't. It'll be healed in a second. Just watch."

To be continued...