
Naruto: The Right Way To Become Hokage

Uzumaki Naruto has 1 year left before he takes the graduation test of the Ninja Academy of Konohagakure, the Hidden Leaf Village. One day, he wakes up to see a floating screen in front of him, claiming that it can help him accomplish his dream to become Hokage. Follow Naruto as he goes on a journey to become Hokage and maybe have a harem of beautiful women from all over the world along the way. (Including Fem Sasuke and Fem Haku btw. And unfortunately there's no Gyatsu in this novel, he is needed else. Instead we have Might Guy.)

some_writer · Anime & Comics
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96 Chs


"Who? Me? I am Konoha's Noble Green Beast of Prey!!! I wield the Power Of Youth!!! Might Guy at your service!!" Guy introduce himself youthfully while in his 'nice guy' pose: a thumbs up, wink, and winning smile - complete with the proverbial ping.

"Uh...." Naruto was stunned at Guy's youthful introduction. Naruto definitely had to match the jonin's energy now. Naruto flashed a broad grin at Guy. 

"I'm Uzumaki Naruto and I'm gonna be the Hokage one day!!! Believe it, Bushy Brows!!! " Naruto introduced himself while matching Guy's youthfulness.

"Ho really now? Are you prepared for the hardships? Are you prepared for the decisions you will make in the future? Are you prepared to make sacrifices? " Guy asked Naruto. 

" Uh.... I don't know Bushy Brows.... "Naruto answered, genuinely not knowing what to reply to those difficult questions. Guy stretched out his hand, Naruto grabbed it and was pulled up by Guy.

"That's alright Naruto. You'll find your answer one day. So! What do you think?!" Guy asked while pointing at the destroyed dummy. Naruto grinned and looked at him with stars in his eyes.

"That was so cool! How'd you do it?! " Naruto asked excitedly. Guy grinned as he took out a paper and pencil out of nowhere and started writing something on it.

"Here! I wrote a routine that I think would be perfect for Ninja Academy students like you, Naruto! Follow it and one day you'll be as youthful as me!!" Guy explained as Naruto read what was written on the piece of paper. 

"Let's see..... 100 pushups.... 100 situps.... 100 squats and a 10 kilometer run to end it off. Yeah, that all sounds perfect—Do you wanna kill me or something Bushy Brows!!??" Naruto shouted angrily at Guy who laughed at his question.

"I would never do that to you, Naruto! You're brimming with the Power Of Youth!!" Guy replied cheerfully.

"This training routine says otherwise! "Naruto argued. Guy shook his head.

" No no! You got it all wrong, Naruto! I gave you a goal that you can work towards! You need to push yourself and go beyond your limits! Hard work conquers all!! And I believe that with hard work and the determination to improve at your side, you can achieve anything!! " Guy declared confidently. 

" I see....." Naruto whispered as he looked back at the training routine Guy gave him. Guy patted Naruto's back.

"I see that you're still having some doubts about my words, Naruto. I think I have just the solution to make your doubts go away."

" Really? What is it?! "Naruto asked excitedly. Guy grinned and gave him w thumbs up while in his 'nice guy' pose.

"All you need is a training partner to motivate you, Naruto!!"

" Huh? "



"And that's 50!!! C'mon Naruto!! You're halfway there!!! Keep pushing!!!" Guy shouted encouragingly at Naruto who was doing pushups on the grassy ground.

Naruto was currently training under the guidance of Guy. It hurt like hell, every bone and muscle in his body felt like it was about to break apart. 

"I don't think I can anymore!!" Naruto shouted with sweat dripping down his face uncontrollably.

"Grit through it, Naruto!!! The pain of self discipline will never be as great as the pain of regret!! Pain is just weakness leaving your body!!!! They don't know you son!!! Prove them all wrong with the Power Of Youth inside of you!!!" Guy shouted with a grin on his face. 

" Hnngh.... ARGH!!!!! " Naruto yelled as he gained a second wind. He started doing the pushups with Guy motivating him while standing beside him. 

"And that's 100!!!!" Guy shouted as Naruto's limbs gave up. Naruto crashed onto the ground face first while groaning in pain. His arms were sore as hell.

"Don't give up just yet, Naruto! There are still three more exercises for you to complete!!"

" Damnit..... "



Naruto somehow got past performing 100 situps and 100 squats with Guy at his side giving him youthful and adrenaline boosting motivational speeches. He was currently running the 10km run with Guy running by his side, still motivating him.

"Who's gonna carry the boats and the logs huh?! Don't be scared of the effort Naruto!!"

" What the fuck does that mean Bushy Brows?! " Naruto shouted while he was running for his life. Guy was running beside him and he wasn't even breaking a sweat. Guy grinned at him.

"That's for you to figure out, Naruto! For now, run forward with the Power Of Youth!!!!" Guy shouted as he started running away from Naruto.

"Hey! Don't run away from me!!!" Naruto screamed as he picked up the pace.



"Ugh....." Naruto groaned as he slumped onto the ground with his face on the dirt. Every single part of his body was on fire from all of the physical exercises he performed in the last hour.

"Nice job Naruto! You did well for an Academy student....." Guy stopped his enthusiastic comments as he looked at Naruto who was not moving on the ground. Guy became worried.

"Perhaps I've gone too far." Guy whispered to himself as he arrived and looked down at Naruto.

"Naruto, are you alright?" Guy asked Naruto who remained silent. Guy began to panic.

'Oh no! If Lord Hokage finds out about this! I'm gonna die!' Guy thought dramatically. He became confused as Naruto started chuckling to himself. Chuckling turned to laughing as Naruto laughed loudly while still laying on the ground.

"Hahahahahaha!!!!!" Naruto laughed happily as he rolled over to look at the sky. Guy looked at Naruto with a surprised expression.

" That was kinda fun! Thanks for forcing me to exercise, Bushy Brows! I haven't been this tired from training in ages!" Naruto stood up and grinned broadly at Guy.

" I gotta go now! I'm very hungry and I'm craving ramen! Before I go, can we be friends?" Naruto asked Guy.

"Naruto..... What kind of stupid question is that?" Guy looked down at the ground while having a dark shadow cover his eyes. Naruto frowned.

'So Bushy Brows also hates me too huh? Why did he act so happy around me? At least I tried.' Naruto mused.

"Uzumaki Naruto.... From the second we met! I've already decided that you were going to be my friend!!! " Guy declared happily, surprising Naruto and making him jump around happily.

"Thank you so much!! I'll see you tomorrow then Guy Sensei!! Bye bye!!!" Naruto waved happily as he ran away from Guy who looked at the blonde with a grin on his face.

When Naruto was gone, Guy sighed sadly and shook his head. "He must've had a pretty hard life huh? If I can tell the difference between a monster and a human, why couldn't everyone? it's a shame I couldn't do more to help. But I could now!" Guy punched his palm and fot fired up.

" Alright!! I've decided!! From now on, with the Power Of Youth, I will help Naruto with whatever troubles he encounters!!! To start, I will first do 1000 one armed handstand push-ups!!! Let's go!!!"




"This is amazing! "Naruto declared as he slurped down the miso ramen. Currently, Naruto was eating lunch at Ichiraku Ramen, a ramen restaurant in Konohagakure.

Although it is quite small and has an unassuming appearance, Ichiraku Ramen has always been popular with Konoha's villagers because of Teuchi's, the owner of the shop's strong commitment to taste, giving the ramen an almost artistic quality.

Like any ramen establishment, Ichiraku Ramen offers various toppings, such as char siu and boiled eggs. Ichiraku Ramen is Naruto's favourite dining establishment. He eats there during lunch and dinner.

It is also the only establishment in Konoha that allowed him to dine in. Teuchi and his daughter, Ayame, were among the few people in Konoha not to treat Naruto with animosity, which Naruto was extremely grateful for.

"Look at you Naruto, you've already eaten 10 bowls!" Teuchi commented with a hearty laugh. Naruto grinned as he slurped down the miso soup.

" I was doing very hard training today!" Naruto explained to him. Teuchi nodded.

"Keep up the good work Naruto! Someday you will accomplish your dream of becoming Hokage! " Teuchi replied confidently, making Naruto smile warmly at him. Teuchi and his daughter Ayame are probably the only people in this village that believed that he could become Hokage.

"You got it, old man Teuchi!" Naruto replied with a broad grin on his face. Someone arrived and knelt in front of him. She is Ayame, Teuchi's daughter. Ayame is a slender girl with long, dark brown hair and large black eyes, plus fair skin. She wears a white robe with the sleeves folded, a sort of dark blue apron with ribbon ties at the top and a bright white bandanna.

"Aiyo Naruto, look at you. You got your mouth and clothes dirty with the way you eat again. Girls won't like that you know." Ayame scolded as she wiped Naruto's mouth with a cloth. Naruto laughed.

"Where's the fun in eating quietly?! I think slurping ramen is the perfect way of showing how good this ramen is!" Naruto replied confidently, making Ayame giggle.

'He never learns does he? ' She thought.

"Whatever you say, Naruto. But how are you going to pay for all of this?" Ayame asked him while handing him the bill. Naruto gulped as he read the cost of his meal.

"O-oh crap.....D-did you guys increase the prices or something?" Naruto whispered to himself. Ayame shook her head.

" Nope, it always been 60 ryō per bowl. You ate ten bowls so you owe us 600 ryō." Ayame replied. The ryō is the currency used in the Naruto world. It is based on an old Japanese gold coin that was used in Japan before the Meiji period. The exchange rate of 1 ryō is 10 yen.

"I-I don't have that much money.... Sorry Ayame nee-chan...." Naruto whispered sadly. Even though Naruto receives monthly income from the village in order to afford daily necessities, it was barely enough to pay his rent, let alone afford this meal. He's surviving off of cupped ramen.

"Oh Naruto...." Ayame whispered while caressing his head gently. Teuchi frowned sadly at Naruto's words.

'Can't these people see that he's just a child?' Teuchi thought before patting Naruto's back.

"Don't worry Naruto, this meal is on the house." Teuchi assured him. Naruto looked at him with a shocked expression.

"No! I can't accept that! You did all that hard work cooking that ramen and then you just give it out for free like that!? How's that okay for you?! " Naruto argued with him, making Teuchi smile in amusement and raise an eyebrow at him.

" Well, do you have a better suggestion, Naruto?" He asked Naruto. Naruto did not know what came over him when he opened his mouth to say his next sentence.

" I'll work here for a while! I'm a hard worker I promise!! I'll work so I can pay that meal off! "

" Ehhhhh??? "

" Naniiiii??? "

To be continued.....