
Naruto, the rebirth of the definitive existence.

Hayato, a high school student who has trained martial arts since childhood, has reached a level comparable to a superhuman, but keeps a very low and reserved profile, one day fighting criminals to save a classmate, he is shot dead. to the head. Hayato is miraculously reborn as Naruto and receives 10 supreme abilities with which he will become a definitive existence, "The universe does not belong to me, but I will become something more extraordinary". for donations: https://paypal.me/TheBadass2413?locale.x=es_XC

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Sasuke Uchiha vs Gaara "Shukaku vs Susano".

"Sasuke Uchiha against Gaara from the Sand Village".

That combat raised the expectations of the ninjas present, most of them are aware that Gara is the Jinchūriki of Shukaku.

Ga a was expressionless and walked slowly forward, Sasuke was about to do it too, but Naruto patted him on the shoulder.

"If you don't give your 100% you could have a hard time". Naruto told Sasuke.

Sasuke nodded and continued walking, then he arrived in front of Gaara and they both began to look at each other blankly, they seem to realize the level they are at.

"Let the fight begin".

Gaara started to release the sand from his sand gourd, he was preparing to attack Sasuke.

"Successive shots, sand drizzle".

Gaara began to launch many sand bullets at Sasuke who activated his Sharingan and began to capture their trajectories to avoid them.

"Fireball Jutsu".

Sasuke counterattacked, his attack is twice as big as Sakura's against Dosu, this made everyone horrified, Fugaku observed this very proud of Sasuke, he has always been happy that his children are geniuses among geniuses.

When the fire dispersed Sasuke saw that Gaara was enclosed in a kind of sand dome, so he had blocked his attack, this also surprised the audience, now if they are sure, this is the real clash of the titans.

"Itachi, do you think your brother will win?", Kizame who was next to Itachi asked.

Itachi shook his head: "He is a Jinchuriki, once he release that power, he will win".

On the other hand, Gaara's mother who was next to Rasa the 4th Kazekage was looking at him deeply, she can feel the fury and rage that her son is hiding and that is about to erupt.

Sasuke stopped and extended his hand, from it began to come out electric type Chakra, when they saw this, Kakashi and Naruto already knew what he was going to do.

Sasuke lunged at Gaara while he was dodging his sand bullets, when he arrived in front of the scream.


Sasuke penetrated Gaara's chest with his attack surprising everyone.

"No, he pierced through Gaara's sand armor". Temari yelled.

Sakura listened and nodded happily: "then Sasuke won".

"You don't understand, Gaara is angry and your friend is going to suffer", the one who spoke was Kankuro, he knows Gaara's personality very well, he is sure that now he will try to kill Sasuke.

Sasuke who had his arm embedded in Gaara noticed a huge Chacra was trying to trap his arm, so quickly retreated and retreated several steps of Gaara.

"I'm going to...!", a monstrous Chakra began to emerge from Gaara's body and began to envelop him, leaving only his face a little uncovered, his body began to take the shape of a monster.

"I'm going to kill you!", Gaara's scream echoed throughout the coliseum making the presents feel his enormous rage and thirst for blood, since his body had completely transformed into a monster and immediately his sand surrounded Sasuke.

"Sand coffin!".

The sand that surrounded Sasuke held him tightly, suddenly in the coliseum a silence and feeling of uncertainty arose, Itachi in the distance was about to help Sasuke, however, with the surrounding silence a voice was heard.

"I have already done it", they all looked at the bench of the participants and noticed that it was Naruto who spoke while smiling, some even thought that he was happy that Sasuke suffered, but they soon realized that they were wrong.




They saw that the sand around Sasuke began to make cracking sounds and cracks began to appear.


Then the sand finished breaking and a purple figure came out with Sasuke in the center, an imposing presence emanated from it, seeing this almost all the high-ranking ninjas were about to drop their jaws, especially the 3 Hokage and the 4 Kazekage as they know the true power of it.

"Susano", said Itachi shocked , he knows Sasuke's talent and he knows that it would take him a long time to even awaken the Mangekyou Sharingan because for that he needs to die, that's why the scene now subverted his common sense. Apparently itachi was very surprised, it seems he underestimated Sasuke's talent.

Chacra's pressure in the coliseum is amazing, Susano vs Shukaku, Sasuke did not hesitate and immediately attacked Gaara who also counterattack, claws and fists collided causing a small tremor in the combat arena.

This combat is beyond a simple Genin, the participants on the bench saw this horrified, the difference in power between them is too abysmal, the clash between Sasuke and Gaara will remain etched in their memories from this day on.

Suddenly the Shukaku turned its tail into a sharp point and a sword emerged from Susano's hands, then they both stabbed each other in the chest and the coliseum fell silent again.

Everyone saw that both the Shukaku and Susano disappeared and only the bodies of Sasuke and Gaara were left falling to the ground, Dai saw this and quickly rushed to catch their bodies before they hit the ground.

Dai led them to the bench and immediately the healing seal that Naruto had made activated and began to heal them, although Dai had already explained the existence of this seal, all the presents were still shocked by it.

After a few seconds Sasuke opened his eyes first and the first thing he saw was Sakura's worried face, he raised his head and saw Naruto smiling.

"What are you laughing at?", Sasuke asked Naruto, although he spoke angrily he was happy to have awakened Susano.

Naruto kept smiling: "Nothing, you just can't hide your excitement for waking up Susano from me".

Sasuke was about to refute him, but Dai's scream could be heard throughout the coliseum.

"Next fight Rock Lee against Naruto Uzumaki".

Immediately everyone looked at Rock Lee and sighed, most know that he has no talent for Ninjutsu or Genjutsu and they have seen Naruto demonstrate that he has always hidden his strength for what they believe Rock Lee will lose.