
Naruto, the rebirth of the definitive existence.

Hayato, a high school student who has trained martial arts since childhood, has reached a level comparable to a superhuman, but keeps a very low and reserved profile, one day fighting criminals to save a classmate, he is shot dead. to the head. Hayato is miraculously reborn as Naruto and receives 10 supreme abilities with which he will become a definitive existence, "The universe does not belong to me, but I will become something more extraordinary". for donations: https://paypal.me/TheBadass2413?locale.x=es_XC

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Resurrect the 4th kazekage

In the middle of the certain was a corpse, more specifically the corpse of the 4 Kazekage, who was killed while Orochimaru was in the village.

At that moment Naruto appeared in front of the corpse and after analyzing it he discovered that there were traces of a puppeteer's chakra on it.

"So that's how it happened, the one who killed the 4 Kazekage was Sasori from Akatsuki; I'll give you some headaches with this".

Naruto used [revive] on the body of the 4 Kazekage , under the corpse the circle of life appeared and the 4 Kazekage opened his eyes.

"Rasa sees his savior!", The 4 Kazekage said his name and knelt in front of Naruto, he remembers very well the moments before he died so he recognizes that he has been resurrected by the being in front of him.

"Um...!, You have committed many unforgivable sins in this life, you sacrificed your wife to turn your son into a weapon, that is something very disgusting in my opinion", Naruto spoke to the 4 Kazekage with contempt, although Rasa did not he could see his face he could feel it clearly, his existence disgusted him.

"Rasa will take his life if the lord orders me to!", The 4th Kazekage slammed his head against the ground.

Naruto looked at him lazily and remembered Gaara's life in the original series, he remembered that he felt very sorry and that if he could change that he would.

"I will forgive you only if you fulfill a mission that I will give you", Naruto said to Rasa.

"I'll do whatever it takes!", Rasa yelled.

Naruto: "I am going to resurrect your wife Karura, the mission is that you must be a good husband and father from now on, I am omnipotent and I will realize if you don't; Then I will come for you and destroy your entire village as punishment!".

Rasa was dumbfounded by what he just heard and even came to think that it was unreal, but feeling Naruto's anger quickly shouted: "I swear that I will live up to your majesty's expectations!".

Naruto nodded and then teleported with Rasa to where his wife was buried and immediately used revive, Rasa watched as the circle of life appeared and as his wife came out of it.

"Karura!", Rasa hugged his wife, at that moment he remembered when he fell in love with her and the happiness of seeing his children born, he also remembered how she died because of him, all emotions of regret were released in her tears.

Karura felt Rasa's embrace and tears also came to her, when Naruto resurrected her he used his spiritual consciousness to tell her everything.

"Rasa, I am from the village of the leaf, I will wait for you to see you ask your children for forgiveness!" After speaking Naruto disappeared leaving Rasa with a deep impression of his existence.


In the village of the leaf everyone was talking about the masked man who destroyed the enemy with the glory of a deity, while where the second examination of the Chūnin exams was being carried out, all the participants were gathered, as well as the teachers and the 3 Hokage suddenly Naruto who was still wearing a mask appeared before them.

"Since setbacks arose which prevented the second exam from being completed, I suggest that the final exam be fights", Naruto's suggestion was immediately accepted by everyone, not because of the suggestion itself, but because of the power it recently demonstrated, Too bad they don't know that this existence is one of their competitors.

3 Hokage: "We will take that suggestion!, The final exam of the Chūnin exams will be matches".

At that moment Sasuke spoke: "Where is Naruto?".

That question caught the 3 Hokage off guard, but Naruto quickly replied: "Your partner went to chase Kabuto who was an ally of Orochimaru".

Naruto's explanation was coherent so it dispelled the doubts of the others, however, the 3 Hokage, Kakashi and Gai were shocked by the speed of creating lies.


In the Hokage's office were the 3 Hokage, Kakashi, Gai, Kurenai, Asuma and Naruto, they all looked at Naruto as if they were seeing a phenomenon, Kakashi was the first to speak.

Kakashi: "Naruto, when did you get so powerful?"

Naruto calmly replied: "Use the Kyubi chakra".

"What!", This surprised everyone, but it makes sense since Naruto is the Kyubi's jinchuriki .

"Brat, you are such a liar that one day you will fool yourself!", Kurama yelled in Naruto's mind.

Naruto smirked: "Stinky fox you should thank me for giving you credit",

3 Hokage: "So Orochimaru is dead".

Naruto shook his head: "He managed to escape, but his hands must be destroyed".

3 Hokage quickly said, "I'm going to send the ANBU to track him down to eliminate him!".

Naruto looked at the 3 Hokage as if he saw a fool: "Old man it seems that being a fool is your genetic gift".

The 3rd Hokage got angry, but heard Naruto's voice again.

"You have all these years without realizing that Danzo has always wanted your position, from when he stole Shisui's eye, until now when he joined Orochimaru to finish you off".

The 3 Hokage angrily stood up from his seat: "Is that true?".

Naruto looked at him with contempt: "Old man, unlike you, I don't lie".

Remembering all the times Naruto has predicted the future, everyone decided to believe in him .

"What do we do then?", Kakashi asked.

Naruto: "For now, don't do anything, different types of Sharingans are implanted in the arm that Danzo has sealed, apart from the fact that this arm is made of cells from the 1 Hokage".

"What are you talking about!", The 3 Hokage roared.

"The story is long, but I will try to summarize it, when Madara fought against Hashirama on the 1st Hokage, he did not die, but sacrificed himself to tear a piece of meat from Hashirama and obtain his cells," explained Naruto.

Gai: "But what would he do with that?".

Naruto replied: "then Hashirama's cells were implanted to awaken the Rinegan, the most powerful ocular power that exists, Rinegan were the eyes of the sage of the six paths, Rikudō Sennin".

This information horrified everyone, especially the 3 Hokage and Kakashi, if that is true then you understand why that time Naruto said that Madara was more powerful than Hashirama.

Naruto continued: "During a stupid mission that you entrusted to my father and his team, Óbito died crushed by a rock or so they thought, Madara was still alive, he rescued Óbito and regenerated his destroyed parts with Hashirama cells; Then Óbito came out of the cave and found the scene of Master Kakashi piercing the heart of his beloved Rin with the Chidori thus awakening the Mangekyou Sharingan".

Hearing this Kakashi remained suddenly static , a feeling that life has no meaning swept her body, but Naruto appeared beside her and patted her shoulder: "Quiet teacher Kakashi, it was not his fault, plus I'll fix everything".

Naruto sat down and continued counting: "then the Sharingan that the Kyubi controlled that time did not belong to any Uchiha in the village, it was Death, he did not go to kill Kakashi because Master Gai would intervene and it could spoil his entire plan".

The 3 Hokage covered his face in shame, now they understand why Naruto calls him a fool and does not respect him, also his contempt, it is because he has never done anything right.

3 Hokage apologized while a tear came out: "I'm sorry!".

Naruto looked at him and was not sorry, then continued: "Orochimaru found information about that and became obsessed with power, maintaining a secret collaboration with Danzo who also wanted power, but unlike Orochimaru he wants political power".

Kurenai looked at Naruto and asked, "How do we deal with Danzo?".

Naruto sighed: "I'll take care of it, just don't intervene and I need to create a huge coliseum for the Chūnin exams".

Naruto got up to leave, but remembered something: "Man, tomorrow Jiraiya will come to the village, postpone the final exam for 5 days later because I will go out with him to look for Tsunade".

Hearing that the third Hokage felt encouraged: "They know where Tsunade is!".

Naruto shook his head: "Jiraiya doesn't know anything, it's just that Orochimaru is looking for her and we need to find her first".

Naruto patted Kakashi's shoulder again before leaving: "Master Kakashi don't worry, I'll resurrect Rin and fix Demise's problems".

Kakashi got up and yelled at Naruto: "I won't let you use that evil jutsu!".

Naruto laughed: "hahahahahah, Master Kakashi really thinks that it would lower me to the level of Orochimaru, don't worry, I do have a way to revive a person without having to make sacrifices and strange things, only with my level of current power I can't use it now".

The revelation of being able to resurrect people left everyone in the office dumbfounded, if Naruto has that power then it means that ...

Naruto turned and smiled at everyone: "Exactly, eternal life exists now I want to see Hinata so we'll talk about them another time".

Naruto disappeared from everyone's sight, leaving everyone in the office with their jaw almost dislocated, now if they are sure their ninja path has never made sense, at least not for Naruto.
