
Chapter 188

With closed eyes, Naruto couldn't help a chuckle through his bright smile, and again, Kakashi feels that boy is the future he needs to protect. 'It may be too late for Sasuke-kun, but Naruto can still remain clean of the sickening darkness of the shinobi world.'

Hiruzen tells the line of Jōnin-sensei, "your students will doubtlessly have questions. As their sensei, it is understandable if you're inclined to satisfy their curiosity."

"I want to tell them," Naruto states from beside their Hokage. "They're going to figure it out eventually. Why not now?"

Hiruzen takes a moment to consider his words. Leaning back in his chair he takes a slow drag of his pipe before informing the gathered Jōnin, "under my authority, I will allow you to inform your students only vague details." Sitting up straight, he orders the sensei, "reveal nothing by name. The general narrative should imply since Naruto's birth, he's had two chakras. Nothing more-"

"Aw, come on, Ji-chan," Naruto bellows and it still marvels a the long veteran Kakashi that a subordinate—no matter the relation—can be that casual with the strongest shinobi in their village. "There's no reason not to tell them everything. If Konoha ever gets attacked, trust me, I'm going to use all of my strength to defend it. It only makes sense they know what to expect."

"I appreciate your forethought, Naruto-kun," Hiruzen tells the blond genin. "But until I am confident this will not blowback on you, we will proceed with caution."

"Blowback how," Naruto asks with a quirked brow.

"Without getting into too much detail, the village's trust in you is tentative," Sarutobi tells the blond, and Kakashi knows what exactly what he means. The village will turn on the Fourth's son much easier than they would thank him for his service.

"There isn't an adult within these walls that have forgotten that day," Hiruzen explains to Naruto. "If we're going to ensure the village fully trusts you with preserving their safety, accidents mustn't ever happen. For now, we will give the genin half-truths." Turning to the Jōnin-sensei, he dismisses them. As Kakashi expected, his leader calls, "Kakashi."

Pausing, Kurenai asks, "with your permission, Hokage-sama, if it involves Naruto-kun, I humbly request your permission to remain."

"Thank you, Kurenai-kun, but that will not be necessary," he smiles as he responds to her. "If there's a manner by which you can be of assistance, I will not hesitate to ask it of you."

"May I speak to a clone," Kurenai asks.

Though Kakashi finds it odd she can't simply wait till tomorrow, he watches their Hokage nod his consent and Naruto make a clone of himself that follows Kurenai-sensei out. When the three are alone in his office, Hiruzen activates the Kage's security protocol. Once the windows are blacked-out, the walls illuminate with glowing blue Fūin seals, and the lamps at the corners of the office light, the Hokage speaks to Kakashi.

"Despite Sasuke-kun breaking no rules in his match with Naruto-kun," the elder slowly voices. "He nevertheless attempted to kill his teammate with an assassination technique you taught him."

Kakashi says nothing. He had no defense against the obvious and so simply responds with all the shame and regret he currently feels, "hai… Hokage-sama."

The elder takes a deep breath and leans back against his chair before he swivels to Naruto and asks, "how do you feel about Sasuke-kun's actions against you?"

Comically tilting his head with squinting his eyes, Naruto takes a moment to gather his words before answering, "well, I was pretty pissed at the time, but, like I told Sasuke, I get his whacked-out anger issues. So, while I don't like the way he is right now, like, at all, I know he needs help more than anything else."

"You never cease to surprise," Hiruzen gaffs, and Kakashi feels the same, strengthening his desire to always protect that light, even if he has to keep his distance to do so. "The life of a shinobi may very well be a dangerous profession, to the mind as much as the body, but we train hard every day, as individuals as much as teammates, to defy death's grasp. I still believe Sasuke-kun can be an asset to this village. It's possible I'm simply an old fool who believes in even the most troubled youths…"

Hiruzen's pause easily signals to Kakashi the elder's travel in the far back memory banks of his regrets, but soon begins again. "The method by which we guide Sasuke-kun is a more daunting task than previously expected, however, I have not yet reached the conclusion that he is a lost cause-"

"He isn't," Naruto casually states, leading Kakashi to wonder why his young student seems so confident, then appreciating his sensei's son for his positive life force in the face of Sasuke's darkness. "I'm not sure how just yet, but I think I know how to help him."

A curious Kakashi asks his student, "what makes you think that?"

"Nobody knows the truth," Naruto tells the older men, confusing both of them. "Honestly, I don't know how just yet, but I'm working on it. I'll let you know when I have something more solid."

Hiruzen nods, showing Kakashi the trust the elder seems to place in his young genin. "Until then," the Sandaime continues, turning to Kakashi. "When Sasuke-kun recovers, I want a full report on the cursed seal, along with everything he's done to achieve that level of capability."

In the dark sealed room, Kakashi replies, "hai, Hokage-sama."

"Until we learn otherwise, we have to assume Orochimaru was involved, which alludes to some level of participation from Sasuke-kun. Kakashi, from this moment forward, he is to remain in your vicinity at all times, and if the young Uchiha doesn't approve, remind him there are other preventative measures that are much less accommodating."

Though he doesn't show it, Kakashi is surprised by the Sandaime's directive. Some part of him felt for sure he would be reassigned to a task more suited to his lethal strengths. Instead, it seems Sarutobi Hiruzen will not allow him to quit, and so Kakashi proclaims, "I request all my students live under the same roof."

"What?" Naruto yells. "But I like living at Iruka-sensei's and he's nearly out of the hospital. Who's going to help him out if I'm not around?"

"Naruto-kun may stay in his current residence," the Hokage declares. "You may offer Haruno-chan the option of staying with you, or if she would prefer, with Kurenai-sensei. I want Team 7 insulated. Understood?"

"Hai, Hokage-sama," Kakashi responds.

"Now," Hiruzen continues, turning to the young blond. "Naruto-kun, as I said, I was quite impressed by your control over the Kyūbi's chakra, but I would like to know how you managed to gain that level of command. You said you trained, but how?"

"Well, I wouldn't say I command it or anything like that," Naruto states, though Kakashi feels like it's an evasion. "I asked and he gave it to me."

'He's holding back,' Kakashi, and no doubt Hiruzen, instantly think as Kakashi asks, "just like that? It didn't attempt to take over your mind?"

"Nope," Naruto answers before he explains to his Hokage and sensei, "though, at the time, we were both pretty pissed so I probably could've asked for more and he would've given it to me."

"…So you speak to it," Hiruzen mumbles more than asks, likely noting Naruto's use of the word 'he,' as if it's a person. At the rather casual relation between Naruto and the Kyūbi, Kakashi feels a small seed of nervousness at the pit of his stomach.

"Mnn," Naruto hums his affirmative answer, adding, "like four or five times."

"What do you talk about," Kakashi wonders.