

Chapter 32 – future

"Is Bai Ye okay? Will it be too big."

Yue saw that Bai Ye's figure was completely swallowed by the flames, her little face was full of worries.

"This idiot just taught me that his performance turned out to be worse."

Although Swift said something bad, his expression also showed concern.

Kakashi is a bit speechless, Kai's temperament shouldn't be so exaggerated, what is the operation of ninjutsu while standing in place.

The distance in the distance did understand Bai Ye's thoughts, and at the same time he was very curious about it, what would happen to Bai Ye who insisted on this trick.

Due to the interference of the Chakra, which was used to form the fireball, it was difficult to see the specific situation even with his eyes open.

Originally, Watergate wanted to go up and rescue Bai Ye again this time, but it was obvious that the slack was still completely unmoved and had to choose to give up. At the same time, he wanted to know what means Bai Ye used to resist this attack.

After consuming a large amount of Chakra to release the Howe Fireball, he brought the soil and gasped in place. I don't know if the sweat on his forehead was consumed too much, or because of the flame he released.

Seeing the surface of the ground in front of him was slightly sunken, the soil suddenly felt whether he was a bit too hot, and he was afraid that Bai Ye would be seriously injured, so he couldn't help but worry about it.After losing the support of the Chakra with the soil, the flames finally dissipated slowly, and the closer to the center, the more severe the damage to the ground surface.

I saw the figure of Bai Ye completely exposed in the center, his arms crossed in front of his head, and his clothes were burned torn, especially his arms. It seemed that he was seriously affected burn.

The surrounding two meters of the ground was also damaged, leaving only the position where Bai Ye stood on his feet barely retained.


After the flames dissipated, Bai Ye took a deep breath, and it took nearly ten seconds to spit it out completely, and his complexion was slightly better.

The most uncomfortable thing after being shrouded in flames is not that the body cannot withstand the high temperature, but because the surrounding oxygen has been burned, and because a large amount of chakras have to be mobilized for defense, it is impossible to stay inside.


Because the arm was exposed to too much heat, the weight-bearing handguard was almost burned, and finally it could not bear the weight of the metal inside, it was completely torn apart, one by one fell to the ground, and bursts dust.

The soil on the opposite side couldn't help but feel weak. Although Bai Ye looked seriously injured, he knew that his breathing was much smoother than his own, and he knew that it was actually just some skin trauma.

Especially now that I still find that the other party is still fighting with such a heavy thing, I really don't have much confidence in myself.(Read more @ mtlnation.com)The opponent chooses to stand in place, letting himself be unmoved at random, and if he waits for the opponent to make a move, he will not be able to squeeze himself to death with a single finger.

In fact, the most frustrating thing was that through these two battles, the brain made up the gap between himself and Kakashi.

Kakashi was able to hang Swifts easily in front, and then Bai Ye was the tail of their crane this year, and he was hit by the tail of this crane again. This is not a dimensional existence.

"Okay, bring the soil, you have practiced this trick perfectly, but Bai Ye is a genius that three generations of adults are very promising, not really a crane tail as they say."

Seeing that Dai Tu looked decadent, Water Gate came over and rubbed his head to comfort him.

"Yes, take the soil, you see, Bai Ye can become so strong with her own efforts, even if she used to be the tail of a crane, she can become very powerful."

Lin also came to comfort the soil, but in fact, she felt that the soil had become much better than herself.

In Bai Ye's words, he didn't deliberately use the past to comfort him. After the opponent's blackened, the boss-level existence should not be as fragile as imagined.

When Bai Ye watched Hokage at the time, he was quite fond of the character of bringing soil, but whether he should rush to rescue him during the Three Wars, he still hadn't thought about it.

First of all, because I don't know if too much interference will cause Naruto and Sasuke to fail to grow up, it will be very uncomfortable if both protagonists suddenly become salted.Let alone the final boss, Datongmu Huiye, Madara doesn't know if he has the ability to handle it in the future.

And if Madara insists on choosing Daitu to inherit him, he is not sure that he can save Daitu, at most helping him once when he blows up God Wubi Bridge.

After that, Madara uses other methods to pull the black soil, and he can't do it. You can't guard the soil 24 hours a day. Yin death.

At this time, Bai Ye was enjoying Yue's dressing up on him. In fact, he wanted to say no, but in the end he succumbed to her big watery eyes.

The burned parts of Bai Ye's body were full of white gas. After calculating the current recovery rate, he judged that it would not take long for him to fully recover.

This is also his original purpose. He wants to see how strong the "Eight Bound Dao: Rebuke" is, and how strong his own "speeding regeneration" recovery ability is.

When I scolded, I felt that the intensity decreased a bit because I was scattered all over the body, and it was only suitable for gathering together for a small-scale defense technique.

Regarding speeding regeneration, Bai Ye didn't know if he had strengthened his physique. Anyway, the damage suffered by eating a giant fireball head-on was much smaller than initially expected.

I am already satisfied with the speed of recovery. If it is just some minor trauma, it is estimated that it will not take long to recover, and it will not consume additional physical strength.

In this way, when fighting with the enemy, you can selectively exchange injuries for injuries, and your future tactical thinking can be much more."White Night, besides Kakashi, you are another opponent I agree with and need to surpass."

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the soil to return to its usual state, dividing Bai Ye into another opponent that needed to be defeated before defeating Kakashi.

"Should I be compensated for a piece of clothing before that?"

Hearing Bai Ye's ridicule at him, Zuo Di immediately turned into a bitter face. He opened his small wallet and settled, and found that the money he earned from doing tasks in the past half month was lost.

At present, Bai Ye does not want to think too much about the future. Now I don't mind making friends with Taitu first. Maybe a few years later, the Zanpaku Knife in his hand will become a very abnormal existence with himself. Then all the problems will be solved. It's not a problem anymore.

The crowd just got together and chatted for a while about Bai Ye's abnormal physique. Then they all focused on Yue and Lin, who were holding each other's hands. Now they have not touched each other.

The two also subconsciously glanced at each other.

"I… I won't fight with Yue, what I'm better at is medical ninjutsu."

Lin has heard that Yue is the number one in their class, and she is probably as good as Kakashi. She was originally positioned to assist the ninja. If she fought with each other, she would definitely lose.

"I don't think there is anything to fight."

There was no need to fight when Yue saw it. She was originally a gentle and kind person like Lin. If it weren't for being born in the Uchiha clan, she would not necessarily choose to become a ninja.