

Chapter 29 – Watergate

In this way, Nikkei talked about it for more than an hour, madly instilling various points of attention into the minds of the three people.

In fact, the main goal of the explanation is Swift. After all, his temperament is a bit unstable, and his brain's reaction has slowed to a beat. If you don't explain it clearly to her, it will be deadly if you make any accident.

Although some Swifts are too active, and their brains are a bit unable to keep up with other people's thinking, as long as they are talking about others, they will be well kept in mind, and the learning attitude is worthy of recognition.

"Yeah, you are also here to teach students in Nikkei."

The four of them heard about the reputation, only to see a yellow-haired young man with three young girls with different hair colors coming over, waving in the distance to say hello to the day.

The white-haired boy has long hair and a black mask that covers all the parts below his eyes. He also wears a black tights that is connected to the mask. There is an indifference in his eyes. .

And the other black-haired teenager, Konoha, tied to his forehead, also wore a goggles to cover it, wearing a blue-orange sportswear, full of brilliant smile.

The only girl has short brown hair and large dark brown pupils. Her top is made of pure black, and her lower body is matched with a pure white half-waist skirt. The two sides of the skirt split from the knees to the waist.

I can see each other's black leggings directly from both sides, and a pair of dark red knee-high socks are worn below.

She wears a red bracelet on her left hand. The biggest feature is the two purple patterns on her face and a sweet smile on the corner of her mouth."It turned out to be Watergate. It seems that you also brought your disciples here to train."

Nikkei also responded with a smile, and it seems that the personal relationship between the two parties should be pretty good.

Bai Ye is also looking at the four people on the opposite side. Although I can often hear news about Kakashi from Kay's mouth, this is the first time I have seen him in person.

And it can be clearly felt that after the death of White Fang, Kakashi was much more indifferent than Tai Tu and Lin, and the loss of Tai Tu and Lin also affected Kakashi in this period.

"Teacher Watergate, what should we do if the place where we train is already occupied?"

After taking the soil to see some people here, they were a little unhappy. After all, they had been training here, but they just happened to not meet Bai Ye and the others, which gave rise to the feeling that their territory was taken away.

"Sorry, I apologize for this fool."

Kakashi didn't know how to pay attention to the influence when he was talking with the soil, so that he wanted to crush him, so he apologized to Bai Ye and the others.

It only felt even more uncomfortable to be brought up by Kakashi. Seeing that the two of them were about to be pinched, Lin hurried over to fight, and quarreling with her two teammates was obviously used to it.

"Hey, Bai Ye, do you know them? It seems that Kay should be in the same class as them."(Read more @ mtlnation.com)When Kakashi and the others were fighting, Swift also asked Bai Ye quietly, feeling that the white-haired boy on the opposite side would bring her a strong sense of oppression.

"The white-haired one is Hagi Kakashi, the first place in the previous year, and the one with goggles is called Uchiha Daido. It is the crane tail of that year. The sweet-looking girl is Lin Nohara. His teacher is Bo Feng Shui Men, a very strong Shang Ren."

Although it was the first time to meet in reality, there were a lot of descriptions of them in the original book, and Bai Ye easily introduced them to Swift and Yue.

"Have you heard of the earth? Anyone who is one term lower than us knows the name of your crane tail."

Kakashi seized the opportunity and stabbed the heart of the earth fiercely, causing him to turn gray and white, as if he had lost his soul.

"Brother Take Tu, it's been a long time since I saw you."

Seeing the funny performance of Tai Tu, Yue couldn't help but chuckle and greeted the other party.

"Hey, it's you, Yue, I didn't even notice that you were there. This is your team. I haven't seen you for almost a month."

Bringing the soil found that there was an acquaintance on the other side, and instantly resurrected with blood.

Because the Tujia is very close to Yue's home, and his parents were gone when he was very young, he was always taken care of by Yue's parents.Later, Jae Yue's father died in the battle. Since then, Tuo Tu basically took Yue, who was two years younger than him, to play around every day to help her forget her pain, so the relationship between the two of them is quite good.

And because the soil is relatively stupid, I often ask the little genius Yue for some questions.

A few months ago, because of the successful graduation with the soil, the time for two people to meet was much less.

Until a month ago, the month became Xia Ren. After celebrating her specifically, because both parties were busy, there was no time to meet.

When Tai Tu and Yue talked about what happened to both of them recently, Bai Ye and Kakashi also talked.

"You are the brother of that hot-blooded fool."

Kakashi took a look at Bai Ye's clothes, and after some analysis, he made an accurate judgment.

It can be judged from the tone and expression of the other party that he must have been entangled by the blood madness of Kai for so many years. Just seeing the clothes that Bai Ye wears can directly associate him with him, which shows that the impression is very deep.

"Ahem, I'm still a normal person, and I'm going to change the style of my clothes."

Seeing the resentment in Kakashi's eyes, Bai Ye didn't dare to imagine what Kai did to him, and quickly put aside his relationship."You are that genius boy Kakashi, let's have a fight."

After Swift stayed there alone for a while, she didn't know what was wrong, suddenly it was like Kakashi's challenge.

"Hey, this woman won't be the same as Kay."

When Kakashi heard Swift's words, his body couldn't help but shivered, and he quickly pulled Bai Ye over and leaned his head over and asked in a low voice.

"How afraid of being pestered by you, don't worry, although Swift's head is a bit clumsy, his personality is not exaggerated to that point."

Bai Ye's reaction to Kakashi was seldom speechless. He had lived with Kai for so many years. Why didn't he have such a reaction, it was so difficult that he had been assimilated by Kai and didn't know it?

When these little ghosts were making noise, Nissara and Watergate walked under the tree and talked.

"Is it the little boy that the three generations of adults asked you to take? It looks pretty good."

Watergate looked at the white night with Kakashi's head together, and estimated that if the two of them didn't really fight a game, it would be really difficult to directly judge who was stronger.

"He is indeed a very talented person. When I first taught him he couldn't even control Chakra, and he has been exercising his body in the hardest way over the years."

Hearing that Mizumon was so optimistic about his disciple, Nissa couldn't help showing a proud look, as if he was complimenting himself.