

Death by a God caused young Nox Silver to be given a second chance at life with three wishes. He will train and kill for himself to surive in this new war striken world that he finds himself in. And maybe along the way he will his reason to live in this shinobi world. I do not own this cover if the owner wants it down Its fine.

MADZ_HACKER · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs


'Dammit why did I have to get such an asshole of a teacher' But before I could gather my thoughts, I heard a loud scream from my rear.


Suddenly turn my head to see a giant leg clad in armor moments away from my face then bam. I suddenly get my face kicked in which threw me at least 3 meters away in the opposite direction until I smashed into a tree leaving my body figure permanently engraved into the tree.

I slowly began to pull myself from the tree that I was engraved in and began to steady my form the before I dashed towards my master. "Lighting Style: lightning cloak" I yelled then with the surge of lightning release coursing through my body I do my signature crescent moon slash just in time to engage my master blades.

With a loud laugh my master enters his stance " Ok brat lets see how far you've come in this last year ". He then kicks off the ground leaving a massive crater before he reaches me in mere seconds "Three sword style: Purgatory Onigiri.

Our blades soon crash together causing an ear shattering sound of metal bashing together. " Dammit dammit dammit I can't be losing this badly" I yell as I got pushed back further and further as my master released more and more of his fighting spirt until it was at a level that began to suffocate me.

' I can't keep losing like this I have to give it my all if I am ever going to break past this barrier that I am caged in', I then suddenly begin to focus all of my remain chakra into my arms without wasting a single drop then as if a sudden realization occurred in my mind my strength increases 3-fold. Then for that brief moment I focus all of my remain strength into one final push as an act of defiance which always me to move my master a single foot back.

I suddenly notice a slight smile on my master's face before he releases all of the pressure behind and three blades and quickly turns his body forcing me to lose my balance and fall forwards onto the ground but as soon as I try to get up, he offers his hand to me which I accept.

"Well, my apprentice I'd say that you passed your graduation and gave gained the title of swordsman"


{Quest Completed}

{Become a swordsman }

The Third Hokage has given you teacher to learn kenjutsu from. So become a student of the legendry ronin one-eyed Zoro and pass his graduation exam in 1 years' time.

Pass Zoro's graduation exam (1/1)


+ Title

+ Title

+ Chakra Blade (A Rank)


-REP with One-Eyed Zoro

-1 level


{ Titled gained } (Swordsman)

Through your year worth of training, you have passed the graduation exam of the One-Eyed Zoro and have become a true swordsman.

+100 Damage with any bladed weapon

+50 DEX when holding a bladed weapon

{ Title gained } ( The one that surpassed Asura )

Through your determination and skill, you have surpassed the expectations of One-Eyed Zoro and have become his successor.

{ Item Alert }

{ A Rank chakra samurai chakra blade }

A custom-made samurai blade made from the land of Iron using 50 percent chakra flowing steel. It deals 350 physical damage and 450 damage using chakra flow.

I stared in aww at the blade that my master gave me after he told me I graduated, he said that it was just made by his family's clan before he left to become the world's strongest swordsman after his fiancé died due to illness. It was the standard length of a samurai's chakra made but it was beyond sharp due to the highly expensive chakra metal and excellent craftsmanship.

"That blade that you hold in your hands was my fiancé's before she passed its name is Wado Ichimonji the holy blade and I hope that you will take care of her for me.".

I hold the white blade in my hands in all of its glory and then put it make in its white sheath and bow towards my master and thank him for the training and for trusting me with his prized possession.

"Its no problem kid but you have just started you walk as a swordsman and I hope that even though you may become a shinobi in the future you never forget what I have taught you and that you will find me one day and face me for my title as the strongest swordsman. Then he suddenly vanishes before my eyes not even able to give him a final Farwell.


{REP increase with One-Eyed Zoro}

Name: Roronoa Zoro ( LVL 42 )( Friendly )

Age: 38

HP: 6200

CP: 2000

[Well Nox good job on finally completing that quest but we should probably get home now so you can cook dinner for Aiya again since that girl will just burn the house down like last time]

A bead of sweat drops from my face as I realize that she may actually try and cook again which would cause a disaster. "Your right Cortana lets go home now".

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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