

Death by a God caused young Nox Silver to be given a second chance at life with three wishes. He will train and kill for himself to surive in this new war striken world that he finds himself in. And maybe along the way he will his reason to live in this shinobi world. I do not own this cover if the owner wants it down Its fine.

MADZ_HACKER · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs


[ One week later ]

"Cortana start the recording on my mark"

[ Everything is ready to start now that I have my recording function engaged so it's all on you Nox ]

"You can start now… Reincarnator log one my name is Nox Kuto formerly know as Nox Silver in my past life I used to work as a mechanical engineer contracted by the United States government to make various drones that would be put into service either in the direct line of combat or for the purpose of completing the jobs that humans just didn't want to do".

"Well I bet that whoever is seeing this recording must have either killed me or been the person that I have passed down Cortana to so that she may complete her mission of returning to her own dimension where she is needed… Oh my bad I just kind of got caught up in the moment so yeah I know that this may be hard to believe but yes as I'm sure you have guessed already but the nation that I just spoke about has never been mentioned before is because it doesn't exist or at least not on this planet".

"So since I realized that if I were to die all of the past of my nation and history of my world would be gone for good I've decided to tell you about who I am and where I came from just so that maybe you however you are will be able to not make the same mistakes as me and my world and that I would hope you may pass on this knowledge to future generations it any artform you may want since no reasonable person would believe any of this without seeing myself and Cortana".

"Now that I have finished the introductions of this first log I will tell you in later logs of the history of my planet and the various wars and technologies that we have invented another time since I don't want to freeze you brain over with this large amount of information that I have just given you I will tell you about myself in this life as the newly adopted grandson of the third Hokage of the nation of fire".


" Well damn Cortana that took way longer than I was actually expecting but it's better to start doing the log now with the start of the academy tomorrow".



[ Yes Nox I know but you have no choice in the matter since you chose to come to this world it was inevitable that death would follow you ever lingering and waiting ]

" mm I guess your correct since I was just thinking about how fun and interesting it would be to live in one of my favorite childhood shows I didn't really think of the consequences".

"But I will not stop here Cortana you can for damn sure count on that and I will never stop living for if I do I will never be able to complete my sister's childish dream of world peace"!

"So just you wait for I will make a world of no wars and no need less violence and pain for humanity but a world made for the future generations that will inherit my will and strive for peace"!

..."Well I think I've stayed up ranting towards the heavens so I'll hit the sack Cortana but befor I do I want you to make those schematics for the assassin gauntlets and gear that I will be developing in the future".

[ I already made the schematics and they only need the materials and a actual craftsmen to make them]

" Well that's a problem for tomorrow good night Cortana".

[ Night Nox ]

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