

Death by a God caused young Nox Silver to be given a second chance at life with three wishes. He will train and kill for himself to surive in this new war striken world that he finds himself in. And maybe along the way he will his reason to live in this shinobi world. I do not own this cover if the owner wants it down Its fine.

MADZ_HACKER · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs



I slowly and grouchily got out of my bed and start to do my daily morning routine of taking a quick piss then shower and finishing it off with me starting breakfast for me and Aiya since she can't cook to save her life. But just as I was about to leave my room, I had a strange wave of shock course through my body then I stopped for a quick moment and felt that I had to ask.

"Hey Cortana, is it just me or does it feel like a long period of time has past since I felt that when I was sleeping my dream would not end even though I knew It was fake, but I just couldn't shake out of it no matter what I tried to do".

[That is rather strange Nox but I can assure you that no long period of time has past only 7 hours since your last daily recording to your successor that either kills you or when you give up the right as being my host]

I gave a slight shrug and try to forget about that strange dream that felt nearly endless, I continue with my routine and head towards the kitchen area of lord thirds house which is on the bottom floor of the house since he has a 2-story villa with six rooms,4 restrooms all with showers while the bottom floor that contains the kitchen and indoor dojo used for light sparing and training exercises.

As I made my way towards the kitchen to make breakfast for everyone in the household due to the fact that only after one day my first day living with lord third and his discovery of my excellent cooking skills that I gained from my previous of life of four long years of taking culinary courses as one of my high school classes back when I was still young compounded with my unique culinary dishes that are just normal western food and some of my mother's German recipes I've been shackled with the job as the house cook but I was getting paid 5000 Ryo per week which is the equivalent to 500 bucks a Week.

After finding out that I would get paid the equivalent of a D ranked mission per week just for making food for myself and two others I took the job with pride and began cooking all of the recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner that I knew to the best of my abilities to ensure that I would have a stable set of income to fund all of my current projects that I have just recently started without losing any of my limbs.

"Mm now that I'm here what should I make for breakfast… *Snap* I know I should make the first dish my mom taught me".

I take out all of the ingredients and begin cooking my mother's classic boiled eggs with bacon, steamed butter rolls, mushroom soup and to top it off roasted sausages. And within 30 minutes I Finished cooking the food and set them on the table and wait for Aiya and gramps to wake up to begin with since wake up directly at 5am and once I am finished getting ready for the day and finish cooking its usually around 6:30 in the morning just when the sun starts to rise again signaling a new day.

"Haa now this is the boring part since I have to wake up so early to start cooking and be done before they both wake up just to get paid… welp since there isn't much to do I guess I'll get my gear and suit up and head towards the training grounds were me and master Zorro used to train at".

I head upstairs and grab my gear and change into my training clothing which is just some cloths that I bought from the store function that Cortana which are just the black combat jeans with the black combat shoes with some purple color at the soles of the shoes and a plain short sleave black shirt and a jacket like the one Boruto had but swapping the black with a dark purple and the red with white. I then grab my three ninja tool backs one of my right legs that holds a dozen kunai and shuriken and on the left leg a dozen paper bomb and a dozen smoke bombs and behind my waist holds some back medical supplies and my money in a little hawk wallet that makes a sound every time it opens up. Then to finish it off I put the tanto that was given to me by Danzo on my back while I leave my sword the Wado Ichimonji that master zorro gave to me on the sword stand that hangs above my bed since I am still too small to properly use it in combat.

"Ok I think that I have everything, so I'll be off now". As I hurry downstairs to leave before anyone wakes up, I felt it nausea like never before my skin began to feel cold and I what this was from my gruesome training with master for a whole year it was Malicious unbarring killing intent on the level of master Zorro.

At the moment that I confirmed the malicious intent I funnel chakra through my entire body while changing the nature to lightning to activate my completed version of the partial lightning cloak jutsu that I used against master zorro.

In this single moment of confirmation of the danger that was coming from the kitchen and with the activation of my new jutsu I decided on a name for it.

I clasp my hands together and form the Ram seal to complete its activate and with that single motion being complete a bright purple glow bursts from my body as I made my final step down my stairs and jump 2 feet into the air directly at the target that I sense I see my foe for the first time.

While midair I was momentarily shocked because I saw a young woman no older than 20 with the most beautiful light brown hair flowing down to her back while having clear snow-white skin and gorgeous sapphire blue eyes that you could get lost in just by staring at them but what shocked me the most was that she was barley 65 Inches tall with the crimson red heels she was wearing that when with her black and red modern day maid outfit.

After staring at her for what felt like an eternity even though less than 5 seconds have past since I took flight, she turned her gaze away from the dining table where I placed the food from turned her head to me and gave the most sadistic smile, I have ever seen in both lives I knew I screwed up.

And with the newfound fear coursing through me my lighting armor finished materializing after the 5 seconds for being air born. The purple lightning started to form into psychical armor into the style of a samurai warrior but with the characteristics of a snake, the armor looked as though it was made out of hardened scales of the various giant snake summons of the world and with the completion of the upper and lower purple snake lightning armor a tradition helmet and face guard formed on my head with the unique part that the face guard was dived into two half a white half and a purple half both in the form of a humanoid snake man as for the tradition demonic face of the samurai armor used to scare foes.

With the sudden completion of the materialization phase of my jutsu I quickly garb the handle of my tanto on my back with all of my strength ready myself for the deciding moment of this clash.

A cold silence suddenly stopped when the two foes were only 3 feet away from one descending rapidly towards the ground and as he fell his fear would become more and more palpable and another standing solemnly still like a mountain unmoving and unfaltering in her resolve and belief in herself.

With only a being only another few seconds away I yell out at the top of my lungs with all of my spirit in it while pumping lightning style into my tanto "Lightning style: Purple Great Divide".


At that moment a entire year worth of training just in the way of the sword was displayed but combining the technique of using just base chakra to extend a blades length while making it sharper then having to learn the technique of bladed a vertical slash that can be launched like a projectile with the use of chakra which took a whole 8 months to master then for 2 more months of learning how to add the lightning nature to the blade and then do the whole process all over again. This technique was only possible through the rigorous training and God like talent given to Nox at birth for the lightning nature transformation.

This technique at this moment has the ability to send a projectile slash of lightning chakra over 30 feet of distance in any direction without losing even a little of its strength and it only begins to lose its cutting ability after 50 feet but then even over 50 feet it can cut 6-foot boulder in half and while in the 30 feet range a steel beam can be cut in half. But this slash has to consider the power that comes from the Lightning Style: Purple Orochi Armor that amps all of Nox's capabilities.

The Orochi armor jutsu was inspired from the defensive capabilities of the Susanoo and the great speed of the Raikage Lightning cloak. And with this jutsu it was made to be the equivalent of the Susanoo perfect body armor but on a human person so my using the base form of the lightning cloak that enhances speed and the cognitive and sensory abilities of the user Nox would create al light layer of expunging pure chakra around his body that would increase his base physical abilities and have a light increase in his healing rate,

Then second layer of chakra that would be added that would change into the lightning nature but when starting to create the jutsu Nox noticed that his lightning was unusually strong and even his master noticed this to just my increasing the amount of lightning nature chakra to the second layer he began to notice that he could meld and shape the chakra into a any form that he wanted as long as he could supply the chakra that is. And with a little bit of experimenting, he was able to create a combat usable form and even have master test the abilities of this chakra armor.

Master Zorro noted that all of Nox's physical abilities would increase by around 20 percent wasn't even the best part even though suddenly becoming 20 percent stronger in nearly an instate can instantly change the course of a battle the incredible thing was the reduction in physical and lightning nature damage. If master zorro were to punch Nox with all of his might then he would be in the ER for a week but with the blunt damage reduction of the Orochi armor he would have a mild bruise. Which put the physical resistance of this armor on the level of a Susanoo ribcage. And it has a natural resistance to the lightning affinity so all ninjutsu of that nature not of the B rank or above cannot deal damage without it being heavily reduced.

But even with all of the intense training that I had undergone that allowed be to enter into the domain of elite chunin at the age of 8 while have Cortana help me with combat and analytical training during my free time and the with the physical boost given to me by my armor that puts me into the level of the stronger elite chunin I still couldn't hit her.

{After the slash}

Just after the attack was launched it dived the entire kitchen from the rest of the house and the lightning flew all the way to the open street that connects the hokages house to the village this demon maid in an instant side stepped the attack then with a single right step dashed directly below be then with the left foot motion she launched herself into the air and cocked back her fist.



Like a bullet after he hit me in the stomach, I flew directly the house where blade slash attack went break the wood and stone with my body and breaking a few ribs along the way until the slammed inside my neighbor's house which was one of the wealthy merchants that has a few jewelry stores around the village.

*Cough Cough*

"That was definitely not a part of the plan"

I look down at my limp body ad see that my armor is mostly intact with all areas having a few crakes but there was one problem I had and that giant whole at the center of my armor with a very dark black bruise forming at the center of my stomach.

"Oh my God dear there's a little boy dying in our living room"!

I then turn my head to the left and she a family of three with the merchant and his wife holding their 3-year-old child in her arms with the forming of tear sin the little boy's eyes.

"Well shit Cortana any plans for getting me out of this shitty situation".

{As of the moment I have simulated various scenarios and they all lead to your death I this were not a controlled event and with my calculation 64 percent of your health pool was taken away due to that single attack and your chakra pool has been drained of 15 percent due to 12 percent being used more launching your new attack and the other 3 for having your armor being active for 20 seconds. And I would advise to not deactivate you armor due to its minor healing effects your blood loss is at a manageable level}

"So, I'm pretty much screwed ye… wait what do you mean controlled event"

And then right after asking Cortana for an explanation of the demon is red stomps on in.

"So, you're the little shit that had gone to try and take my job with your fancy dandy and your little decorations, but that shit will not pass on my watch you hear"

I then look up and see the beautiful women spout a bunch of shit that I truly had no idea that she was saying.

"Lady I don't know what you thought but ahh"

Before I could even finish my sentence, she began to stomp on my chest increasing the number of fractures I had.

"You little shit stop lying and man up about stealing my job you bastard"!

In a moment of desperation to save my life from this crazy woman I channel half of my entire chakra pool directly into my sword tripling its length and launch a horizontal attack right after she stomped on me for the first time. And this causing her to stop he second stomp motion and jump all the way to the other side of the room with the family to protect them from the slash.

The second attack due to its massive size of 15 feet in width and length it sliced a front of the roof clean off while letting the morning sun to shine on in. And with this small moment of relief Nox jumps to his feet and starts to use his mystic hand's ability to heal the many factures across his body.

"Well, I'll be damned that brat is really a damn monster with his high chakra reserve and excellent chakra control and what's with that swordsmanship he nearly brought this house down on our heads".


"Nox and Olivia I think that you both have entertained this reckless behavior for long enough"

I look towards the direction of the noise, and I see lord third with his anbu guards and a squad of medics. The medics began to give aid to the merchant family and Olivia, and they laid me on a stretcher and begin to take be to lord third.

"So, you were the one that made this Sharad gramps"

"Yes, I was young Nox and let me be the first to say it I am sorry for how intense Olivia was on you I instructed her to test you, but she went on to snap you in too"

"Yeah, maybe be next time go a little easier on me and if you just wanted to test my abilities you could have just asked, and I would have done any test you would have wanted me to take".

"Sadley it was not possible due to the nature of this test and it having to be done without alerting you to she how you would react in a dangerous environment you were not prepared for, and I have to say you did very well considering your opponent was the devil child herself Olivia Nico who is well known for her brazen nature and great physical strength".

" Ouch he doc if you can go easy on me ok, I have been practically snaped in too but what was the reason for such a severe test gramps".

:mm well Nox I know that I shouldn't be telling you just yet but due to your excellent ability to die fall into disarray when facing such a beats Ill let you know that me and the other elders with the help of the daimyo have come up with a special project to select 12 miracle children to create a new division of protectors for the land of fire and the name of this project is Eternal Flame".

Well ill be damned this chapter is by far my longest with 3017 words but yeah im back and I hope you all liked it and it you have question about yoou know whta from the last chapter yeah I know i haven't added anything yet so just wait till then before you start paying for it.

PS hoped you all loved the chapter and be well

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