
Naruto: The Peak of Ninja

Ye Fan accidentally crossed the Naruto World, became the Uzumaki Naruto in the original work, and got a creation system to see how he reached the pinnacle in the Ninja World and became the king!

salonyon · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 12 - : Survival exercises

The next day, Naruto stayed asleep until nine o'clock before getting up, and then slowly walked to the Yile Ramen Restaurant, after eating a bowl of delicious ramen, he came to the No. 3 exercise site.

At this time, Hinata and Sasuke were already waiting there, but looking at Hinata's expression, one knew that she had heard Naruto's words and had just arrived not long ago.

Looking at the other one, leaning on a tree with a look of lack of energy, I guessed that he had come here very early, and he hadn't eaten anything.

Naruto glanced at him speechlessly, walked in front of Sasuke, and said, "I said Sasuke. I told you yesterday that Kakashi is a late guy, why are you here so early?!"

"Um..." Sasuke was stunned when he heard the words, and then said in amazement, "When did you tell me!"

When Naruto heard Sasuke say this, he patted his forehead fiercely, and said silently: "What did I say when I introduced myself yesterday?! And what did Hinata say!"

Sasuke showed a thoughtful look, and then it became more and more ugly, until finally it could drip out gloomily.

Obviously, Sasuke also remembered the content of the two self-introductions yesterday, one of which was the same, and he hated people who were late.

This person who was late was talking about Kakashi, he was so stupid that he didn't understand the meaning.

No wonder Hyuga Hinata came so late, because I knew Kakashi would be late!

The more Sasuke thinks about it, the more he feels ashamed. Such a simple hint that he didn't even notice that there is still a big gap between himself and him! If it is him, he will probably think of it soon.

Thinking of the end, Naruto Sasuke showed an unwilling look and squeezed his hands together.

Naruto was too lazy to continue talking to him, walked to his ear, and whispered: "I want to know the truth about Uchiha's extermination. After the survival drill, come to my house to find me!"

After speaking, regardless of Sasuke's shocked look, Naruto walked to Hinata's side and laughed while talking to her.

Sasuke recalled with a vague look of what Naruto had said to him, and the whole person looked very excited, as if he might run away.

But in the end he was pressed down by himself, and Naruto showed a hint of admiration when he saw it.

"This kid, it doesn't seem to be so hopeless!" Naruto thought to himself.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, you will know how sad Sasuke is. He originally had a beautiful family and loved his brother, but one day, his family was destroyed and his relatives were killed, and it was the one who loved him. My brother.

It's good that Sasuke didn't go crazy right away. Although the road he will take in the future is very dark, he has to admit that he still has that trace of reason.

Not long after, Kakashi's figure arrived late and smiled and said, "Sorry, there was a black cat blocking the way on the way here, and I was lost on the road of life!"

"Let's lie to you, Konoha's ninja doesn't know that Kakashi is a late king!" Naruto gave a face-saving instruction.

When Kakashi heard it, his face was stunned, and he secretly said: Good boy, it's not the good thing you did last night, so that you can't get up today.

"Okay, I won't talk too much nonsense!" After a while, Kakashi's face was straight, and said, "Your task is to take these two bells from my hand before twelve o'clock. !"

"Cut, isn't it a test of our teamwork! It's really uncreative!" Naruto curled his lips in disdain.

"Huh?!" Kakashi's pupils shrank suddenly, but Naruto suddenly pointed out the key to the task, and said secretly: It seems that the teacher's child is not easy, and the IQ is quite high!

As everyone knows, Naruto knew the meaning of it because he knew the plot, otherwise, he might not have guessed it at the first time.

Sasuke and Hinata naturally heard Naruto's words and knew the key to the test. The three of them looked at each other and seemed to understand each other's meaning, and then hid.

"Oh, it seems that these three little guys have some abilities!" Kakashi squinted his eyes and thought to himself.

"Whizzing"(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Naruto separated several shadow avatars, and cast Kuwu from three directions: east, south, and west.

Seeing this, Kakashi leaped slightly and jumped behind him. At this time, Hinata's gossip field was revealed.

"Thirty-two palms of gossip!" Hinata shouted and launched an attack.

Kakashi secretly said that it was not good, and used the instantaneous technique to avoid the blow. Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he heard the "Fire Escape Art of Fireball" coming from behind.

"How is it possible? A Shinobu can release ninjutsu, his Chakra shouldn't be enough!" Kakashi said in surprise.

He was not surprised that Naruto was able to cast shadow clones. With the huge chakra of Kyuubi, it couldn't be too simple to cast shadow clones.

It is a pity that Kakashi overlooked one thing, that is, who taught him Naruto's shadow clone.

At the moment Kakashi was stunned, Naruto had already come to Kakashi's back and kicked Kakashi's back.


It was Kakashi's shadow clone that was kicked. Kakashi's body came from not far away and applauded: "Yes, it worked well! You all passed!"

"Cut, I can pass it long ago!" Naruto pouted, while Sasuke and Hinata were a little excited. After all, starting from today, they are truly forbearing.

However, their strength does not belong to the lower level, except for Sasuke.

"Haha..." Kakashi smiled awkwardly and said, "The seventh team is all passing, and the mission will begin tomorrow, and it will be disbanded now!"

After that, I disappeared first, and it seemed that I was going to report the situation to the third generation.

Naruto didn't worry about what Kakashi said. After all, he didn't show much strength, but he was forbearing, and he was a little smarter, and he couldn't guess anything after three generations.

The fact is just as Naruto thought, the three generations did not say anything, and simply believed that Naruto inherited the wisdom of Watergate.

At this moment, in Naruto's home, Sasuke was looking at Naruto expectantly. After observing the surroundings, Naruto said: "Sasuke, you will come to me. It must be a place where you have doubts about the genocide!"

Sasuke was silent for a while, then nodded, saying that he was not confused at all, it must be fake.

Three years have passed. Whenever I think of that night, Sasuke feels that there is something wrong with it, but he can't find it. Now I hear Naruto say this with a look of expectation.

"Let's tell you so!" Naruto thought for a while and said, "Uchiha Itachi is to protect you, and the one who forced Uchiha Itachi to destroy your Uchiha clan is a guy named Danzo and one The masked guy in Akatsuki's organization!"

Sasuke got excited when he heard Naruto say this, and shouted, "Impossible, that guy clearly told me..."

"Tell you to test your aura!" Naruto glanced at Sasuke, disdainfully, "Don't use that kind of self-deception excuses, it's too fake!"

After Sasuke listened, he fell silent, knowing that Naruto was right. He was confused until he was suspicious.

"Who is the one called Danzo?" Sasuke asked, "there is the one wearing a mask!"

"Yeah!" Naruto pondered for a moment and continued, "Danzo is Konoha's high-level. He controls a part of Konoha's dark part and hides it under Konoha. I don't know who the masked man is, just Just know it is him!"

"High-level Konoha?!" Sasuke was shocked by Naruto's words and was puzzled.

Naruto did not hesitate to tell Sasuke the whole story. After listening to Naruto's explanation, Sasuke couldn't help but shed tears and whispered: "It turns out that my brother did this to protect me!"

"Just understand!" Naruto said, "Your brother wants you to grow up quickly, but I hope you don't get dazzled by hatred. You can't get power all at once. You can get as much as you pay! Understand? "

Sasuke gave Naruto a surprised look. He felt that Naruto seemed to be an elder, and his tone was very mature, which made him slightly uncomfortable.

But still grateful to him for telling himself the truth, Sasuke suddenly asked: "How do you know all this!"

"My father told me!" Naruto lied without blushing.

"Your father?" Sasuke asked suspiciously.

"Yes, my father! Konoha's fourth-generation Hokage!" Naruto said proudly.

Sasuke was really shocked this time. He didn't expect the unwelcome fellow in this school to have such a noble status, but why would he be treated like this? Shouldn't you lead a carefree life?

"I feel very confused, right?" Naruto smiled, "I think I should live a well-fed life, with someone picking up and dropping off at school, and someone accompanying me after school, right?"

Sasuke nodded, indicating that Naruto was right!

"All of this is still related to Danzo. It is because of him that my parents died tragically!" Naruto said with a cruel expression, "In fact, our enemy is the same, the masked man, Danzo! These two people are me. They must be killed!"

"That's it!" Sasuke showed a daze.

I've heard Naruto talk about what Danzo does, and it doesn't feel strange to think of Naruto's treatment.

"Okay, you go back! Whatever you decide in the future, it's up to you!" Naruto said, and then sent Sasuke out of the house.

On the way, Sasuke kept thinking about what Naruto had said to him, and finally showed a firm look, and said in secret: "Brother, I will definitely rescue you, and also, I will kill Danzo with Naruto, and that Mask man!"

"And..." Sasuke glanced in the direction Naruto was. "Thank you, Naruto! If it weren't for you, maybe I would be on the road of the Avengers!"

After that, I quickly ran back home and began to practice crazy...

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