
Naruto: The Outsider {Dropped}

This is my first novel so don't expect too much and english is not my first language. (Also Book cover is not mine if you are the owner and want to take it down please tell me) Dying at age 16 is just bad just because I saved a girl, I kinda regret doing that but at the same time I managed to reincarnated to Naruto World just from saving a girl and got thrown off the reincarnation cycle pretty cliche huh? But, that doesn't matter I wanted to explore Naruto world and become stronger so no one will stand in my way.

Nechrom · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Zero Tails

"Who are you old man?" I asked him cautiously so he will fall for my act, Shinno started to inspect me with his eyes and smiled "Pardon me my name is Shinno, I noticed that you are lost fortunately for you I happened to be here, anyway have you seen a red haired girl around here?.

"No, I haven't sorry," I feigned, "that's too bad, how about you help me search for her?"I nodded and followed him.

We searched the forest and eventually, Shinno found her and introduced her to me

"This is my student Amaru, I hope that you can be friends".

"Yo, my name is Hisato nice to meet you!" I said with a smile, she looked at me and said "Nice to meet you too" she said it like she was forced to say it 'She seems to dislike me, oh well I'm never gonna meet her again after all of this. I'm just here to grab the zero tails and learn Shinno 'Body Activation Jutsu'.

I followed them until evening, we had our conversation but it's a short one. We stopped outside of the forest and I see the Anchor Vatican In the distance, but I ignored it for now. they set up a camp so I took my sleeping bag from my storage scroll and pretend to sleep.

Midnight came and I heard a rustling sound, I glanced at the area around me and saw Shinno start to jump away to the trees. I placed a hiraishin seal on my sleeping bag and followed him secretly.

He stopped near the shore, there I spotted three big ships containing some flying equipment 'it looked more like a glider than in the movie, maybe it was still a prototype?', also I saw some sky shinobi. The shinobi saw him and opened the backdoor then he went inside.

I grabbed a pebble and placed a hiraishin seal on it then I threw it with great force to the door right as it closed, I used [Invisibility] and teleported there then I navigated my way and found the meeting room, I proceeded to spy on them.

"Change of plan, we will do the plan tomorrow," Shinno said loudly, he smiled as he couldn't contain his excitement. The others were shocked "What do you mean tomorrow, it's great we can activate the anchor Vatican, but what is your plan Shinno!"

He laughed and said, "I met a special kid yesterday and he has a big amount of dark chakra in his body, I can use it to hasten our plan and awaken the Zero Tails."

They continued to discuss about their plan,after a while Shinno left the ship, I teleported back to my sleeping bag and take out the scroll of seal from my inventory, I opened it and found the seal I was searching "Just need to copy this with my sharingan" I copied the seal and I'm ready to use it later then I slept in my sleeping bag.

The sun rose and I woke up, I caught the sight of Shinno packing up the tent so I packed my sleeping bag, I made it look like I'm storing it in my storage scroll but, I actually stored it in my inventory.

Shinno looked at me and said "Let's continue our journey, I see something in front of us you wouldn't mind if we investigate right?". I shake my head and followed him.

We went to the ruins and it's quite foggy here, "Why don't we split up and check this place out Amaru you go with Hisato" she nodded and Shinno walks away but I noticed his smirk 'heh can't wait to see his face when I defeat him with ease'.

I walked with her and we didn't talk. It got awkward so I initiated a conversation "So Amaru where did you live?" She looked at me weirdly.

'shit, why did I ask that?, this is what happens when I never talk to people, I only had a nice conversation with 10 people and that was a few years ago'.

She glared at me "Why do you ask me that question?" When I'm about to answer him, I heard the sound of an explosion in the distance and a scream, Amaru quickly left me and went to the source of the sound.

I chase after her but I'm taking my sweet time so when I got there I saw Shinno protecting Amaru from a barrage of kunai and it stabbed him in many places then he died on the spot or at least that's what it's look like.

The sky ninja jumps and takes Shinno's body away, Amaru was in shock but then one of the sky ninjas dropped the bag that he was carrying and opened it. Inside of it is the head of the people in her village then they ran off leaving her in a devastating state.

Suddenly her eyes started to glow red 'here it comes' Zero tail take control of her then abruptly transformed into his true form. "Yo.. zero tail I have been expecting you", He looked at me and started to attack me, I dodge all of his tentacles and used "[Lightning Style: Lightning Pillar] to cut all of the tentacles. He stopped and glared at me.

"You! how did you possess a big amount of dark chakra," He said in a distorted voice.

"I have my ways also I have a proposition to make! I will seal you in my body and Let me become your Jinchuriki and you should notice it too right? you can feed on the darkness in my heart and we will be unbeatable together, you will become my partner" smiled at him "besides I know your weakness if I became your host I will negate it".

He starts to contemplate for a while

"That's an interesting offer, well I had one condition," He said, "What is it?". He grinned at me "Show me your power I won't be sealed in a weak host", I smiled at him and checked my surrounding first, there are no people here and they probably went to Anchor Vatican expecting the Reibi.

I activated my Mangekyo and my Susanoo came alive in its third stage, the Susanoo charged up a rasenringu on his right arm and fire it away at a hill when the rasenringu hit it, it exploded destroying the hill.

Reibi saw this and began laughing then he left Amaru's body "You're an interesting one, fine I shall take on your offer", I smiled at him "You just stand still I will seal you". I created a [doppelganger] and used the hand sign. "Shiki Fujin'' the Shinigami appeared behind me.

"Let's get started, [Eight Trigrams Sealing Style]" I placed the seal on my doppelganger and the Reibi got sucked into the seal before the Shinigami take me away I yelled "[Doppelganger Change]" my soul left my body and entered the doppelganger making me the real one and my old body died.

"First time doing it, I feel weird" then I heard a voice inside my head 'It's weird Indeed I almost thought that you suicide' the Reibi said mocking me. I entered my mindscape and see Reibi there. I noticed that he is bigger than before "Hey did you get bigger or something?".

"Yes I did, when I entered here my body absorbed your chakra making me stronger than before" He grinned. "Glad you like it, now how about a change in scenery".

I created it so it looks like a swamp with hazy fog. "I like this deal already" the Reibi said. "Well now I won't feel that lonely anymore, anyway glad to have you partner" the reibi starts laughing

"Nice to meet you too partner and I left something for you".

Before I can ask I sense some sky ninja appearing so I left my mindscape "I feel chakra overflowing inside of me, this is nice" I prepare myself and saw 20 Sky ninja gliding in the sky, they dropped many paper bomb at me, I surrounded myself in an Iron Wall after I recreate it, the bombs exploded destroying chunks of my wall and the surrounding area.

I got out of my walls and looked at them 'this will be an annoying fight to them all, I wasted all of my EP on that sealing so I can't transform right now'. Then Reibi started talking 'Let me lend you some hands'.

My arms moved on their own pointing towards the sky. From it came out dozens of giant arms and it shot towards the sky grabbing everyone then encasing them in it unexpectedly the arms changed shape into a spike killing them all in an instant.

'Nice isn't it? it also can absorb someone chakra' Reibi said, "It's very nice" I grinned. "Let's go find Shinno. I want to learn Body Activation Jutsu.

(I just put the image here since it may be awkward if you think the arms is normal human arms or something This thing is called Shadow Arm)

I took a glance at the remains of the Iron wall and saw Amaru there "Huh, she survives maybe because she is within the Iron wall, should I help her?" I pondered for a bit and decided "well she did awaken Reibi, guess I should help".

I brought her near a tree and recreated a storage scroll inside of it. There are many foods and drinks, even a boat though not a big one, I left her a map and some weapons to defend herself. I recreated a pen and paper and wrote all the stuff that happens like her sensei is using her or something like that " It's up to her to decide to believe me or not".

"Well I'm not sure is she even survive with that depressed state, well I already help as much as I can better go to Shinno now" I went off to the Anchor Vatican direction

I went towards Anchor Vatican and sneaked past all of the Shinobi and entered the throne room, there I saw Shinno waiting impatiently, I revealed myself in front of him "Hey there old man, were you expecting something? maybe like a tailed beast of some sort?" I mocked him.

He was shocked when he sees me and connected the dots then yelled at me with a furious expression "You what have you done to the Reibi?". "Take a guess, old man" I said to irritate him.

His body is covered in dark chakra and he yelled "Body Activation Jutsu", instantly I activated my sharingan, He's covered in a mini-tornado and Shinno came out in his prime state.

"With this jutsu I can use all the gates of opening including the gate of death so you better prepare yourself" He said arrogantly.

I facepalmed 'Boy you saying all of this bullshit but you never used it in the movie'.

He rushed towards me and punched my gut sending me flying and hitting the wall. I sighed 'He can't even break my chakra armor. He started laughing and sprinted towards me, he punched me and a dark shockwave hit me. My chakra armor created a chakra barrier and negated the punch.

'You already copied it all just destroyed him already' Reibi said to me, 'I guess you're right' I punched him with great force but not with my full strength, he backed off and there's a giant bruise on his chest then it heals at a fast rate.

"It's useless for you to fight" his muscle starting to destroy itself then rebuilding it to make it stronger, the muscle started to move weirdly "What the fuck man that's disgusting". I rushed to him and placed my new seal.

"Chakra Disruption Seal" the seal is placed on his back, he tries to use the jutsu again but this time his body is deteriorated making him a weak and frail old man, "What have you done," he said silently. I walked to him and placed my hand on his head.

'Reibi you're up' my hand is covered in dark chakra and it's absorbing Shinno's remaining dark chakra and using his negative emotion to generate more chakra. His body can't handle it and he passes out, I created a shadow arm to form a fist and punched Shinno squashing him like a bug, blood splatter all over the place and I left the Anchor Vatican.

All of the ninjas escaped once they found out I killed Shinno, I looked at the Anchor Vatican 'Hey system do you think I can store this in my inventory?' I asked curiously.

System:[Yes you can host, but because of the massive size you need to pay SP to put it in]. 'How much does it cost?' I asked curiously.


'Well I don't have any SP right now, might as well save it to get this thing, no one can use it since the only way is to use dark chakra' I marked this location on my map and put it back to my Inventory.

I took out my motorcycle from my inventory and rode it to the shore, after a while I arrived and brought my boat out on the set sail to the sea.

'You're not gonna question any of that?' I said to Reibi. 'I'm not going to ask anything I have already seen enough of your weird antics, it doesn't surprise me anymore' he said In a calm tone. "I guess you're right" I yawned "this is a tiresome day, I think I will go to sleep."

'I checked your memory and judging from it you're a lazy person' He mocks me. "Hey don't call me out like that" then I went to my bed and slept.

[A/N: finally he got Zero tails and he becomes more OP also help me find a name for him because I think it sucks to call him Reibi or Zero tails over and over].