
Naruto: The Original God Player of konoha Village

When the desire is too strong, the god casts his eyes. Those who hold [the eye of God] are called the original god! He accidentally entered the world of Naruto, but traveler Chiizumi Aoki discovered that he could cultivate himself as a figure. of god original? Ordinary bitterness is a two-star weapon, a chakra knife is a three-star gun, and the uncle on the street is a holy star relic, the ninja's forehead is a holy relic, and the most ridiculous thing is that the flowers used to sweep the graves are also a holy relic. As a raw grass player, Aoki believes his lifelong goal is to become a god. But before that, maybe you should set yourself a small goal, like a set of five-star relics?!

TaMere · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 4 Relics of Taosheng


In a small corner of the forest behind Ninja School, under Aoki's control, a small, thick, thin and long vine is constantly swaying back and forth.

This vine is the result of Aoki's efforts to consecrate the elements.

Aoki squatted on the ground with a wooden stick in his hand and ordered the vine to sway, and his mouth could not help but complain:

"It took over two weeks to make such a small vine. By the way, can the damn thing trip a child?"

"Anyway, whatever the vine is, it's better than a flower, at least that's epic progress."

"Just in the measure of the flower last week, the people of Qiuqiu shook their heads when they saw it."

"Two weeks ago, when [God's eye] had just awakened, Aoki could only use the power of the elements to create a wild flower, but now he can 'easily' produce a 'strong' rattan and control it. Of course, this is not a miracle. Aoki didn't wake up any system.

This is just the leveling method that Aoki found!

With a higher level, the more elements the Eye of God can store the more elemental power Aoki can naturally use.

Of course, the key to leveling up is Chakra.

After two weeks of continuous testing by Aoki, Chakra equals the value of experience, which can be used not only to upgrade personal levels, increase elemental amounts, but also to upgrade weapons and holy relics.

If we compare the human body to a water bottle, the Chakra is the water in the water bottle. Usually the Chakra will slowly recover, but the total capacity will not change.

Active extraction of the chakra can not only speed up the recovery of the chakra, but also increase the capacity of the chakra in the body.

There are individual differences in the amount of chakra in each person's body. Because Aoki has the blood of the Senju clan, the amount of chakra far exceeds that of the same age.

But even so, Aoki's efforts to refine chakra for one day (about 8 hours) can only provide 400 experience points.

That is to say, Aoki tried hard for two weeks and failed to reach lv.5!


Retribution is retribution!

Aoki stood up with a sigh, waved his hand, and the rattan was almost motionless on the ground.

After confirming that the rattan had dissipated, Aoki picked up the bag next to him and walked towards his house.

While walking, Aoki will randomly pick up wild flowers under the tree or collect feathers from unknown birds.

Most of the bags in his hand are full, with about 30 flowers and feathers.

These are Aoki's treasures, because they are "holy relics"!

In the village of konoha, Aoki has seen many holy relics. The ninja's forehead is a holy relic. The pocket watch of the uncle walking down the street is a holy relic, and even the wild flowers by the roadside can be a holy relic!

At first glance, Aoki doesn't seem to care about holy relics at all, as if he can easily get a small graduation.

But the problem is that the explosion rate is too low!

Although the holy relics in konoha village are relatively common, they are not enough to make an object a holy relic.

Holy relics are divided into five categories: the flowers of life, the feathers of death, the sand of time, the cup of emptiness and the crown of reason. According to the current rules summarized by Aoki, the last two types of holy relics are still traceable. For example, the ninja's forehead is the crown of reason, the lower ninja's forehead is a sacred relic of the stars, and the middle ninja's forehead is a sacred relic with two stars... and so on.

The ninja bag is an empty cup, and the star classification is about the same as the ninja shield.

The sand of the time is some items such as pocket watches, hourglasses and pipes, which are not as obvious star level rules as the ninja forehead protection. At present, Aoki's path to obtaining Shizhis sand is to collect the trash and find sacred relics in it.

The most difficult thing to obtain are the two sacred relics of the flower of life and the feathers of death. Although they can be seen everywhere, only the relics of one star appear on average more than 100 flowers or feathers, and a relic with two stars

Aoki has been collecting garbage for two weeks. There are only two flowers two stars and a death feather in total. Can you believe it?!

"The road to graduation has a long way to go!"

Aoki picked it up all the way. Every once in a while, he would pick up a flower and put it in the bag. In this way, he would go to the waste station in konoha village.

"Yo, Brother Aoki!"

Two middle-aged uncles were standing at the door of the garbage station chatting. One of them, who had a beard, saw Aoki, and his eyes lit up and greeted Aoki hastily.

"Hello, Uncle Yamamoto."

Aoki rushed over and said hello, then could wait to look inside and ask, "What about what I want, Uncle?"

"It's all in there. It's ready for you."

"Uncle, let's go, hurry up!"

"You, don't worry, no one stole from you."

After Aoki followed the beard to the waste management station, the beard went to a warehouse and came out with two big bags of waste.

"It's all there. According to your request, there are some old items here. Take what you need.

Aoki had two bright eyes when he entered. To his eyes, they were not trash, but sacred relics that glowed white and green.

Aoki even saw a blue light in them!

"Then you are welcome."

Aoki rubbed his little hand with great interest and pierced it and turned it over.

"Not this one, not that one!"

"Oh, oh, it's that one!"

"Get another one. Today's explosion rate is very high!"

"Ah, hahaha, I found it, the three star relics!"

Aoki held a dilapidated pocket watch, laughing as if he had a precious treasure, and held it carefully in his arms.

The bearded Yamamoto looked at Aoki with a puzzled face, thinking that there was something wrong with the child's head. He left the ninja school and ran to the garbage collection station every day?!

Yamamoto thought for a moment and felt that he had to persuade Aoki as a senior, so he muttered "cough" and said:

"Brother Aoki, like garbage collection, is the work of ordinary people who are not ninjas like me. Ninja school students of your age should aim to become ninjas! You don't want to... Huh? What's that?"

After Aoki picked out the holy relics from the trash and put them in his bag, he pulled out a bunch of money bills from his arms and handed them to Yamamoto. He thanked him:

"Thank you very much for your help. Uncle Yamamoto, I like them very much. This is the purchase cost. I hope you can accept them. I will bother you next week!"

"By the way, I didn't hear what you said earlier. Can you repeat it?"

Yamamoto silently looked at the pile of money in front of him, and remained silent.


"Please don't worry about it next week and give it to me!"