
Naruto: The Noble Hermit

Naruto's relationship with both Yoruichi and Sui-Feng, two of my quartet of favourite female Bleach Characters. The Story itself will be AU, focusing almost entirely on the Arc's in which Aizen is the main Antagonist, and continuing on from there. The main Protagonist will be Naruto, and this story will focus almost entirely on his life/after-life and his relationships with the various women in it. He will be God-Like... like... Uber God-like; so Aizen will barely make him sweat, only barely managing to escape his encounters with him when they do fight, all the while preaching his non-existent superiority to make himself feel better. Some other things will be twisted around and changed for the benefit of my planned out plot, but I will attempt to stick to the Official Bleach Terms and Lore as much as I can. I'll also try not to make any of the characters too OOC, but Sui-Feng will be tricky, at least until we reach the Soul Society Arc.

Ville_Smith · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter 6:

flame on his finger. Lighting the contents of the pipe, he took a tentative puff and nearly coughed up a lung.

It had to have been one of the most painful experiences of his young life, but he would get the hang of it.

Anything to keep the memory of at least one of his precious people alive in his heart.

After several tries, he was finally able to inhale the smoke and appreciate it's subtle flavour. He could understand why the old man Hokage had liked the stuff.

He was relaxed for the first time since he'd come to Soul Society, even if he was a little light headed.

Sitting there in the almost deafening silence, Naruto finally let his memories come to the surface, as he reminisced about all the good times he had in his life. His death was one of many in that accursed war, but he was content in the knowledge that he'd managed to end the war before he'd died, and before all had been lost forever.

No one else would have to die because of Obito's mad plan for the world. The biju were free again just like he'd promised, and the souls of those Jinchuuriki that had died were able to pass on peacefully.

He'd fulfilled his promises.

He could finally just. .

. rest.

Several moments later Naruto sighed. "Crap, I'm already bored.


Fifty Years Later(Approximately One Hundred and Fifty years Before Start of Bleach Cannon, and roughly Fifty Years before Yoruichi abandons her duties and flees Soul Society with Urahara and the Visoreds)

Location: Niban-tai Barracks

Yoruichi sat in her luxurious armchair, or more like sprawled across the arms and seat in what would appear to most as a feline fashion. She was currently counting off the reported sightings of a blonde haired man who'd been spotted numerous times in Hokutan, the third district of West Rukongai.

Every time she'd tried sending a team to make an attempt at a retrieval he would simply vanish, and wouldn't reappear for weeks, sometimes months. He was definitely living up to his former occupation.

Fifty years had passed in Soul Society since she'd konso'd the quite obviously depressed young man, and from what little information she had been able to gather so far, the man hadn't gone out of his way to form lasting bonds with anyone in Hokutan.

They called him the Hermit Sage. Strange name for a person living in the Rukongai; Hermit she could understand, but why a sage? He wasn't that old by Spiritual Standards, no he was still quite young.

Sages were powerful beings of unlimited wisdom and uncanny ability to do what would normally be impossible for the average individual, and were usually very old.

Was he able to use his reiryoku? Did he even have more than the average plus? If so none of her scouts had reported sensing anything of the sort when they'd managed to actually locate him on his rare journeys into town.

They hadn't even managed to follow him and learn of just where it was he was dwelling out in Hokutan. Every time they tried he would employ masterful misdirection tactics against them and leave them in the middle of the district alone and terribly confused.

If he was able to do that to the Executive Militia, Shinigami that she had trained personally, then he had a much better grasp of what it meant to be part of the Onmitsukidou than many of the current members.

A Shinobi through and through, even in death.

Sighing Yoruichi sent out a pulse of reiatsu, and almost immediately her young protege Sui-Feng appeared in front of her, already kneeling with her fist to the floor and her head bowed. "You called Yoruichi-sama?"

Yoruichi rolled her eyes, she'd always disliked those stuffy honorifics, yet she hadn't been able to get Sui-Feng to budge. With a quick look to the door, Yoruichi sat upright in her seat and folded her legs beneath her.

"I need you to go to Hokutan immediately; your target is a man with long blonde hair tied in a long ponytail wearing a crimson haori with a black flame pattern. He's usually smoking a pipe and simply wandering around aimlessly, or visiting a merchant in the area who sells his favorite brand of tobacco by the pound.

When you find him, I want you to follow him, and absolutely do not allow him to become aware of your presence. Find out where he lives and gather any additional information that could prove useful; once this is done you may visit with him if you like, but return here and hand in your report as soon as possible.


Sui-Feng looked up at the beautiful woman before her and nodded, though she was slightly confused. Why would she want to visit with a target? It was rather unorthodox to be completely honest—then she remembered.

"It's him isn't it, Yoruichi-sama? Have we found him?"

Yoruichi smiled, not one of her more mischievous smiles either, but a genuine smile of hapiness. "Yeah it is him, and we haven't actually found him yet.

All we know is that he is seen within Hokutan every few months to shop for supplies. Most of it varies from food, vegetable seeds, ingredients for what appears to be sake, tobacco and other necessities for living.

We don't know if he has any more reiryoku than the average spirit even with these food purchases he's been making, simply because every time he's spotted my men can't sense anything out of the ordinary. Every time I try to send a team in for retrieval he gives them the slip with almost laughable ease and completely disappears.

" Yoruichi leaned back into her chair and sighed. "That's why I'm sending you Sui-Feng, out of all the members within the Executive Militia, you are by far my best agent, I'm sending you in alone so that you draw less attention.

Try to blend in with the civilians, that means wearing a normal kimono in place of your shihakushou. Hopefully this will prevent him from spotting you.

Once you've seen him, don't make contact until you've found out where he lives. "