
Naruto: The Noble Hermit

Naruto's relationship with both Yoruichi and Sui-Feng, two of my quartet of favourite female Bleach Characters. The Story itself will be AU, focusing almost entirely on the Arc's in which Aizen is the main Antagonist, and continuing on from there. The main Protagonist will be Naruto, and this story will focus almost entirely on his life/after-life and his relationships with the various women in it. He will be God-Like... like... Uber God-like; so Aizen will barely make him sweat, only barely managing to escape his encounters with him when they do fight, all the while preaching his non-existent superiority to make himself feel better. Some other things will be twisted around and changed for the benefit of my planned out plot, but I will attempt to stick to the Official Bleach Terms and Lore as much as I can. I'll also try not to make any of the characters too OOC, but Sui-Feng will be tricky, at least until we reach the Soul Society Arc.

Ville_Smith · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter 10:

my mistress' attention and affection so completely.


Naruto raised a brow at the rather blunt declaration, but said nothing as he continued to puff away on his pipe. After a brief moment of thought, he finally sighed tiredly and looked out into the yard through the open shoji door.

"What would you like to know?" That had been the question that had begun a long series of questions about his life, his ideals, and his philosophy.

In the end, Sui-Feng had spent several hours in the home of Namikaze Naruto, and had learned far more than she had possibly bargained for. He had lived a tortured life of poverty and suffering, with pain enough to drive a hundred men to suicide.

Yet he was still kind, and much like Yoruichi he enjoyed teasing her all for the simple sake of eliciting a reaction from her.

He had her blushing beat red for almost the entirety of her visit, chuckling merrily all the while as he teased her mercilessly. If it hadn't been for her promise to Yoruichi, she would have very much liked to introduce him to Suzumebachi.

He had quite literally saved District Thirteen from absolute destruction, all because of a mad man's plot to enslave the entire world with a powerful illusion the likes of which she had never dreamed possible, even in her nightmares. He was also the subject of his own people's prejudice for much of his young life because of something far outside of his own control.

Sui-Feng nodded to herself as she walked the halls of the Niban-tai Barracks on her way to Yoruichi-sama's personal quarters where she would likely be resting. He was a good man, with strong morals and a stronger sense of justice.

She herself had learned much in only that single sitting; and she was glad that he had not unknowingly betrayed her expectations.

With a small blush that did not go unnoticed by a certain Taichou who had just opened the door of her room, Sui-Feng thought back on his appearance. He was definitely well trained and took very good care of his health, and his musculature attested to many long years of endlessly bettering himself.

How strong he was however was still a mystery; as even though she were sitting right in front of him only a few short feet away, she had not been able to feel any reiryoku from him at all.

Then again, at the back of her mind she was having thoughts of an entirely different sort. Incredibly lustful thoughts she thought idly; she was young and had never been with a man before, her nightly escapades with Yoruichi being the only real form of 'sex' she had ever indulged in.

The thought of his large masculine arms completely engulfing her tiny body as his mouth ravaged her own and his hands explored her every bump and crevice.

Her blush deepened as her thoughts took her even further into her lustful fantasy, and she found herself imagining several things that were unsuitable for one of her station. She was knocked out of her thoughts though at the sound of a teasing laugh.

"Having some dirty thoughts are we, Sui-Feng?"

Spluttering at being caught, even if she had no idea how her mentor and mistress was capable of reading her thoughts, Sui-Feng immediately bowed her head and coughed while trying and failing to hide her cherry red full-body blush. "Yoruichi-sama, I—what I mean to say is.

. .

uuuu. " She trailed off in an embarrassed groan of discomfort that sounded more like a kitten mewling in displeasure than anything else.

It was something that had Yoruichi laughing heartily as she took Sui-Feng's hand, dragging the young woman into her room and then closing the door behind them. "I admit Sui-Feng, after the other night I was certain you would be fine for another few days, but you just can't get enough of me eh?"

Her blush darkened and Yoruichi raised an amused eyebrow. "Or did he really leave that much of an impression on you?" When no response came other than a large amount of steam bursting from the younger woman's ears, Yoruichi grinned.

"Well lookie here; my little bee has herself a crush. "

Immediately, Sui-Feng denied the accusation vehemently, but the full body blush that refused to die down was not helping in her case. "I only have eyes for you Yoruichi-sama! He may be incredibly, tall, and handsome, and smart, and kind and—and.

. .

uuuu. " Once again she devolved into a groan as she realized she had only played further into her mentors hands.

Yoruichi allowed herself another laugh at her young protege's expense, pulling the stuttering girl into a hug and patting her on the head. "Don't you worry my little Sui-Feng, it's perfectly natural.

If his looks when he were a teenager were anything to go by, then I'm not gonna blame you for falling to that unwitting charm of his. He's a natural when it comes to attracting people, women especially, and he has been all his life.

I highly doubt that's going to change now that he's dead. " In fact she was sure that passive ability to draw people to him would only grow stronger now; probably why he'd taken to living so far from Hokutan in seclusion.

Sui-Feng sighed, the feeling of bliss that overcame her every time she felt Yoruichi's arms fold her up in an embrace was almost too much to ignore. Thankfully her blush had receded, though her cheeks were still dusted with a light pink, so she started telling Yoruichi of everything she had learned.

Her report on his physical features so that Yoruichi would be more easily capable of identifying him, where he lived in Hokutan, his self-proclaimed doorman; and even about the conversation she'd had with him over tea.

When all was said and done, Yoruichi had pulled the two of them onto her couch where they were now lying, with Sui-Feng cuddled up into her mentor's large bosom, and quickly losing her grasp on her consciousness. Yoruichi smiled, her hand gently stroking the younger woman's head as the girl faded off the sleep.