
Naruto: The Newest Tyrant

Bring the recruitment system through the Ninja- Naruto brother! Collect ninja fragments to recruit ninjas, and achieve the strongest brother control in the Ninja world! Considering that this Novel has more than 720+ chapters, you shall know that the storyline is gonna take longer, so get ready! And I try my best to update! :) Btw, This is my Translation! All Credits to original Author! :) Please realize that this is a machine translation but, I do try to fix most of the mistakes as names and please remember before dissing me in chat/I am not native langauge of those novels and go read machine translation and see how unreadable they are compare to mine which I spend hours trying to fix mistakes so please. :( I also started high school so, please cut me some slack:) 10 Chapters/10 Chapters/Per Monday/Wednesday/Friday! 30 chapters per week :)

HolyOniiSama · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

#20: Genuine hero

Might Guy cried to run once more, has not carried off including the chestnut of that large package.

Looks that a face bystander did on the stool dials open/stretch Miao who the chestnut ate, the corner of the eye of Kakashi twitched immediately several times.

„You are intentional?"

„Un!" open/stretch Miao nodded, then gives him the chestnut in hand, „eats the chestnut? Very sweet, did not eat to waste!"

Kakashi: „..."

That chestnut is others Might Guy! After you are mad others ran, but also does this naturally eat others chestnuts really?

Wants the tsukkomi place to be too many, instead does not know that should start to be good from there, moreover looks a face sincere gives own open/stretch Miao the chestnut, Kakashi sighs immediately.

„Oh, walks!"


Now open/stretch Miao has been used to be carried by Kakashi, did not think that at the back of having anything is quite ashamed by a 13-year-old youth.

On the side of him snort/hum not the well-known song, side is taking chestnut of that package from Might Guy to gnaw „kā chā" to make noise.

„kā chā... Wú, this chestnut really good, Kakashi don't you come two really?"

„!" Hears open/stretch Miao the words, on the face of Kakashi shows a smiling face, „Ryunosuke, did your on tooth long come out?"

„Does not have, I am use the tooth, the front tooth estimated that must three months be able long to come out, first makes do!"


Looks open/stretch Miao a face indifferent took up a chestnut to throw into the mouth once more, on the Kakashi face has flashed through a helplessness immediately.

This fellow sees not like one less than one -year-old child, is Uzumaki Clan the freak?

Thinks of here, Kakashi shook the head immediately, is irrelevant the idea of flings the mind after these, somewhat enforces toward open/stretch Miao asks: „Ryunosuke, are you repugnant?"

If before, Kakashi will not ask such question, but the god not adjoined in the war of bridge the death of Obito, changed the Kakashi philosophy once more, making him takes seriously the companion to get up.

Sometimes although Might Guy truly makes him somewhat bothersomely extremely bothersome, however the opposite party effort and will also truly to a certain extent touched him, and obtained his approval, therefore, Kakashi does not hope that open/stretch Miao plays with Might Guy like this.

It looks like in Kakashi, the Guy's image somewhat is truly awful, perhaps this is open/stretch Miao dislikes his reason, what made Kakashi not think, open/stretch Miao as if not think.

His voice just fell, open/stretch Miao immediately shook the head.

„No, my not repugnant Might Guy, on the contrary, I like him, moreover I believe that in the future he can certainly become great Ninja!"

„..." open/stretch Miao the reply has stemmed from the expectation of Kakashi obviously, he stopped the footsteps immediately, then some being in a daze looks to open/stretch Miao, „why said?"

„Because he has one not to be inferior to your father Hatake Sakumo great father Might Duy!"

When open/stretch Miao said these words, Kakashi stared in a big way the eye immediately, in the vision full was the inconceivable color.

It looks like in Kakashi, open/stretch Miao esteems and approves to his father Hatake Sakumo, but has not actually thought that the Might Guy father is opening Miao also has that high status at heart.

Regarding the Might Guy father, Kakashi is also some impressions, initially his father Hatake Sakumo delivered he goes to Ninja Academy the time, once had seen one side the Might Guy father in the entrance of school.

Kakashi remembers that Might Guy the appearance of father is the same with present Might Guy, puts on green tight clothes, but also momentarily is having a face suave smiling face, as if can smile to anybody.

Such person , can be called the hero?

As if saw surprised of Kakashi, open/stretch Miao had opened the mouth once more slowly.

„ Might Duy is the Might Guy father, does not excel at Ninjutsu Genjutsu (Illusionary Technique), the dedicated practice Taijutsu (Body Techniques) 20 years, were called Eternal Genin,

Then Konoha Ninja continuously Might Duy initially waste and trash! " Here, on open/stretch Miao the face has flashed through a ridicule immediately.

„But they have not actually thought that this is in this kind of their eyes ‚waste', ‚trash', to protect own son and Konoha companion, can erupt the impressive strength unexpectedly, struck ‚Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist' at one fell swoop turned into ‚the ninja sword three people of audiences'!"

„Hissing..." heard to open Miao this saying, Kakashi has held immediately breath cold air, „was the Guy's father, so unexpectedly strong?"

Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist Kakashi is knows that it is said each of them's strength reaches arrived Kage-level, collaborates facing such seven people, Kakashi thought that even if own father Hatake Sakumo, very difficult with it contending, say nothing of massacred four people.

However the Guy's father can achieve unexpectedly, does he achieve?

Looks at a Kakashi face inconceivable appearance, open/stretch Miao once more has actually smiled.

„Very inconceivable right? However this truly is the fact! After that fights, Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist that once was once celebrated, actually only remaining Biwa Jūzō, Suikazan Fuguki and black hoe thunder tooth three people . Moreover the two afterward also traitor ninja, Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist is thoroughly destroyed."

„Originally is this!"

Listened to open/stretch Miao recounted, nod of Kakashi a little changed countenance immediately.

„Has not thought that the Guy's father is also this kind of great Ninja."

„Yes!" The Kakashi voice just fell, open/stretch Miao also nodded, then looked up sky, somewhat sigh with emotion saying: „I thought that called him more appropriate with the hero!"


Hears open/stretch Miao to mention again „hero" this two characters, Kakashi once more somewhat surprised looks to him, that expression seems was asking that opened Miao this appraisal is extremely.

Facing vision of Kakashi doubts, open/stretch Miao actually once more firm nod.

„Right, is the hero! In my opinion, the hero is not taking the person of sword, is not taking the person of shield, does not give the person who others treat, but can at crucial moments, be able to protect the person of family member and companion with the life, such person, is the genuine hero!"

Here, opened Miao deep inspiration, then put out a hand to aim at the village distant place huge Hokage crag.

„Like Fourth Hokage that Kyūbi (Nine-Tails) chaotic died in battle!"

Hears opens Miao this saying cannot help but, Kakashi immediately looks to the Hokage crag, the mouth was also muttering simultaneously.

„Can at crucial moments, be able to protect the person of family member and companion with life, is the genuine hero..."

Looks the appearance that Kakashi is shocked once more, open/stretch Miao nodded once more with a smile.

„Right, such person is the genuine hero, for example Kakashi your father, the Might Guy father, they are the Konoha genuine heroes!"

Heard open/stretch Miao saying that once more own father was the hero, the corners of the mouth under Kakashi mask brings back immediately has wiped the smiling face, he lagged behind his Ninja to protect the volume gently, blocked from oneself some left eyes of feeling hot, then carried open/stretch Miao to continue to proceed.

He walks, while in wants to say at heart secretly: „Ryunosuke, you have said I and Might Guy father are the genuine heroes, but in my opinion, your father, that has protected the man of village under the threat of Kyūbi (Nine-Tails) , he is the genuine hero!"

Harbored the heart of respect to own father and teacher, Kakashi walks away at the back of open/stretch Miao slowly.

They do not know, after they leave, wear green tight clothes, manages the thick eyebrow youth of watermelon head to depend upon near the wall in lane, makes an effort to nip own clothes, cries to have tears streaming down the face.

„Father... The person in village has not forgotten you, you are the genuine hero, hum hum..."

FInally last chapter for today

Just remember that I fix 50 chapters today for one novel, and 4 fanfictions god my hands hurt :(

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