
Naruto: The Mutant

I own nothing but original stuff ------- The Mc will be over powered I'm not a naruto God so things will be wrong just count it as a AU

Whatthecheese3 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter One ❌ Arrival and Start of Training

I've been sitting in this void for far too long.

Suddenly a being came into view.

"Hello, young one you have a chance to get reincarnated with some wishes no limitations" The being said.

"Sick. No need to stand on ceremony" Our Mc said.

"My first wish is to be able to use any type of runes, only my blood will be able to study them and use them unless I choose differently.

My second wish is to be able to make any weapon or equipment and the supplies will already be in front of me with methods on how to make it imprinted in my mind or it's already made depending on me.

My third wish is to be a combat god with the ability to teach anyone anything. I will know everything that has to do with combat and have knowledge on every educational subject that fits in that world.

My fourth wish is Wolverine and Deadpool's powers with only Wolverine's and Adamantium skeleton powers getting passed down, also being wolf based. I will stop growing once I reach my prime. I will also be able to tie my immortality to one person and my kin and I have a DNA lock. No weakness.

(like how the Inuzuka's are dog based)

My fifth wish is Black Panther's powers without the king of the dead stuff. I want to be able to place a tree of the divine heart-shaped herbs once, only my blood will be able to use it. It will be fully grown once placed. If someone else, not of my blood eats the herb dies unless I choose otherwise.

My sixth wish I want Darkness Manipulation while my kin have the water-down version Shadow Generation and they have to use chakra.

My seventh wish is to have two bloodlines one shadow panther and the other shadow wolf" Our Mc said

"Good those wishes are not that bad now. Now what would you like to look like in your next life, and what timeline." the being said.

"Muzaka from Noblesse I want one panther's eye to signify that bloodline and blue signifying the wolf part of the bloodline. Three generations before Hashirama and Madara." Mc said

"Alright off you go" The being said


My name is Zero Ōkami, and my last name means Wolf. I think that's kind of cool. I'm 8 years old. Obviously, my parents are dead and I have the blacksmith to myself so I don't have to worry about people asking where I get what from.

Since I got the memories it was time to test everything else. I made the claws pop out, I went to the wood table and made a cutting motion with my fist facing down and it went through like a hot knife and butter. I retracted my claws and saw that the holes closed at a very fast rate.

Next, I focused on the darkness I was thinking to myself sinking into the shadows. I looked around and everything was black but I could still see if you could call it that.

I left the shadow and went to the kitchen to grab a knife. Once I grabbed the knife I made an enhancement rune knife on it, I walked to the table and made a cutting motion. Once again like butter, it went straight through the table.

Then I thought about a small normal dagger with nothing special about it, then it appeared in front of me.

All I thought was 'this was good'.

Well, I have a source of income, I can sell weapons given that I live in a blacksmith shop. I got dressed and left the shop I walked around the village and it looked very poor. There was a disgusting smell but then I noticed that I was smelling people's emotions, some were pleasant but most were bad. After walking around for a while I got very bored so I just went back home.

Since I don't have to unlock my chakra as some stupid fanfics said I'm going to start training. I put [Runes] all over my body for the weight that automatically adjusts to make it heavier. I also put [Runes] on my body that constantly makes me feel like I'm getting a beating, I will add more [Runes] with worse levels as I go on. I still remember the hand signs for [Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu] and [Shadow Clone Jutsu] once I'm able to combine them with my [Darkness manipulation] ill throw them to the side and have them focus on combat experience and [CC] while I train my body and senses.

Walking around with extra pounds while my muscles are being torn and healed while also constantly getting the feeling of being beaten almost feels like self-harm. I have to change my mindset to fit in the shinobi world if I don't want to be cannon fodder.

I started my workout with One Punch-Man method, it was slow I did take breaks in between but in all honesty, it felt good to get stronger. Next, I did the [CC] exercises that I remember from the show but it was slow and steady. It started to be nightfall so I moved to [Jutsu]s once I made [Shadow Clones] everything was smooth sailing.



I will clarify things and aux chapters so be on the lookout when they come out.