
Naruto: The Mutant

I own nothing but original stuff ------- The Mc will be over powered I'm not a naruto God so things will be wrong just count it as a AU

Whatthecheese3 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 7 ~❌Add to the family

A couple of notes before I start. I got Grammarly, so that's cool

I was struggling with my marvel fanfic lots of people kept saying I should keep going, but I'm not sure


After the whole clan thing, I was still pissed off, so I isolated myself in training. The emotions I was having felt like they were dialed to ten. The anger and sadness didn't go away when I destroyed the clan, I took all their things and burned them besides money, but that's it.

I had to get Ren to run the clan while I was away. I'm praying that nothing bad happened.

While training wasn't the main activity I was focused on, I started making weapons as the Hidden Mist had. I know it coming late to the picture.

I made two pairs of chains, you can whip them around like a whip, and they can connect for more length. They can conduct chakra, and you can shorten them into the shape of a blunt sword. These go to my favorite daughter.

Then there is the gun, which uses chakra to shoot. Also, it uses the most prominent element ( if it's earth, it shoots earth), where the clip is where the bullets normally go is where you load jutsu's the more chakra you load, the bigger the bang (looks like a Glock)

The next one is the [Red Pole]. It's styled after the Goku and the Monkey Kings staff, and it can disconnect in the middle too. They have the same ability as each.

Then I made Thor's hammer from Ragnarok, the anime. I made it a little bit smaller it has the gloves with it, I don't know who this one is made for at the moment. Then Thor's hammer from the movie Endgame, I was thinking about giving this to Harishi. I'll let it boost his wood element, and whoever he passes it to will have his stored chakra in it so that the weapon will have the wood element.

The last one is a sword. It's like both [Kesame and Zabuza] swords. It eats [Chakra and restores itself with Blood]

((( I need names for each weapon help me out)))

So these past ten years were eventful for me because I developed all types of new training methods.

Now is the time to get the Inuzuka to our clan.

"Ren, how was the clan while I was gone."

"Everything is good besides us getting more prisoners from both sides of the clans that are at war."

"That's good to know. It's time to move on to the Inuzuka. Send a messenger to them and tell them we will play a game (clan vs. clan) to take control. Or we can make them submit," I said with a smile.

"Alright, dad" "Also, dad, we made a redlight district."

"You what! Why"

"Well, I and a couple of others visited some of the bigger villages and always found a red light district. Not going to lie, dad. We watched for a couple of days and did the math; they made a good amount of money. So I thought that if we give them better conditions and better contraception."

"So essentially, we are turning into pimps. Then if they don't meet the requirements, you slap them around and say, 'Bitch, where is my money' or 'I'm doing this because I love you'"

"Haha, no, dad, we will just be charging them rent."

"Ok, I'm not going to touch that. You can run that yourself; that's it for today."


I have been fine now after walking through the clan and seeing my kids, knowing that I still have some people to protect.

I see some of my kids disgruntled, and I already know why. Their mothers passed away.

I've told them before that we are long-lived so we won't die until 3 to 4 generations pass. I did force them into this because of my genes. Them having to watch their friends grow old and die. Hell, I feel the same way; the merchant we started with his son is now doing the deals he will pass soon too.


The reply I got from the Inuzuka Clan was nothing short of an "F YOU."

I grabbed four of the kids, and we made our way to the Inuzuka Clan. Today we will make them submit.

Once we got there, I to the kids not to kill anyone, just to knock them out; we don't need deaths today.

The kids knocked them out left and right, letting them fall softly on the ground.

I walked up to the patriarch.

"Mind repeating what you said in the letter."

He was stunned for words he didn't expect to come so quickly.

"You have..."

I interrupted him

"Listen, let's skip the whole speech to get to the main point. Like I said in the letter, we will have a game capture the flag. My game, your territory. The losers sever under the other."

"And why would we want that."

"Well I have a lot to offer money, improving your clan jutsu's, ever my clans [Runes]. What I want from you is more blood, I want a bigger family"

"Is that really all you want"

"Yes my clan is small I started it by myself so..."

"Sigh. We will do it"

"Good ill give you a month to practice even my kids don't know this game. And we will go over the rules"



I will try to cough up a chapter 2marr since I have off

An the love interest will be an Oc I didn't want any of the fure ladies because I think it's weird hint being his age.