
Naruto: The Mutant

I own nothing but original stuff ------- The Mc will be over powered I'm not a naruto God so things will be wrong just count it as a AU

Whatthecheese3 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 6❌

I can't believe this shit. They killed three of my kids. I know for a fact they had to gang up on them. BUT they still killed my kids.

Walking to the arena with nothing but anger on my face, I stood there for a good ten minutes thinking about how I wanted to go about this. I could go the intelligent route and start picking them off like flies, but that would take too long and will not appease my anger. So instead, I think I will go for a full frontal assault, kill all ninja-related people, and leave the kids, women, and elderly.

I was mulling over this, and I finally made a decision.

Putting charka in my voice, "Kids. Arena. Now," not even thirty seconds later, all of them were lined up.

"A few of you probably already know, but you lost three of your siblings today to the Hisoka Clan. I DAMN sure know that this shouldn't be said, but ill say it anyway. We are going to massacre that shitty Hisoka Clan."

"We leave in five minutes."

[Three hours later]

We ran to the Hisoka Clan. Any on-duty we came across was dealt with swiftly. Two guards at the gate tried to stop us. I paid them no mind and killed them with their own shadow.

"You know what to do."

I kept walking through the clan; you could hear screams all over, kids asking for help, but my kids started to round up all the kids, elderly, and women. I'll speak to them later.

"Who the hell dares to try and destroy my clan," The unknown man said while trying to use his charka to pressure everyone.

More rage started to explode from me; I [Body Flicker] right in front of him " You better call all ur clan elders and vice leaders, whatever you call it, because you will need all the help you can get" right after that I kicked him right in the chest, too fast for him to react.

"Help. I need help to fight this demon."

[Pov 3rd]

Three more people showed up, two men and one woman. Three were at Kage level, and one was at Jonin.

Zero looked at Ren and signaled to put up [Rune Barriers] so they couldn't run away, then proceeded to release his [Gravity Runes] on himself. He wanted to torture them slowly.

Zero did one-handed signs and cast [Dark Water: Lake]. Once he did that, black water started to come out of his feet and cover the entire area.

(Hoskin elder 1-2-3 Will be called HE1 etc. Hoskin P will be called HP didn't feel like naming them as they were not that important)

The Elders jumped back, trying to dodge it until they hit a wall, but they couldn't see anything behind them. Once the water touched them, covering their ankles, they felt sluggish. After that, they thought it was not that dangerous; they tried to stand on the water but felt like their chakra was sucked in like a black hole, stopping as soon as possible.

"What the hell is this" "I have almost no chakra " " shit."

"Ya, I know I sound like a hypocrite, but you killed my kids, but you gave me something to think about once we finished here. Shit, I also think ya clan is full of pedos considering your name, but ill talk about that after I kill you."

The four started to charge at Zero from different angles punching and kicking with different combinations trying to catch Zero off guard. The sad is they knew he was toying with them. Zero started to fight back but didn't put any strength into his blows. He reactivated his [Gravity Runes], thinking it would be a little more fun.

Ren saw that his dad activated the [Runes] again and wanted to laugh at the upcoming display fighting it with all his might.

Zero brought out his claws and started to make small wounds on all parts of their body he wanted the wounds to accumulate. The four enemies backed away and looked at their wounds, and it was becoming harder to do more with each passing second. They didn't know what to do in the current situation they were in, but then they heard Zero.

"[Dark Jutsu: Dark World]

As soon as those words fell, their entire view turned dark and more pain continued to assault them. Seconds later, they felt like their entire being was being ripped apart soon. They could not hear each other screams.


ik this was short but iwas struggling with this for some reason