
Naruto: The Life of Shirai Haruno

(18+) Truck-Kun claims another Victim, Sean. Sean meets an old man, A ROB perhaps or a god, and gets reincarnated into the Natutoverse as Shirai Haruno, The older brother of Sakura Haruno. What will he Do to Carve his name in this Dangerous world? Will he even Survive?

Aces_BigDaddy · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

The Pond.

I couldn't help but sigh as I failed to conjure up my chakra, again. No wonder kishimoto stated not everyone can become a ninja.

Among the hundreds of thousands of people residing in konoha, there is only one academy with only a few sections per grade, that does make sense now.

Even after six months of constant meditation, I have not been able to sense my chakra, not even once. I meditate every night, before sleeping and just after waking up in secret.

I started to sleep in a separate room six-months ago when I was still two years old. It also meant that I had started to have better sleep without the moans and claps.

I got up from the bed and punched the wall next to myself in frustration, my first hurt through my own actions, I held on to it in pain.

Maybe I should just become a taijutsu practitioner. I silently thought to myself. I still healed faster than normal people. Several times faster.

Then everything clicked.

Chakra is the combination of Yin and Yang, Aka, physical and mental energies. Does that mean, my body is far too weak to conjure sensible chakra? I wondered to myself, eyes widened and a gasp escaping from my open mouth.

I am so stupid to not figure that out sooner. I thought, mentally slapping myself. For the next 6 months I trained constantly, trying to make my body stronger, to be able to form a proper Yin-Yang connection and form chakra.


I calmed my breathing, the sounds around me, the birds chirping and crickets cricketing soon dulled. I could observe myself disappearing into a white void, upon even more concentratration, the void started taking shape into a maze.

This is my mindscape huh. I observed the maize around me. Every corner I turned, it got even more complicated, every where I looked, I could only see the sandy walls and the grassy floor.

Every shinobi in this world has to cross their mindscape when they unlock their chakra, it is a must. Firstly, one has to be on a similar level in Yin (mental) energy and Yang (physical) energy for their maximum amount of combined chakra.

If they are not equal, chakra is mostly intensive to one type of energy, since I have a well developed mind and a developing body, my chakra is going to be Yin (mentally) intensive and have less Yang (physical) energy.

Secondly, a a person must be able to unlock a mental barrier and break the wall to acces the locked chakra.

Any by mentally strong, it is being able to access the locked chakra, different people perceive this barrier differently. For me, it turned out to be a maze. I must now find the Exit, Aka My chakra reservoir.

I tried turning every corner, every turn continued being even more confusing. The sandy walls were too high to even attempting climbing.

An hour quickly passed, a tired sigh escaped from my mouth. The grass under me was already starting to wither. They likely depicted my mental state at that moment.

A thing I noticed over the past hour is that the maze seemed to get even more complicated as I got deeper, the air seemed to get thinner and I felt as if I was climbing a hill, this must also be linked to my mental state.

Was this a challenge of mental fortitude or stamina? No, there has to be a trick to this.

A part of me imagined the walls collapsing or the maize simply disappearing, was it possible though?

This is a product of my subconscious imagination, this is a product of my own creation. I thought.

This is my own mid afterall, I AM the one in control. I came to the conclusion. I smiled from ear to ear, standing up quickly I put my hand out. I imagined a thread, glowing brightly and leading to the exit.

Lo and behold, a thread appeared In front of me, I followed where the glowing thread took me, like the line of a pen going from entry to exit in a maze. The thread lead me right into the center of the maze.

A glowing pond, with water as clear as crystal and as blue as the sky, roughly the size, half of an Olympic swimming pool. (Look it up)

It was surrounded by green grass which seemed to be enriched by the chakra. I stood near it in awe and amazement.

I looked around myself, the walls had already disappeared and a field of grass stretched throughout the horizon, a cloudless blue sky above.

I could only look around in amazement, spinning several times to capture the awestruking view. I sat if the grass, before lying down to relief my exaustion.

I chuckled slightly, upon feeling the slight breeze brushing past me and the warmth yet coolness radiating from the pond. Sweat dropped down my body, the texture of grass poking my back.

I have never felt this alive in my life. After a while, I finally stood up. Taking steps towards the pond, intending on finally unlocking the energy located deep inside my body.

I motioned my hands towards the crystal clear, blue water. It inveloped my hand, sending shivers down my spine, a warmth embraced me, one which I had never experienced.

Just as fast as it came, just as fast it disappeared. I was now back in my room, covered by darkness. I was surprised to say the least.

I concentrated again, and again. But I couldn't access the chakra. I was disappointed, really disappointed.

I concentrated on entering the grassy plane again, my mindscape transformed into the endless white void before transforming into the grassy plain with the pond.

I approached the pond again. I stared at the water and it stared at me, my reflection. I moved my foot towards the pond and my reflection got closer and closer, until.


Belly flop!! This time the sensation travelled down my body, from each blood vessel to each organ to each tissue to each cell, and back.

The chakra was finally inside me, I could finally feel it. Like spurt of water constantly flowing inside me, providing me coolness in the hotness and warmth in the chills.

I held up my hand, seeing the translucent like blue-greenish chakra enveloping it. Water of the pond envelopes each part of my body, although it was water, it felt light and didn't seem to burden me at all. Instead it provided me with strength.

I found myself waking up in the real world, an aura of invisible chakra enveloping my body. It was still dark around me, probably because it was still 4 am.