
Naruto: The Life of Shirai Haruno

(18+) Truck-Kun claims another Victim, Sean. Sean meets an old man, A ROB perhaps or a god, and gets reincarnated into the Natutoverse as Shirai Haruno, The older brother of Sakura Haruno. What will he Do to Carve his name in this Dangerous world? Will he even Survive?

Aces_BigDaddy · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs


This will be a graduation chapter guys, the academy is boring Both for the MC as well as me. I will be changing Itachi's graduation time to happen a year after he joined instead of 4 months because I want to put them on the same team, it would not make sense for me to just make the MC and Itachi friends and not have them on the same team.


Shirai Pov.

Itachi and I walked up the stairs to the academy, intending on reaching the room of the graduating class. It has been a year already since we had joined the academy.

The teacher's deemed Itachi good enough to pass the graduation exam because of his shadow clone got dispelled a few months ago by a random kid. The Shadow clone jutsu being the only jutsu in his arsenal that I didn't have access to meant that he was awfully hellbent on not teaching me the jutsu.

I was deemed to be good enough to pass after accidentally knocking my teacher into a wall with an accidental chakra enhanced punch to the gut, he had a skull fracture because of that and multiple broken ribs as well as having a fractured spine.

The graduation room was on the second floor, we were just sent there to give a written exam and our mastery over the basic three academy jutsu's.

"May I come in teacher." We simultaneously asked the teacher inside the class form the outside. He raised one eyebrow, wondering what a kid that barely looked 9 asking to come inside. He was even more curious about Itachi than me considering the Uchiha was even shorter than me.

"You two must be the young Geniuses my colleague mentioned, Come in." The teacher said as the two of us entered, the children inside, who aged anywhere from 12 to 15. It was safe to assume that us two were the youngest to take the graduation exam.

"Pleas get seated, I will shortly bring out the question papers." The examiner told us, I nodded along with the Uchiha at my side and went to one of the free seats.

These questions would be pretty easy, looking at the few Model questions I looked beforehand.

"Your dad must be pretty rich to be able to bribe you directly to the graduation exam." I heard a kid next to me say, he had no shame in assuming such things, so say it out loud was on a whole another level of shamefulness.

"He was." I told him, my father in this world was already dead, buried six feet under, he was pretty rich though, I give him a point on that.

"What?" He questioned me, Dumbass didn't even understand what I said.

"He's dead." I told him simply, the kid chuckled. Was he some kind of psycho?

I made sure he wouldn't become a gennin, with a subtle genjutsu.

Soon, the entire class was handed the question papers. Quickly writing down my answers, the kid besides me looked extremely confused, he had still not figured the genjutsu out.

I glanced at Itachi, he was mostly done with the questions. I went back to answering the questions.

The fuck these are all theoretical questions, What would you do if you were the hokage? If course I'd increase the taxes, repay my debt to a 6 year old kid. What do you understand by the will of fire? It's bullshit. I wrote down all the answers. These questions have likely been created for the sole purpose of team selection, by forming teamworks with the highest compatibility based on views, morals and personalities.

I finished the exam and handed the paper out.

Itachi still seemed to be writing, likely on one of the last questions, I decided to wait outside while the Uchiha finished.


A few days had passed since the written exam. I was back on the same class room surrounded by the same people, except they all were looking at me, I scored the highest in the theoretical exam, after Itachi of course, the Uchiha was practically built of Will of fire and patriotism.

I sighed before putting my head down on the desk, as the teacher started alphabetically calling out everyone's name. "I" came before "S", Itachi walked out of the examination hall with a grin from ear to ear.

"Shirai Haruno." I head the proctor calling out, I ran to the examination room. A couple of shinobi were stationed there, chunins and a jounin. Each with boards in their hands, to record my performance. I took a good look at them all as I entered.

"Perform the substitution Jutsu." I heard the jounin say, I nodded, moulding my chakra in a specific way which would replicate the tiger hand seal required for performing the Substition jutsu, aiming to substitute with a log palced before me.

Handseals can be shortened or completely removed from a jutsu you have significant mastery in.

In a puff of smoke, the log was subistuted to my position and I was where the log previously stood.

"Amazing." The examiners clapped at my performance, I returned a small smile.

"Now, make the illusion of a clone." The Jounin told me, once again, I spilit my yin chakra and created the illusion of a doppleganger.

The performance was returned by a chorus of claps once again.

"Finally transform into the hokage." The proctor asked me, I nodded and turned into the old man in a puff of smoke.

"Once again, Impressive." The Jounin said, observing the transformation. The proceeds shared a glance for a few second and nodded at the end. Immediately a report of my gennin certification was handed out to me along with my headband, with a blue cloth and the Konoha logo.

I thanked them and exited the room with the band tied around my forearm.

Let's goo! I am a Fucking Ninja!