
Naruto: The Life of Shirai Haruno

(18+) Truck-Kun claims another Victim, Sean. Sean meets an old man, A ROB perhaps or a god, and gets reincarnated into the Natutoverse as Shirai Haruno, The older brother of Sakura Haruno. What will he Do to Carve his name in this Dangerous world? Will he even Survive?

Aces_BigDaddy · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

A New Sensei.

I waited for what seemed like a eternity, the hokage had yet to arrive with the tutor I asked him for, the old man was sure to keep this word isnce he tried so hard to try and brainwash me in the first place.

After a few more moments of me staying in the guest room, the door seemed to creak. A woman, more specifically a girl walked in. Followed by the elderly hokage.

Finally. I thought, looking at the on coming duo.

The Hokage kindly looked at me with a grandfatherly smile. Sly old man. The girl next to him, she seemed to be a young teen of 16 years of age. Raven black hair, milky white skin and red eyes, not like the sharingan though.

She was wearing the standard kunoichi dress in themes of red and white and had perfect C cup breasts, I could already imagine those perky nipples with the way they were being outlined on her clothes.

"Young Haruno, This is Kurenau Yuhi. She is an Excellent kunoichi, she will be your teacher." The Hokage said, introducing the young girl. I was trying not to stare at her luscious thighs, she would be a beauty when she is a little older.

"I'm Kurenau Yuhi, what is your name?" She asked me with a sweet smile. Her boobs were barely being held by those bandages, but I lacked testestrone, I was able to fight against the urges.

"I am Shirai Haruno, Nice to meet you Kurenai-sensei." I told her with a smile, she smiled back at me before ruffling my hair.

No! ! My precious hair... I mentally cried as the beautiful girl ruffled my hair.

"Now, I will be leaving now, Young Shirai. Young Kurenai, tutor him well." The Hokage said before leaving the meeting room.

"Bye old Gramps." I said as the old man chuckled before before exiting.

"Let's go somewhere else, Shall we?" Kurenai asked me, I nodded at her.


"Tell me about your, likes dislikes and hobbies." Kurenai told me, it was about 15 minutes later, we were on some random training ground, sitting down in a couple of rocks. She was sitting with her knees bent and legs to the side, I could get a peek of her panties. Hmm purple.

Over the last fifteen minutes, I had talked to her for a while. She seemed like a nice person, and smart too. Unlike her canon counterpart who tried to put Itachi in a genjutsu. I could only wonder if she got any dumber as she aged.

Putting the thought aside though, she was asking me for my likes dislikes and hobbies. Not a bad way to ask for one's introduction.

"I'll go first, As you know My name is Kurenai Sensei, I like roses, My firends and learning about new genjutsu. For my dislikes, I don't particularly enjoy smokers and perverts and as for my hobbies, my hobbies are reading, flower pressing and learning about new genjutsu." She introduced herself, it was a short sweet introduction. She is a genjutsu expert, so her teaching might compliment my highly Yin concentrated chakra.

"Your turn." She motioned to me.

"My name is Shirai Haruno, I like my little sister (No incest, no pedo), I like books and Shinobi. I dislike the Kyubbi. My hobbies are reading and taking care of my sister." I gave a short introduction, Kurenai nodded.

"Say, Shirai, What are you interested in?" She asked me, I tilted my head and raised an eyebrow. Well I am interested in many things, ninjutsu, obtaining the sharingan, Becoming immortal, becoming the next sage of six paths, starting my own harem et cetra.

"I am interested in cool ninjutsu and taijutsu but I like jengetsu, it's cool!" I said purposely messaging up 'Genjutsu', she seemed to have sparkling eyes for some reason, probably because of finding someone with similar interests.

"Aha, It's Genjutsu, okay Genjutsu. Better pronounce it correct next time." She corrected me.

"Okay, Genjutsu!" I pronounced it correctly this time. I earned a pat on the head.

Noo! My precious hair!! I screamed internally, she really did love doing that didn't she?

"Shall we start with the basics?" She asked me, I nodded at her. She paused for a short while to recall some info.

"Hmm, The basic component of this world is chakra, it is present every where. People who can use chakra properly are Shinobi. Could you repeat what I just said Shirai." Kurenai asked me to repeat her sentences.

"The basic component of this world is chakra, it is present every where. People who can use chakra properly are Shinobi, right?" I told her. She nodded in affirmation With a slight hum. Before rewarding me with a ruffle of my hair.

Ahh! Stop!! I mentally screamed at her to stop.

"Good job, Now, Chakra cannot be used without letting it flow through and shaped in our body." She said, I nodded at her.

"We use handsigns for that reason, associating a certain handsign with a certain way of moving and shaping the chakra is Ninjutsu." I continued nodding in affirmation as she continued.

"We can chain together different handsigns for a different affect." She told me, after the basic lesson, she taught me about the various handsigns, the methods to form them and their affect. She was still probably insure whether or not I had unlocked chakra yet but probably wanted to familiarise me with those handsigns before moving to the chakra part.

"Finally, that is the Dragon (ryu) sign." Kurenai showed me the last handsign that loosely resembled a dragon. I nodded at her in affirmation.

"Good, drill those twelve till you can do them in your sleep." Kurenai told me, I practiced the handsigns for a few minutes, being able to form a smooth chain of them from one to the other.

"Sensei, I am done." I told her, she was reading a book on a rock while I practiced. I already had learnt the handsigns of course but I pretended to do them for the first time. The girl Infront of me was Naïve and was lead to the conclusion that I was a quick learner.

"Bravo, you have properly learnt each and everyone of them." She said with a clap, she ruffled my hair. She really enjoyed doing that Didn't she. I was not even suprised by this point.


Hiruzen Sarutobi puffed the plume of smoke out of his mouth, signing the last paperwork he was going to do today, he would probably even let his secretary sign out the ones with lesser importance.

He sat at a trance, taking the nicotine from the pipe, relaxing. The old man was stressed of a lot of things these few days, the death of his successor and his wife, his rebellious son, the village's economical crisis, not to mention the paper work.

He watched as the pendulum under the clock moved to and fro, moving the second hand of the clock with a "tick" sound. It was 4 pm already, the girl should be back now.

Young Kurenai should be back anytime soon, the kid seemed to be interesting. I wonder what she has to say about him.


"May I enter Hokage-sama?" Asked the girl from behind the door, the voice sounded young and full of youth.

Speak of the devil. He thought, straighting up his posture and taking one last puff of his pipe befor putting it down.

"Come in." He said as the door opened with a resounding "creak".

"Hokage-sama." The girl said with a bow. Young Kurenai was a prodigy of genjutsu, sadly born with a Yang deficiency. A curse, yet a blessing in disguise, her yin chakra concentration was off the roof, rivaling even some Kurama Clan heads of the past.

"How was the kid?" Hiruzen asked the girl. He was curious about the young Haruno kid, he seemed like a sweet normal child but there was a strange gut feeling about him that the old hokage couldn't shake off. Like the slight trace of Yon in his chakra eventhough the kid didn't even seemed to have unlocked chakra in the first place.

"He is an obedient child hokage-sama, a little too smart for his age, like he knew everything I was teaching him already. I taught him handsigns but he had smoother handsigns than a newly graduated gennin." Kurenai told the old Sarutobi, the hokage thought for a moment.

Smoother handsigns than a newly graduated gennin? Gennins train in handsigns from a young age, Six to be exact, yet the Young Haruno was already weaving handsigns with such smoothness.

"Continue Kurenai." Hiruzen told the girl to continue. Kurenai cleared her throat befor she spoke up.

"He was interested in Ninjutsu,Taijutsu and Genjutsu as well. I couldn't sense if he ha dchakra in his system or not by repeatedly touching his head or ruffling his hair. I found subtle trades of Yin in his body, like the traces left due to chakra exaustion. Yet his chakra core seemed intact and dense." Kurenai expressed her findings to the hokage.

Chakra cores were usually broken when a girl unlocked chakra, there was a way to reform them. It is said that people view their chakra cores differently. Some people view it as a pond while some view it as a river flowing into their body, some imagined a constantly burning warm flame, some imagined a ball of spinning wind and lastly some imagined it as a streak or ball of lightning.

It was dependent on the user's chakra nature firstly but it could also be impacted by the way they grew up, their experiences or if they were a container of bijju aka jinchuriki.

"His body was developed, it didn't have muscles but his knuckles had small yet subtly noticeable calluses. He didn't have the normal amount of fat as a 4 year old." She told the hokage, the hokage started thinking of the many possibilities.

The first one that came to his head was that he could have some sort of disorder like Might dai, who had unusually dense muscles before becoming a shinobi, which are not present in his son.

The second thought he had was if the young Haruno had been trained early by his parents, it was plausible since his father was Kizashi, a chunin. The last and one he didn't want to think about was if Danzo was involved with the kid somehow.

"Hmm, you can resume your duties now. Report to me again in a week, Kurenai." He said to the Younge girl. The girl nodded.

"Okay, Hokage-sama."