
Naruto: The journey of Rai Inazuma

Uhg.. one moment I was having a blast the next second, am on the city Floor Dying... ------------- Naruto fanfic and yeah of course I don't own the damn thing as for its kishimoto's and will forever be But I have my Own personaly created Oc's so that's that. ---------- And this wont be 100% following the plot of canon so people that dont like canon getting messed up then leave immediately. There will be some parts of the original canon but anymore will be different. And please when I do just one simple thing dont start saying oh no It a beta mc oh no he's a simp. like please dont... like I said I'll only do stuff in the most logical ways. --------- Welp have a fun read or not it's you not me. -------'xx----- I DO NOT OWN THE COVER PIC I REPEAT I DO NOT OWN THE COVER PIC!!

Arekuruu_Tento · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Chapter 13: Team minato.

"The next day"

"So... how strong her they" I asked as kakashi as we walked through a couple of people "Good" he said as we turned a corner "How good" I continued as we made our way through a training ground.

"Good enough" he went on as we made our way into a clearing "your really starting to pull the strings now" I said "good enough" he said as we heared some shouting.

"oh that might be them, am so excited" I said as the voices become clearer "why" he said as we reached our destination "Oh kakashi how are you so late even obito came before you" said a excited feminine voice "a reason" he said as he pointed to me "oh come on" I said as I walked closer to a boy whom was wearing a pair of goggles "oi who is he kakashi your brother" said the boy I was moving towards "Yes" kakashi answered "whoah you have a brother!!" said the female as she moved towards me "Oi your obito right?, kakashi has told me about you" I said as I stood in front of him.

"hehehe I bet it was how awesome I was Haha" the boy now known as obito boasted "Huh no he said you were stupid for thinking you could become Hokage" I said kind of harshly and playfully "What!! how dare you" he said as he marched towards kakashi completely disregarding my existence "hehehe an sorry they are always like that" said the girl as she apologized "huh no don't worry" I said.

"so huh what are you doing here and oh where are my manners my name is Nohara Rin the ond with the glasses is Uchiha obito but I guess you already know" she said as she bowed " no problem the names Inazuma Rai nice to meet you too" I said " what? you are Rai the biggest prodigy of our generation!!" she said in disbelief "huh hum since when?" I said confused "yeah you graduated after 3 months in the academy then became a chuinin a year later!" she said excitedly like she just met her idol.

"what! another kakashi?!" shouted obito "Obito dont be so rude even if your older than he his he is still a Chuinin" said a voice as a young man with blond hair appeared on a tree not so faraway "Minato Sensei" the three of them said in unison.

"hey" said the blond now known as minato as he jumped down and approached us "and I guess you are Inazuma Rai?" said minato "yup nice to meet ya" I said playfully "oh ahh nice to meet you too I guess" said minato awkwardly as he looked at his outstretched hand, but before it could get even more awkward I shook it.

"so uhm what are you doing here?" he said "oh doesn't hurt to meet my little brothers friends sometimes" I answered "Oi your not my older brother!" yelled kakashi from the back "well I am now little boy" i answered back, before I looked farther back to see obito snickering and Rin trying to hold herself from laughing.

"ahhh well how about you join one of our spars" said kakashi as he walked forward "uhh why? am not in your team" I said confused "oh really let's do it!" yelled Rin "I dont care" said obito "wait what do you mean" I said "it's his choice ok guys" said minato "I don't wanna" I said "are you scared you cant beat minato sensei?" said obito playfully but also mockingly.

"I still dont want to" I said unfazed "it wont work on him" said kakashi "well ok guys Rai said he doesn't want to so leave him be" minato said "awe man, well ok" said Rin quickly composing herself "Hmph am going to become Hokage" said obito for some reason "ok do you" i said already thinking about ways to save Rin and obito "well let's get started" said minato as they walked off "I will be watching, so dont lose too fast ok?" I said "what did you say!?" yelled obito as I disappeared from my previous spot.

A few minutes later they were on the floor " wow guys that was really awesome" I said from the branch I was sitting on "still not good enough" said kakashi as he got his bearings "you three did great" said minato trying to cheer them up "oi minato San may I fight you one on one" I said as I appeared in front of the three genin "huh what?" yelled obito and rin as they saw me appear "you will lose!" said obito shaking of his shock "nah I just want to test if I am back to shape after my last mission" I said as I looked at minato "huh sure" he said.

"great let start" I said readying myself "huh right now" he said confusion clearly on his face "huh yeah why not" I said.

"Hey everybody it's lunch time you know!" shouted a feminine voice, startling me "yeah how about after lunch" minato said as he scratched the back of his head "oh... yeah my bad" I said embarrassingly "uhh who is that" said a red haired woman as she appeared behind us "oh this is inazuma Rai he came to meet the team" said minato as he introduced me to the red haired female "and this is Uzumaki Kushina my wife" said minato as he introduced her to me.

"it's nice to meet you" I said "awww your so cute you know!" she said as she disappeared and appeared in front of me trying to go for a hug, well tried because I dodged a second later "huh? why did you dodge" she said in a sad voice "reflexes" I said looking away "ok then give me a hug now" she said as she opens her arms signaling for a hug "no" I said "awe why?" she said "only my mon can do that" I said seriously "awe man your mom is a lucky woman." she said sadly "Tch" I clicked my teeth before walking foward and hugging her.

"Ok now that lunch is over how about we have our spar now" I said "ahh ok" minato said as he stood up "you better go easy on him he is just a little boy you know" said kushina "yeah yeah I know" he said.

Ohhhh minato and Rai about to fight.

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