
Naruto: The Info System?

In the bustling village of Konoha, Naruto Uzumaki's life takes an unexpected turn when he gains access to a peculiar system – "The Info System," an otherworldly database reminiscent of a cosmic Crunchy Roll. Not only does it grant Naruto unparalleled access to knowledge and abilities, but it also allows him to witness the past, present, and potential futures of the shinobi world as if they were animated tale. But there is also more Credit to xDarkAng3lx3 for creating this painted version of the 6 paths mode

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A Test of Cunningness

(An: This will be too fucking painfully slow if I do a everyday report so I'll just skip to

graduation day but I will put in the stuff he did in other chapters too and a report of the more important stuff like quests or new jutsu or something)


It has been a few years and currently Naruto could be seen in a bright orange jumpsuit with goggles on his head in the academy acting like an idiot while also being hyper as well while watching some kids spar to defeat each other for graduation and naruto also showed from his expression that he thought it seemed like fun and all but really inside his mind is a whole other thing going on

'Damn this is boring as hell I could be gone from the village like a year or two ago but you stopped me from doing it and I want to know why I was stopped again kurama?'

Kurama in the seal just pinched his snout in frustration from both the village and and naruto as well but also agreeing with naruto on the part on he could have just left by now but he wanted naruto to follow his plan

"Naruto I know you hate this plan and you could have left and could have explored all you wanted but if you follow the plan then this will result in you becoming stronger and you being able to leave at the same time"

'Ok damn it Kurama jeez fine I'll follow it but I won't like it you hear'

Naruto could instinctively feel Kurama rolling his eyes inside the seal but Naruto ignored it

As Naruto was thinking his line of thought was broken when his name was called up to fight Sasuke, Naruto knew damn well by looking secretly at Mizuki that he wanted Naruto to get embarrassed and to get beaten for his amusement and the bastard was trying his best to look Innocent but with Kurama's negative emotion feeling power he sensed the bastards contempt which he matched with his own since when Mizuki was first introduced as Irukas assistant the bastard would change tests for him and giving him questions that only high level shinobis would know plus he always pretended that he was his friend and that he had no other choice but give him the worst choices but in fact he had numerous other choices that were actually better choices

For example if Mizuki did his job then Naruto would have been shown to be an actual prodigy but privately Naruto would not have shown that side of him since that would just have more people looking at him and its for the best to look like a annoying no potential brat since he wanted to not be looked at as much 

As he was monologing he instinctively dodged Sasukes incoming punch that was then followed up with a kick to the head as well as a downwards axe kick by kicking off my arm that blocked the last kick, and naruto also dodged it and elbowed him in the kidneys and then a 1 inch punch timed accurately to the stomach as to not kill him and landed the punch to his chest resulting in Sasuke kneeling on the ground whizzing for breath and while he was still whizzing I gave him a neck chop that knocked him out 

'Hhhmmm what do you think Kurama should I lose to Sasuke or should I give him that fake win?'

"Uumm I think you need to refocus back to reality since your body went into auto pilot"

Doing as told due to his confusion, he looked around and saw the faces of everyone in shock and confusion like him and the only response he gave them was a simple "what happened?"

--(Hiruzens POV)--

'Damn paperwork how can minato finish this in such a short amount of time, if only I knew how just maybe I can enjoy a bit of a break for once'

As he was in thought a chunin (possibly) due to he or shes chakra signature that knocked on the door which Hiruzen sighed and gave whoever it was a verbal permission to come in

When the chunin entered and closed the door he said his piece on why he came here

"Um Hokage-Sama there is some troubling news about the Jinchuriki"

Hiruzen raised an eyebrow but then narrowed his eyes he made a gesture to the chunin to continue and the chunin does so but gave a report of the Jinchuriki

"Well you see since today was the final exams to become a shinobi everything went as normal and the jinchuriki was at the time showed that he seemed to no be able to do any if not all basic academy level justu as always until the 2nd last test and that is the figth between students to what level they are at and if they failed what brach of shinobis should they put in just incase and when the Jinchuriki was called upon to figth the last uchiha something happend"

Now Hiruzen is worried on what happend and went through scenarios like the seal breaking or Naruto used the Kyuubis chakra but he knew ethier scenario does not seem to fit the picture since it would have been a emergency then anything

"Tell me what this something was exactly?"

"Well you see the Jinchuriki took care of the last uchiha effortlessly and was even said by some academy students that the Jinchuriki was not even focused and seems as if his body was in auto pilot"

Ok now this is more work since something unknown happend to Naruto that made him beat the uchiha cause he knows Naruto does not seem to show much potential or even promise except for being the Jinchuriki since for years naruto lost in many figth or spars but won against the rookie of the year without trying now this seems fishy for Hiruzen

"Ok, you may leave now and thank you for the report"

Thw chunin nodded and left the room and when the chunin closed the door behind him Hiruzen decided to check up on the boy and also check the seal to make sure the kyuubi was contained and if the seal was even a bit loose then he has to call back Jiraiya from whatever he is doing to repair or suppres the kyuubi just incase then

--(Naruto POV)--

Outside the academy naruto could be seen on his swing looking depressed while watching those who passed brag to thier parents or some pointed at him and thier parents seem to grow more hostile then they should be anyways but currently Naruto would have cared less since let's switch to his mindscape


And currently Naruto can be seen screaming his head off in panic and Kurama just watches all of this with a sweet drop on his forehead but when the yelling continued and even grew Kuramas sweat drop turned into a tick mark


that did the trick for naruto to shut up and calm down which allowed Kurama to finally talk

"Listen brat the plan can be still used all we got to do is tweak it a bit and we are in a clear got it?"

"Ok, ok your rigth what do I got to do l?"

"Well this is what you will do follow what Mizuki will tell you to do and then-"

--(Night time konoha forest)--

'Damn can't believe that old bastard fell for the trick like originally but now that I got the scroll of seals you think I should copy everything in it'

"Absolutely since there migth techniques that need ethier a high amount of chakra or something entirely now you know what to do rigth since I will be asleep since you can take care of all of this I'd needed?"

'Yeah I can take care if myself you can get some sleep jeez what lazy fox'

In return for what he said he only heard just snores which made Naruto cut his connection to Kurama and in the real world he opened the scoll and then with a thought made 300 of clones of himself that knew what to do such as 10 went into coping the contents of the scroll and communicated between themselves on what techniques they will copy each, 100 clones turned themselves into civilians and went off to nearby towns or villages or they stayed in konoha to gather info and such for Narutos plan and then 90 were made for the intention of replacing the clones who were copying down the scrolls techniques and practicing them and 100 were sent out to be on recon and used transformation jutsu and the shape shifting abilities to turn themselves into the nature like a bush or a rock or even a tree stump

As naruto was going through the plan he and Kurama made, the system popped up showing the quests he did

◇ Main Quest:

Friends in limbo


Description: You Must master the shadow clone technique to the point where you don't need to use any hand signs or say anything to make them you have a time limit until 3 months before you fail to complete this quest

Rewards: 1 Life token, scroll of limbo clones and 10% of indras chakra

◇ Side Quest:

A Loner spy surrounded by Shinobi


Description: Gather Village Intel as a form of blackmail if they threaten you or harming you in any way whatsoever

Optional: Steal Danzo Shimuras personal Journal as a insurance if he also tried anything against you

Main rewards: LVL 1 fuinjustu books, scroll of hiding in the shadows

Side Quest: (LVL 1)

Train till you are fit


Description: Train till you are at Genin level in 1 year

Rewards: 1 random new Uzumaki bloodline abilitie will be given out to you

Side Quest:

Train till you are strong (LVL 2)


Description: Train till you are at Chunin level in 6 months

Rewards: Class change


It was annoying at first but good things don't come if you don't work for it is what I learned when doing this quests since each quest don means more things that will help me escape from this village

As he was thinking h received memories of a clone that popped and in the memories it showed him Iruka is coming to this place and when he looked around the clones also got the memories and where looking at each other in confusion at what to do since if they all popped then Narutos brain might be damaged with all this clones new info from the scroll along with new techniques they learned

The reason why the clones did not panic as well as the Naruto, was that they knew nothing came out of panicking and acting like a fool and in a few valuable seconds Naruto came up with a plan


He said while pointing at the closest clone who straighted up more

"I need you to start making a sealing scroll and the rest of you start packing all of things laying around except the the scroll of sealing"

Since Naruto wanted to be the best he took it upon himself to also be the best in his family specialized area that being fuinjutsu and in his spare time he has studied both the books and scrolls of fuinjutsu till he was able to make seals in an instant by using his chakra and a piece of paper but he only actually knows how to do seals like explosive and storing, and it may have limited Narutos options in battle but this did not limit Naruto since when he was watching Shippuden he learned that having thousands of jutsu but none are fully mastered but compared to people who know little jutsu but have spent their time mastering them

As a saying goes

"I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks. once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick. 10,000 times."

But let's continue where we left at when Naruto issued his order

When Naruto said his order command to the clone, the clone did what he was told without hesitation and he took out a new scroll and made and used his chakra as a substitute for ink or blood since they both take to long but they do increase the properties and strength of a seal but the dont have time

When Naruto looked around he saw all the clones in order and were calm but they were running around cleaning thing up and when Naruto felt Iruka getting closer the clones finished up sealing up the items and when they were done they lined up and started getting sealed into the newly made sealing scroll where even the clone that had the scroll sealed himself in it and Naruto walked over to it and picked up the scroll and sealed into into a piece of paper that's most of time used by ninja to carry around extra gear for a mission by a piece of paper a sealing item

Naruto started hearing distant movement coming from the forest and with whatever time he has left he made a dash to the scroll of sealing and rolled it up, put it on his back and hid the piece of paper up one of his jumpsuits sleeves

He then saw Iruka come out of the trees and Naruto then did his acting

"Iruka Sensei I found you!"


Iruka took in a deep breath and then spoke

"Naruto do you know what you did?"

"Yeah Sensei I know what I did, I completed the super secret test to become a Genin"

Now Iruka looked at Naruto in confusion and worry

"Naruto what test is this because I would have known in fact who even told you this test in the first place anyway?"

"Oh, well it was Mizuki who told me about the test"

Now this alarmed Iruka and Naruto took this chance to make Mizuki life more miserable when he is caught

"He also said something about when I bring him the scroll he will show it to his master called lord orochimaru or something but he said this in a whisper for some reason"

Ok now Iruka ia full blown panicing in his mind since he has no clue why his old friend would want to work for orochimaru

"Naruto I think we should get to lord Hokage and tell him this as soon as possible"

As Iruka was going to take Naruto to the Hokage a Fuma shuriken hit the ground next to them

Now since Naruto knew what was happening he still continued his act but for Iruka he looked at where the fuma shuriken was thrown from and their he saw Mizuki standing on a branch of a tree smirking like he he did something huge

"Where do you think your going Naruto you need to hand me the scroll to complete the test not Iruka"


Words: 2,564