
Naruto: The Hima clan

Roberts now having avenged his daughter's death finds peace in the embrace of death, but finds himself in a tricky situation as a R.O.B presents him with a deal he couldn't deny. watch as he navigated through thee dangerous world and bring his clan to the top

The_Legit_Writer · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs


After the touching speech and the adding of the clan's philosophy Akio dispatched the clan telling the women to prepare a feast while the men divide and start building houses and hunting food along with some genin-level ninja he dispatched to help with the hunting, he also dispatched some chunin-level ninjas to patrol the area and make sure nothing happens, while he called the 5 jonins of his clan along with Iroh and Yamamoto to his tent to discuss some important issues.

Akio sitting in a Sieza position was in the middle of the tents while the remaining people just circled him all sitting in the Sieza position with serious faces as the know what they are going to be discussing some important issues

"First off on the agenda" Akio starts off as he takes his time to observe the faces of everyone present, noticing that they are all listening he decides to continue " thank to the scouts formed by Yamamoto we have found a mine not far away from here and the scouts recorded that inside the mine are iron and never to be seen before ores that are scarlet in color, what do you guys think"

There was a moment of silence until Yasuke one of the jonin-level ninjas spoke up " How about we sell the minerals that will help solve our economical issues and also help in making business alliances"

"But who are we supposed to sell it to, we can't sell it to all those clans they will think of us as some small clan and try to snatch the mine from us"Arata another one of the five jonin-level ninja says bringing up a reasonable argument

"We also can't sell it to merchants as we will not get a good price for the iron since they already have enough of that and they might not want to spend money to buy some unknown ore so we can't sell it to them" Iroh adds as he also adds his point to the argument leaving other's contemplating his words

"Hmmmm…is there a blacksmith in the clan" Akio asks as he breaks the silence that fell on the room

"Yes my father is a blacksmith but he only used his skills to make farming tools" Riku a female Jonin-level ninja says as she raises her hands, she was the only female jonin in the clan

"That's good… does he know how to make weapons or more importantly katanas and swords" Akio asks as he got others intrigued about what he's planning"Yes, he made the shurikens and kunai's that the ninjas our clan use" Riku says with her chest up feeling proud of her dad

"Very well, we will sell the iron to the people in the land of iron as they are the ones who need the iron more while we keep the scarlet metal and make swords with them if they are good we will keep them but if they are bad we will sell them at a low price. What do you guys think" Akio asks as he drops his suggestion leaving others to think about what he said

"Hmmm… it's a good idea since the land of iron is a neutral country they wouldn't attack us and meddle with us since we are ninjas and since we would be the one handling the unknown ore then that would be better since we don't know if the ore can make good weapons or not" Iroh says as he drinks the tea he left on the stool earning a glare from Yamamoto

"The only problem we have is that we are not a known clan and we don't have enough credibility" Yamamoto adds as he stops his glare at Iroh and looks at Akio with a serious look

"That's where you guys come in, I will be sending Iroh along with two A grade ninjas and B grade ninjas to go to the land of iron with the iron to do the trade considering the distance it will take 12 days to go from here to there considering you are just using the cart" Akio says as he places the map of the land of fire on the floor drawing the attention of everyone present

"Yamamoto, you will lead a team of four and go to this 3 specific cities and complete any mission they give you, after doing those missions go to another three cities and do missions they give you after doing that Go to the daimyō of the land of fire and request a mission and no matter what any mission they give you, with that the reputation of our clan will skyrocket and by the time Iroh arrives at the land of iron our clans reputation should have reached there so that will handle the problem of credibility" Akio says as he draws X marks on six cities in the map while drawing a circle mark on the capital on of the land of fire where the daimyō is residing

"How are we sure the daimyō will grant us an audience if we complete these missions" Yamamoto asks with a little disbelief in his tone as he observes the cities with marks on them and realizes that the city lords of those cities has close ties with the daimyō causing him to realize that the plan might work

"If you complete the mission flawlessly then audience will be guaranteed remember that you have to complete this within two weeks as Iroh will be moving out in five days so that will give you some time" Akio says as he gives Yamamoto the map since he will be needing it to study

"Now onto the construction of the clan base" Akio says as he opens up a rolled paper on the floor revealing the structure of a library

"This will be The library of the clan, were we will keep all the techniques, history, and philosophies of the clan, the techniques have to be at least b grade to be included in the records, we will build it under beside my residence and 2 A grade ninjas will be guarding it at all times" Akio says as he shows them his ideasThe meeting didn't take long and all the ninjas were dispersed each going to do their own duties

"Yamamoto wait behind" Akio says prompting the leaving figure of Yamamoto to stop and come back sitting in front of the clan leader

"What is it clan leader" Yamamoto asks as he looks at the smiling Akio feeling a growing sense of unease

"Let's go for a stretch" Akio says as he stands up getting out of the tent followed by a confused Yamamoto not knowing what is going on