
Naruto: The Ghost of the Senju

Sohum_karmaker · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs


That night dad came and visited me in my room for a talk.

Today what you pulled off was rather impressive he said.

I haven't seen Hashirama so happy for a long time but now I kinda feel sorry for you kid, cause now both Hashirama and Mito are going to train you to the bone he joked.

Well can't be help considering how things are and with the possibilities of an impending war in the future I would say it's a good thing if I can get stronger as fast as possible.

An impending war what do you mean by that kiddo? Tobirama asked me.

Well it's kinda simple, isn't it right now the only thing that's keeping the peace is Grand uncle Hashirama and the moment that he passes away every other country will spring at the opportunity to attack us.

I agree that what both my grandfathers did put an end to the warring states period but they also created a monster that shouldn't have been allowed to breathe in the first place.

Initially it was just 2 clans or various clans fighting against each other for their interests the bloodshed was limited and controlled. But now it would be nations and their armies and not to mention the tailed beasts that grand uncle gifted them. Madara is already is already dead and Hashirama has only a few years at best left of his life and the moment he passes away give it few months and all hell will break looses and we will be facing a war against all the other nations combined. Creating the ninja village system ended the warring states period and gave birth to the demon known as war between nations and the only thing maintaining balance right now is Hashirama Senju and once he is dead all hell would break loose. So yes I happy for getting any opportunity to get stronger as I can dad.

If that's the case then how would you ensure peace? Tobirama asked me.

It's simple Dad , I would unify the Ninja world under one name ,one village and one nation! That's the only way that peace can be achieved, every other alternative is a fool's dream. Hatred doesn't start wars but intrest does and as long as everyone is devided into various nations then their various interests are bound to contradict and lead to conflict which will further lead to war. So the only way to achieve peace to unify everyone under one nation, sure it would be a world War but that would be the last war as after that once everyone has united under one nation then their interests won't act against each other and thus true peace can finally be achieved.

Right now as things stands I guess Hashirama has ten years at most before he passes away so we have ten years to prepare. We need to increase our numbers father, and rather than trying to suppress the Uchiha I would rather have them aligned to us in matrimony like the Uzumaki are.

The Senju , Uchiha and Uzumaki we need to unify these clans in matrimony first before we can achieve anything.

So what I basically mean to say is grandfather Madara was right all along.

Are sure about this? Tobirama asked me?

Father please don't insult my intelligence lol, if a kid like me can see this? Then how come the genius of the Senju, you Tobirama Senju can't see this.

Today was too close for comfort father,

What would you have done if they had managed to either kill or kidnap me and Tsuna?

Call me young , call me naive or call me a war monger I don't care dad ! But I love my family the most and I want to make sure of our safety and happiness and by extension the safety and prosperity of Konoha and to achieve this if I need to fight all the other nations in a world war then so be it.

I will be the GOD OF WAR of this Era.

We only have ten Yeats father and we should seriously start preparing for it,

We don't and can't afford the luxury of playing politics and trying to control and suppress the other clans.

As I see it we need to unify the clans so that once war comes knocking at our door steps we wouldn't need to worry about being stabbed in the back at the vary least.