
Naruto: The game of gods

It is one of my first novel so I hope you can ignore some mistakes and you may have a good experience while reading the novel. In this story The MC Adi will be reborn into the world of Naruto and he is not alone. He will be accompanied by Our lovely humans of earth and yes they will have their respective wishes. So just sit back and enjoy how our MC will come out the situation and win this world competition Also in my story every reborn character will be under one condition and that is they can't interfere in the predefined plot of the Naruto world either directly or indirectly and if they did they will have to face the consequence. And the consequence can be much worse than dying. SO ENJOY!!!! I have taken the picture from pinintrest please inform me if the owner want the picture to be removed

The_lone_reader123 · Fantasy
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18 Chs


Adi was able to control his body after only two years of birth. Babies in this world have a much faster adaptation period. He had learned the Japanese language during this time period of three years and had also seen many important figures of the Hyuga clan during this period, including the patriarch and other elders.

Everyone seemed to be in a hurry during the time of his birth, even his father did not attend. After learning the language, Adi was able to understand that there was a war with the Uchiha clan over an iron mine.

One of the members of the family had found an iron mine around the corner of a river, and after a few months, when they were ready to trade the iron mine to a noble, the Uchiha clan claimed that they had found the mine first and were now wanting to get it back. When they raised the issue with the head of the Uchiha clan, he said to either have a war or give their right to mine to the Uchiha clan.

After consultation with the heads of the Hyuga family, it was decided to have a war with the Uchihas, as they were in a weak period during their recent five-year-long fight with the Senjus, and were now in the process of replenishing their strength. The Uchihas were a weird clan that could get stronger during each fight as their negative emotions gave them a massive boost in their strength. The warring state period was the perfect opportunity for them to thrive. As each loss or each win came with a consequence, they were a perfect self-propelling machine made for war. As long as they had enough population, they could always have a fighting force.

The same can be said for the Senjus. To match this ridiculous power machine, they also needed something similar but in a different way. They had monstrous physical energy, and after each battle, their physical energy seemed to increase.

In the anime, it was shown that the Senjus were known for their physical strength, but it had not done them enough justice to show their absurdity of power. A regular Senju kid of the age of eight years with minimum training could have the same amount of strength, durability, and chakra as those of 12 years of Hyuga with their Byakugan opened. The massive difference in strength and chakra of the Senju clan could be felt, and after each fight, their battle power grew. It seems their physical powers were connected to their will, the stronger the will, the stronger physical power could be withdrawn.

We have to note that both the Hyuga and Senju clans were top clans in the warring states period. While the Hyuga may be weaker than the Senju, it is not significantly weaker as they have their special reconnaissance ability, which allows them to see targets from kilometres away. Additionally, during close combat, they have almost 360-degree vision, which allows them to have proper guidance of enemy tactics. They can also see the enemy's chakra and can tell which ninjutsu is going to be cast by the enemy. So, they are pretty OP in their own sense.

However, the Hyuga's abilities are powerful when used in group tactics, but when used individually, they pale in comparison to the individual power levels of both the Uchiha and Senju. This is one of the most important reasons that they are not able to hold the strongest clan title with the Senju and Uchiha and instead are among the top clans.

It has been three years, and the war between the Uchiha and Hyuga is in full swing. However, it seems that both sides are not using their full power in the war, and both sides are limiting the number of resources they have put in the war. They seem to be faking the war, and it seems that it will take a little time for the war to end and for the conclusion to be reached.

Well, let's talk about my situation. My situation is better than I originally expected. I am among one of the firstborn in my generation, and due to the improved genetics of my body, I am physically much stronger than the regular new-born during this period. My wager to use soul power seems to have paid off, and I have a stronger body than the regular Hyuga.

My mother loves me a lot, and her identity is also not simple. She is the retired third elder's daughter, and my father is the seventh elder, and his strength is nothing to scoff at either. He is one of the elite jonin of the clan, and yet his age is only 23 years old. He can reach the kage level in a few years if he has the will and talent.

During this time, there was not much estrangement between the branch family and the main family as shown in the future. During the times of war, both families were much closer, and the main house was really working for the Hyuga clan rather than forsaking its former glory. Additionally, the division of the house was based on strength during this period, and the offspring of the elders were branded with the bird cage seal at 16 years of age. Younger siblings were also allowed to become elders if their talent was high enough.

Also, the elders of this period were much more amiable and hardworking, rather than plotting against each other as is shown in the future. It is a huge contrast to what is shown in the anime and what the situation is during war times. It seems that war changes everyone, but it also seems that without war, everyone changes.

No elder in the main house is below elite jonin strength, and some are also at kage level. During this time, the main house was really the protector of the branch house rather than showing their false might as in the future and oppressing them.

Today was a good day. The sun was shining in the sky, and it was neither too cold nor too hot, a perfect day for an outing. However, it seems that my wish will remain unanswered, and the reason is the war. I woke up early in the morning, and my mother then took care of my bath. I can bathe myself, but my mother insists otherwise, so she washes me daily.

After finishing my morning routine, I asked my mother, "When will father come, maa?" She didn't say anything, which meant he wasn't coming anytime soon. In two months, it would be my birthday, and my father had not yet attended a single one of my birthday celebrations. I was hoping that he could come for this one. In the Hyuga family, turning three was an important milestone as it marked the start of formal ninja training. I was hoping that my father would be the one to participate in my training.

My father was usually stern-faced, but quite loving despite his demeanour. He doted on me a lot, and despite the war, our time together was always filled with love. Our meetings were usually short, lasting only a few days, but he made sure to use every minute to pour his fatherly love into me. I loved him a lot.

"Don't make that face, eat your vegetables. Kids should eat more," my mother said while passing me the plate of vegetables. "But I don't like vegetables, maa," I protested. "You are not allowed to throw them away, otherwise, you won't get to meet your uncle," my mother said, referring to her brother. Other than my father, the third most important person in my life was my uncle. He seemed like a magician and made many fun tricks, and I enjoyed spending time with him.

After completing my breakfast, I started playing with my toys. My mother came and said "You have to tidy up your toys and get ready, we have to visit your uncle today." I quickly tidied up my toys and got dressed in my best clothes. We reached my uncle's house and she welcomed us with a warm hug. We had a lovely time at her place, she cooked my favourite food and told me some interesting stories. As we were leaving, my uncle gave me a beautiful gift which made me really happy.

On the way back home, I asked my mother "When will father come back?" She sighed and said "I don't know beta, he is fighting for our clan and we should be proud of him." I understood the importance of his duty but I still missed him a lot.

As my birthday approached, I started getting more excited. My mother planned a small party for me with my friends and family. We had a lot of fun playing games, cutting the cake and opening gifts. But I couldn't help feeling sad that my father wasn't there to celebrate with us.

A few days later, my uncle visited us and I was ecstatic. He showed me some amazing magic tricks and we had a great time together. As he was leaving, he whispered something to my mother and gave her a package. She smiled and said "Beta, (son) your father has sent you a special gift." I couldn't believe it, my father had sent me a gift! I quickly opened the package and found a beautiful ninja suit with a note that said "Happy birthday my little ninja, I may not be there with you but I am always watching over you. Train hard and make me proud."

I wore the suit and started practicing my ninja moves, imagining my father watching me and cheering me on. I felt closer to him than ever before and I knew that no matter how far he was, he would always be there for me.

Have I told you that I can eat more than any kid of my age? Well, I could eat triple the amount of food a normal kid would. It seems my genetics not only provided me with a stronger body but also a stronger appetite.

I think I will be like Hinata in the future, consuming more and not even burping. I don't want to waste the advantage of a stronger body due to food. My body requires more energy means I have a better foundation than anybody else and I am sure Hyuga Clan I fully capable for providing me the food for my growth.

As I have already said, I controlled my body at the age of 2, so why hadn't I started my training till now? Well If I show any abnormal behaviour, I will definitely be reported to various parts of the world. There should be many players who are waiting for the information of geniuses, so they can eradicate any future competition in budding phase.

Also I don't believe I can hide from them in the Hyuga compound. This area is literally the home of walking radars who can sense me from kilometres away, and some can even see me 20 km away. My mother informed me that the strongest in our clan can even see me more than 20 kilometres away. And there are many more who have a range greater than 15 kilometres. My father himself has a range of 17 kilometres.

If I can train openly after just 1 year, why do I have to keep it a secret? I just have to wait for a year, and during this time I will do basic exercises to make my body in a better position than a basic child's physique. I want this time to truly enjoy time with my family, as after this time period passes, I don't know whether I could truly spend my time like this again.

Like this, the fun time passes. I have done everything a child like me possibly could, which includes pranking my elders, getting scolded by my mother, making posters on people's homes, and much more. Due to my stronger body, I was able to do everything, and I was really happy.

After my 3rd birthday, my father surprised me by coming, and after the party, he informed me that the ongoing war between the Hyuga and Uchiha was over. A compromise was reached that 30% of the profits from the iron mine would be given to the Uchiha by the nobles, and in return, there would be no conflict between them for the next 10 years.

It is quite a good deal. Besides the Senju and Uchiha, the Hyuga family fears no one in this world, and they can possibly take on any family. Even the Uchiha and Senju will lose more than 75% of their forces if they really try to eradicate the Hyuga family.

So, it's a win-win case for everyone. Also, I got to meet with my father, and finally, from tomorrow, I can start training.

So the information arc is over and now our story will begin. please inform me about your views on the comment list.