
Naruto : The Flow Artist { On Hiatus }

This shi is getting a rewrite for obvious reasons.

The_Zen_Boy · Anime & Comics
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86 Chs

Chapter 39: interrogation

"Ohh, you combined your most powerful taijutsus right on the bat, i must say that i have never seen a Genius of taijutsu like you. You just used me as a stepping stone to refine yourself more, right?" Mito said as she put her hand on her mouth as if to show that she is surprised.

I didn't listen and just continue to bask in my own enlightenment...

This technique normally requires two combatants to be performed. To use the technique in pairs, Bang and Bomb stand side-by-side and assume stances. Both proceed to perform their respective martial arts and strike their opponent simultaneously, sending intense shockwaves through their body and destroy them, turning debris into powder easily.

But there's one more thing to this technique that makes it my favourite...

I crouch down and bent my knees, putting as much force i can on my feet then dash towards Mito who was just looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

I appear before her while dodging the chains easily that was blocking my way in a fluid and water like movements, I knew she was just making this easy for me to see what i will do which made me smirk.


With my left hand Water stream and right hand Whirlwind iron cut, I quickly and fluidly move my arms that emitted Blue ocean and Pinkish red Aura in a circular motion, then my arms blur as I strike a dozen times in a second towards Mito whose eyes were wide open.


My strikes were sending shockwaves around the whole room with Mito blocking them with her palm which was emitting a thick red chakra around it, probably realizing the danger.

"Hmm ?" She uttered as she was being pushed back from her place much to my excitement as i put more force on my strikes until in the middle of this barrage of punches that left after images in their wake i pull my hands back again to a circular motion.

I manipulate all the muscles in my body from the toes to my upper body and position them in a way that will help increase what i will do as i put as much force as i can in both my arms, I turn sideways and stretch my arms to throw a powerful twin jab at Mito who tried to block it with her forearms covered in chakra.


The moment my fist hit her forearms it created a huge shockwave and she was sent flying to the other side of the room then hit the wall that created dust which made it hard to see Mito but i knew she was there.

"Huff huff huff" I pant as my transformation came to an end and the armour skin disappeared into my body to reveal my perfectly unscathed body with the wound in my stomach nowhere to be seen.

"Huff huff" I tiredly pant while grinning wildly as i see Mito come out of the dust with a little bit of blood on her lips and chin.

*Clank Clank*

'I won' i thought as i just embrace the chains that covered me from all sides except my head.

The technique that combines two of my most powerful arts, has one thing that's very similar to the Haki from one piece which is the internal destruction trait that they have in common, and that's by sending intense shockwaves through the body.

I remember in the manga i read, during the fight between a monsterized OG Garou and Bang, the former has demonstrated enough skills to not only be able to perform this technique alone by utilizing Bang's and Bomb's martial arts in each hand respectively, but Garou's capacities for it are also highly potent, which Bomb even remarks that should Bang take even a hit from Garou, the shockwaves will course through his body and break all his bones into pieces. As Bang and Bomb together are only barely able to perform Roaring Aura Sky Ripping Fist.

'I can't wait for this Art to reach it's higher levels' I thought with excitement while looking at Mito who gently removed the blood from her mouth.

"You did really surpass my expectations and ruptured some organs inside my body, remarkable" she said with a nod to herself while i just admired her beautiful face 'And you managed to get into my waifu list, remarkable' I thought with a smirk.

"Now that playtime is over, tell me what i want to know" She said in a tone that will take no for an answer.

"What do you want to know?" I ask.

"What are you?" She asked while narrowing her eyes.

"A monster" I replied while looking at her with my blood shot eyes because i was still in my second form.

She narrowed her eyes further and the chains began to tighten around my body.

"Even though I know you are not lying to me but are you seriously thinking that i will believe that?" She asked coldly.

"It's all up to you to believe or not, you asked a question and i answered truthfully" I said while frowning in annoyance.

"Hmm, where did you come from?" She asked.

"I was born and rasied in konoha for as long as i remember" I answered.

"How can you be this strong, is it related to your race?" She asked.

"Yes" I answered while slowly getting tired of this.

"Are there others like you?" She asked, this time with much more interest.

"I am the only one of my kind, but if you are referring to other intelligent races except humans, then yes there are alot of them" I answered while thinking how this will change everything in the future.

"How interesting, so you are a rare one huh? Well then, tell me about the other races you mentioned, what are they?" She asked with her eyes sparkling.

"I guess you already know about the three sage regions where those intelligent animals live, right?" I ask and she nods.

"There are many other lifeforms like them, each one representing a different animal" I said and she nods in disinterest as if she already knew this.

"What about you? What animal are you representing then?" She asked with a frown.

"I am a completely different lifeform just like that guy who resides inside of you" I said with a smirk while looking at her stomach which i could feel the huge presence.

"That guy? You are referring to the fox? He is just a mindless monster who only knows how to destroy, what are you talking about?" She said with a raised eyebrow.

"That's where you are wrong woman, that fox by far is the smartest, oldest and strongest of us right now !" I said while locking my eyes with Mito.

"Hmph, smartest and strongest? Last time i checked, he was rotting inside a cage I sealed him into" She said with an arrogant smile.

"Pfft, Tell me kyuubi, you can feel it, right?!" I chuckled and said while knowing that kurama could hear me as i could feel a deeper connection between us which was confusing to me. 

'Maybe because he is the closest creature that could come close to what i am' I thought in doubt as i could feel a strange pull on me. 

"What are you talking about?" She asked as the chains around me tightened further.

I grin at her like a maniac which made her uncomfortable...

"So you still haven't told her, right kyuubi hehe ! " I let out a small laugh while appearing in a dark sewer like place in my monster form where a huge fox was inside a cage that looked at me with his huge dark red slit eyes while releasing immense killing intent. 

"Are you from the sky?" I heard kurama's deep voice asking me with hostility which made me grin wildly. 

The End.