
Naruto : The Fire Fist Ninja

Naruto is cast aside by his parents for his siblings, whom are jinchuriki. Watch as he burns his own path in life with the power of his predecessor and the eyes of his sensei. Will he show the world what a will of fire can really do. Does it mean the will to fight to protect your village? Or does it mean the true nature of fire? 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Read advance chapters on Patreon. patreon.com/user?u=82846808

Creative_Factory0 · Anime & Comics
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158 Chs

Chapter no.87

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Kage Booth

"That fight was a bit disappointing don't you think?" Yagura asked the other Kage. "Both of them were daughters of Kage and yet neither of them showed qualities befitting of a chunin."

"Ah yes that's true. My daughter is more specialized in Futon, but it appears as if she needs more training to combat her weaknesses." Rasa stated, but he was commending Temari inwardly for not wasting too much chakra on a match that would not have mattered either way. All that mattered was the invasion that would start during Gaara's match at the end of the tournament.

Minato frowned, he thought he had taught his children better than to fight straight on from the very start and to judge you opponents first, but he was still glad that she had won. She would have time to prove that she is chunin material later on in the finals. "I'm sure Natsuki will show more of her potential in the oncoming matches."

"Oh one of the remaining Uchiha and your other daughter are fighting next Hokage-dono. I'm looking forward to this matchup very much. It should prove to be quite interesting." Rasa stated.

Minato hoped that Narumi would be okay. Satsuki had proved to be quite ruthless in the preliminary rounds and hoped that she would not permanently cripple Narumi if she had the chance. No, he knew that wouldn't happen. Narumi had been personally trained by him, Kushina, Kakashi, Jiraiya, and Tsunade in the past. There was no way that she could lose.

Combatant Booth

Naruto was standing on one end of the booth with Satsuki and Hana by his sides. Narumi was only standing a few feet away because she wanted to be near her Nii-san and she also wanted to hear what he had to say.

"That match was a bit dull...I honestly expected much more from both of them." Naruto said, he was obviously expecting a more exciting match.

"Don't worry Nii-san! I won't disappoint you. I'll show you just how much I learned during my training with Obito-sensei!" Satsuki said as she heard the proctor call for her and Narumi to come down to the arena.

A moment later the female Uchiha and the Hokage's daughter both left the booth, with Narumi giving one last glance at Naruto before she followed Satsuki down the stairs.

Hana had been curious about something for a while. "Ne Naruto? When did you learn Kenjutsu? I thought you said that you weren't a usual user of Bukijutsu?"

Naruto nodded, he expected her or Satsuki would ask. He had learned Kenjutsu extensively under Shisui's training, but wanted to focus more on other aspects of his shinobi training. Then after he adopted part of Ace's personality, he chose not to focus on weapons at all. Ace had never used weapons and didn't have much of a like for them. Those opinions transferred on to Naruto and he eventually dropped his Kenjutsu training. This past month of training he had picked up the art once again after remembering how useful it was.

"I guess you could say I'm an old hand at it. I haven't picked up a sword in years, but I've gotten back into my training over the past month." Naruto said as he rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. Hana noticed this and found it odd. Naruto was always serious and would only act sincerely to Mikoto or Satsuki, but she hadn't seen him like this in years. It was...strange.

Uchiha Satsuki vs. Uzumaki-Namikaze Narumi

The second match of Uchiha Satsuki and Uzumaki-Namikaze Narumi will now begin!" He yelled before he Shunshined out of the way.

Satsuki quickly activated her sharingan as Narumi took the Uzumaki Taijutsu stance and charged at her. Satsuki would not be drawn into her pace of the battle. She quickly sweep kicked Narumi and followed up with a kick to her side, effectively sending her a dozen feet away.

Satsuki made a quick Shunshin and reappeared next to one of the trees on the edge of the arena. She needed to plan out her moves carefully. This exam wasn't just about overpowering your opponent, you needed to show strategy and be able to think on your feet. That's why Nii-san said he was disappointed with the last fight, all they did was rush at each other and throw their jutsus around carelessly.

Narumi got up a moment later and looked around the battlefield, unable to find her opponent. She wanted to fight this girl for a long time, she had stolen her place as Naruto-kun's imouto. In all honesty she was jealous of the place that Satsuki held in Naruto's heart. But now she finally gets the chance to fight her and she runs away.

She calmed herself down and tried to focus onto Satsuki's chakra signature. She had to spread out her senses quite a bit in order to find her, but she finally managed to do it.

Narumi quickly Shunshined across the battlefield, and reappeared only a dozen feet away from her. Narumi quickly pulled out two hanfuls of shuriken and launched them toward the girl. The shuriken pierced Satsuki but she was soon covered in a cloud of smoke, signaling to Narumi that she managed to use the Kawarimi. However, Narumi noticed too late that she had used a log covered in exploding tags for her escape.

There was a loud explosion, and Narumi could be seen flying through the air as she was launched back into the middle of the battlefield. The blond was covered in scrapes and bruises, but was otherwise fine. She slowly began to get up, but immediately pulled out two kunai from her holster as shuriken begaan raining down on her from above.

"Shuriken Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Shuriken Shadow Clone Jutsu)!" Satsuki yelled as the fifty shuriken turned into a hundred. She had stored a large amount of shuriken in a preprepared scroll, as this was one of her favorite jutsus. It worked especially well when the target managed to fall into a trap.

Narumi quickly realized that she wouldn't be able to block them all with just kunai. She was only able to use one jutsu without forming hand seals and she was thanking all her training right now for it being this jutsu. "Futon: Daitoppa (Wind Release: Great Breakthrough)!" Narumi exhaled a large amount of wind from her lungs and sent all of the shuriken flying the other direction and into a wall.

She wouldn't give Satsuki another chance to prepare any more traps. She rushed the girl and engaged her in a bout of Taijutsu. Narumi sent a kick towards Satsuki's side, which was easily blocked by bringing her arm out. The female Uchiha responded by grabbing onto the leg and sweeping her other one out from under her, causing her to fall. Satsuki sent a fist toward her face as she hit the ground, but Narumi quickly rolled out of the way.

The Uzumaki-Namikaze sent her own kick towards Satsuki's legs, causing said girl's knees to buckle. As she lost her balance, Narumi quickly sprung herself up and slammed her fist into Satsuki's gut. However, the girl held strong and retaliated with a palm thrust into her chest. The blonde wasn't as experienced in Taijutsu as Satsuki was and was forced back as she spit up some saliva.

Narumi knew she couldn't keep up with her foe in Taijutsu alone. She needed an advantage. The Hokage's daughter formed a few familiar hand seals and began molding her chakra, "Suiton: Mizuame Nabara (Water Release: Starch Syrup Capturing Field)!" She released a sticky liquid from her mouth that was meant to cover Satsuki's mobility. The liquid slowly began to cover most of the area they were fighting on and was about to ensnare Satsuki.

Unfortunately for the girl, Satsuki was an Uchiha and once they see something, they never forget it. Natsuki had used this same jutsu against Hinata in the preliminary rounds.

"Sorry Narumi-san, but I've already seen this jutsu before, it won't work." Satsuki said confidently as she jumped up as the liquid flowed beneah her. She concentrated chakra to her feet and stood on top of the sticky liquid as if it were merely water.

She then crouched down and channeled chakra into the seals on her arm sleeves, summoning several shuriken. She threw them at Narumi but the girls was easily able to dodge them.

"It seems your aim has gotten worse since you last tried that." Narumi commented confidently.

However, Satsuki only smirked as she pulled on some wire that was nearly invisible and he shuriken came back around and tied the wire tightly around Narumi, completely immobilizing her. The blonde gasped as she felt herself unable to move.

"Katon: Bakufu Ranbu (Fire Release: Blast Wave Wild Dance)." Satsuki expelled a continuos stream of intense flames which began to spiral outwards, creating a massive fire vortex. The flames were guided by the wire and moved to consume Narumi and turn her into nothing but a pile of ash.

Narumi cursed as she felt the heat of the flames, before an idea popped into her head for her way of escape. She concentrated wind chakra around her body and formed various small wind blades which cut through the wire holding her. She jumped to her left to narrowly escape the torrent of flames that passed by.

Narumi wanted to impress her Nii-san, but this girl was far better than she had anticipated. What he said a month ago had really hurt her. He had essentially cut all ties with their family by claiming that he would never see Minato and Kushina as parents. Where did that leave her? Would she be left alone too? She didn't want to be abandoned by him the same way that he was by their parents. But such things were out of her control as they barely had any contact as it was.

Satsuki couldn't let this drag on any longer, she needed to save her chakra for the next round. She needed to finish this now. Narumi slowly got back up to her feet as the stream of fire had ended. She looked up to find Satsuki but she had lost her once again. Suddenly she felt another presence right below her and looked down to see Satsuki with her left leg extended. Narumi felt an excruciating pain in her jaw as Satsuki kicked her up into the air.

The ravenette didn't stop there as she quickly Shunshined behind Narumi to initiate the next step of her favored Taijutsu technique. Satsuki spun around Narumi and slammed the back of her forearm into her chest sending her downwards. Satsuki slammed her forearm into the girl once more, increasing the speed at which they decended.

"Come back here! I'm not done yet! Shishi Rendan (Lion's Barrage)!"

Satsuki flipped in mid-air and dropped an axe-kick into the girl's gut just before they made contact with the ground, causing Narumi to cough up a large amount of blood before succumbing to unconsciousness. Satsuki was sent sliding away from the momentum of her rendition of the Omote Renge (Front Lotus). She looked back and saw that the ground had cracked where Narumi had landed.

Satsuki sighed and slowly got up. She didn't want to use that move, especially on a comrade, but it used almost no chakra and excess use was something she couldn't afford at the moment.

She also didn't like the fact that Narumi continuously tried to worm her was back into her Nii-san's life, even after everything that they had done to him. Her and Natsuki's continued attempts were starting to annoy her, so she didn't feel to bad about using the Shishi Rendan (Lion's Barrage) on her. After all her Nii-san was hers and hers alone. Well she would probably have to share with Kaa-chan, but she would just have to deal with that.

"Winner by knock out, Uchiha Satsuki!" Genma announced after checking on Narumi.