
Naruto : The Fire Fist Ninja

Naruto is cast aside by his parents for his siblings, whom are jinchuriki. Watch as he burns his own path in life with the power of his predecessor and the eyes of his sensei. Will he show the world what a will of fire can really do. Does it mean the will to fight to protect your village? Or does it mean the true nature of fire? 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Read advance chapters on Patreon. patreon.com/user?u=82846808

Creative_Factory0 · Anime & Comics
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158 Chs

Chapter no.77

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The room was silent, eerily so. It was obvious that the only ones in the room who knew what was going on were Minato and Jiraiya. Naruto stared on impassively at the blonde Hokage, who matched his gaze. Naruto had partially figured out why he was here. Minato wanted answers about the Hyoton, but what confused him was Jiraiya's presence. He had sensed the man watching from the shadow at the preliminary matches, but he had assumed that Jiraiya would go off for some 'research' at the hot springs. Jiraiya was the world's largest pervert and that disgusted Naruto, he had even caught the man sneaking glances at Kushina's figure every so often.

The only reason why Jiraiya would be here is if they wanted to speak about something more than just his abilities. He had no doubt that they would once again try to bring him back into their family, but he would have none of that and they were probably starting to catch onto that idea by now. No, there had to be more going on here than he realized.

"Congratulations on winning your preliminary match Naruto." Minato had thought for a long time about how to start off the conversation with his wayward son. If he had outright demanded answers from Naruto then things would quickly turn out like they usually did with him. He wanted Naruto to be able to open up to them and maybe they could fix their estranged relationship from there. "To be able to overwhelm the prodigy of the Hyuga clan so easily is quite an accomplishment, he was the rookie of the year for the previous graduating class at the academy you know."

"Thank you Hokage-sama." Naruto replied blandly. He had to restrain himself from rolling his eyes, it was quite obvious as what Minato was trying to accomplish. "But if that was all that this was about, may I ask why I was the only one who was requested to be here? There were many other genin who had won their matches, surely you would give them the same treatment."

Minato sighed in exasperation. His son had never been interested in exchanging pleasantries, Naruto always saw right through all of his attempts to get closer to him.

"There are questions that need to be answered. Your abilities specifically have come into question and we require answers to them."

Naruto raised an eyebrow a Minato's tone of voice. This obviously wasn't just Minato's curiosity that brought him there, this was an interrogation.

"Why do you have the Hyoton bloodline? It isn't like some of the other elemental bloodlines that have sprouted up in several different nations. The Hyoton is exclusive to Kirigakure and the Yuki clan...You already have a sharingan, Have you been experimenting on the rest of your body too? If you have you're no better than Orochimaru!" Jiraiya stated coldly, his voice rising in anger at the end.

Naruto gaze pierced through Jiraiya's very being. He knew the man was a fool, but he certainly didn't expect the sage to jump to such a wild conclusion. It was obvious that he had already decided that was what Naruto had done, his hatred for Orochimaru ha blinded him to what was around him. He was no better than that Anko woman who was screaming for the Hokage to cancel the exams because she had fought her former sensei in the forest.

"To come up with such foolish assumptions...are you sure your a sannin? I had no idea that a shinobi of your stature had the thinking capacity of an academy student." As Naruto spoke, Jiraiya could be seen losing his composure as he got up from his seat on the windowsill to force some answers from Naruto. He was forcefully restrained by Kushina's Kongo Fusa (Adamantine Sealing Chains) so that Naruto could finish speaking.

"To answer your little interrogation...I do not have the Hyoton."

This earned raised eyebrows from everyone in the room.

"What do you mean? We clearly saw you use it during your match." Minato asked, very confused as to what Naruto was trying to imply.

Naruto sighed. 'These two have been shinobi for decades and they still can't figure anything out for themselves? This is the leader of the village and Konoha's strongest shinobi?'

"What I mean is what I said. I cannot use the Hyoton...Think about the condition of the arena when my match was held...it was covered in ice. What I used was pure ice manipulation, using the pre-existing techniques to form Hyoton techniques." Naruto stated. He was getting annoyed with what he had already guesses would be a long night ahead of him.

Minato sighed in relief after learning that his son hadn't been using his body for experiments like his sensei's old teammate. Now that he thought about it, why did Jiraiya immediately think that he was the second coming of Orochimaru?

Jiraiya narrowed his eyes once again. It seemed that he wasn't satisfied with Naruto's answer.

"How would you even gain access to such powerful techniques. The only ones who uses those kind of jutsu are the shinobi from Haru no Kuni and no Konoha shinobi has set foot there in over a decade. The last one was Kakashi when he rescued their princess when her uncle and shinobi there staged a coup."

Naruto scoffed. This man was supposed to be Konoha's spymaster and yet he couldn't even piece together such simple information. "Your information is outdated Jiraiya...either that or your memory is failing you. I don't blame you if it is the latter, it comes with advanced age after all..." Kushina had to strengthen the hold of her chakra chains as Jiraiya tried to break free and jump at her son.

"I was sent to Haru no Kuni by Hokage-sama over a month ago. It was our first C-rank mission but it went south pretty fast. To keep the story short, we found out that we were escorting Kazahana Koyuki, the rightful heir to the throne of Haru no Kuni. I wound up killing the former Daimyo and those shinobi who were key in staging the coup, freeing the country from their grasp. Because of that Koyuki was made the new Daimyo and I was given access to the shinobi library in Yukigakure for saving their country, along with the Hyoton jutsu I copied with my sharingan."

Everyone's eyes widened after hearing that little piece of information, after all the report Naruto's team had given the Hokage wasn't the whole truth. Only Naruto knew the full extent of what really happened.

Natsuki and Narumi were shocked to hear that their Nii-san had killed someone. They knew that shinobi had to do things like that, but the concept was still just so foreign to them. They had only done simple delivery and escort missions, minus their mission to Nami no Kuni. But they were completely outclassed on that mission so Kakashi and Kushina had done all of the work. They had never even come close to taking a life, and yet their Nii-san had said that he killed several people without even a hint of remorse present his face. Could they really call themselves kunoichi just yet?