
Naruto : The Fire Fist Ninja

Naruto is cast aside by his parents for his siblings, whom are jinchuriki. Watch as he burns his own path in life with the power of his predecessor and the eyes of his sensei. Will he show the world what a will of fire can really do. Does it mean the will to fight to protect your village? Or does it mean the true nature of fire? 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Read advance chapters on Patreon. patreon.com/user?u=82846808

Creative_Factory0 · Anime & Comics
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158 Chs

Chapter no.74

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Hyuga Neji vs. Portgas D. Naruto

Naruto had planned to let any Konoha-nin that he fought live as it would only cause more trouble for him if he were to kill someone from his own village, but he was seriously reconsidering his plan and thinking of just incinerating the Hyuga in front of him. The boy would not stop preaching about fate and the match hadn't even begun yet.

"I shall give you this chance to surrender Portgas, fate has already decreed me the victor."

"I think I'll take my chances. I didn't wait all this time just to give up." Naruto was getting tired of the boy's speeches.

"Very well, do not blame me should your fate meet its end."

Neji was done talking, he wanted to get this fight over with. There was no way the genin in front of him stood a chance, he was the Hokage's disowned son after all. Forced out of the family for being to weak. They family situations weren't too different from each other, but he was too blinded by his hatred of the main house of the Hyuga to see that.

Neji took his usual Juken stance and activated his byakugan while Naruto took the stance of his Interceptor Fist. However he didn't end there. For the first time in over three years he opened his right eye in front of his classmates revealing not an empty eye socket like they all thought it was, but a crimson three-tomoed sharingan.

Observation Platform

Almost everyone in the audience gasped at the sight of one of the most revered kekkei genkai in Konoha.

Their was one thought going through everyone's minds, 'The sharingan...but how does he have it?'

Ino and Sakura had both made it back to their teams and were greeted with the sight before them. Sakura had already known about Naruto's eye from when she had seen him in the Hokage's office several months ago, but Ino on the other hand was shocked beyond belief. She was pretty good friends with Satsuki, well they were on good terms, and the female Uchiha had never told her about this.

"Asuma-sensei? How does Naruto have the sharingan? He isn't an Uchiha is he?" Ino asked.

Most of the Konoha genin were now paying close attention to Asuma's response, as they were just as confused as Ino was. The academy didn't go into depth about kekkei genkai or how they were obtained, only that certain shinobi possessed them.

Asuma sighed as he saw all of the genin's eyes on him, waiting for an answer. "Kekkei Genkai come from genes that are passed down through certain clans. Konoha has two dojutsu kekkei genkai, the sharingan and the byakugan. There are many other kekkei genkais but these two are two of the most prominent. Usually they are only passed down through reproduction, however in the case of dojutsu they can be implanted into another individual. This is the case with Kakashi's sharingan and most likely the case with Naruto. As you know Naruto lost his eye several years ago and it was removed, so it's likely that he had it transplanted not too long after that accident. For anyone else they'd have to have their eye ripped out to have one transplanted."

Asuma noticed Natsuki look down and tears build up from her eyes at the mention of his accident, but he would push it to the side for now. He looked to see the faces of the genin as they turned their heads back toward the arena, telling him that they understood.

Arena Floor

Neji's eyes widened in shock for a moment before returning to normal. It did not matter whether Portgas had a dojutsu or not. Fate had already decided that he would win.

"Begin!" The proctor announced.

Neji didn't need to hear twice as he rushed at Naruto. Naruto quickly coated his arms with Busoshoku Haki so that Neji wouldn't be able to close the tenketsu in them. Naruto had already seen Hinata's Juken, but he could tell that Neji had surpassed her by leaps and bounds, there was no comparison. He would have to keep his guard up if he wanted to even they playing field with Taijutsu.

Neji laced his hands with chakra in order to initiate his Juken. He sent a palm strike toward Naruto's chest, but the ravenette blocked by pushing his arm away. This didn't stop Neji as he continued his fast paced palm strikes with Naruto either avoiding it altogether or blocking. Neji couldn't understand what the boy had done to his arms, they were pitch black and the byakugan couldn't see through it. Neji sent a finger strike toward his chest intent on hitting a vital organ. Naruto, seeing this, ducked below the strike and swept Neji's legs out from under him. He wasn't going to break apart without a finishing blow, so he sent a vertical chop straight into Neji's gut forcing him to the ground.

Naruto jumped back a few yards to gain some distance. The Hyuga was quite good and proving to be a match for him in pure Taijutsu alone. Their specialized Taijutsu allowed them to strike directly at the chakra networks, even blocking with your arms would render some of the pathways there blocked. However, his Busoshoku Haki was similar to very powerful armor that would prevent any of the strikes from reaching his chakra network.

Neji immediately got off the ground and charged at Naruto once more. He brought his leg out to sweep Naruto's feet out from under him, but the sharingan user jumped into the air avoiding the kick. Neji wasn't done yet as he used his momentum to spin and kicked out with his other leg, aiming for Naruto's chest. Naruto raised an eyebrow at this, the Juken usually only used a person't hands specifically the palms and the fingers. He caught the kick with his hand, but was sent back a dozen feet. He wasn't expecting so much force behind it.

Naruto was done playing around, the time for defense was over. He switched his stance into one that could better utilize his Haki. This Taijutsu style revolve around ferocious strikes using palm strikes and kicks.

It was Naruto this time who charged Neji. The scarred boy was moving at speeds that no genin could usually keep up with, but somehow Neji had avoided a hard palm strike to the sternum. However, Naruto spun in mid-air and delivered a talon-like kick to Neji's left arm sending him flying into one of the ice pillars.

Naruto stayed behind a bit as the impact produced a cloud of mist that slightly obscured his vision, though he could sense where the Hyuga was with his Kenbunshoku Haki. He could see Neji kneeling on the ground planning his next move. A moment later he dodged a barrage of shuriken with only the slightest movements, not even bothering to move from where he was standing.

Neji soon flew out of the mist with his arm drawn back. "Hakke Kusho (Eight Trigrams Vacuum Palm)!" Neji thrust his arm forward releasing a high speed palm thrust forming a vacuum shell was sent towards Naruto.

With his sharingan he could easily predict the path of the strike and maneuvered around it. After avoiding the strike, Naruto quickly jumped behind the ice pillar to his left to figure out what the Hyuga prodigy was planning. A moment later Neji landed it the middle of the ice covered arena and stood completely still.

Naruto seeing as he wasn't going to get any of his answers this way rushed at Neji once more.

"You are within my field of divination." Neji stated as he took and odd Juken stance.

Naruto was only a few feet away when Neji moved in a maneuver that even the sharingan had trouble tracking, once he found Neji again it was too late. "Hakke Rokujuyon Sho (Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms)!"