
Naruto : The Fire Fist Ninja

Naruto is cast aside by his parents for his siblings, whom are jinchuriki. Watch as he burns his own path in life with the power of his predecessor and the eyes of his sensei. Will he show the world what a will of fire can really do. Does it mean the will to fight to protect your village? Or does it mean the true nature of fire? 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Read advance chapters on Patreon. patreon.com/user?u=82846808

Creative_Factory0 · Anime & Comics
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158 Chs

Chapter no.54

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Naruto was a great storyteller. He was always good at speaking to people and inspiring them, it's one of the traits that made him such a good leader. He retold the story from his point of view, captivating Mikoto at every twist and turn.

She was amazed at how her lover took charge of the team against enemy shinobi when there sensei wasn't there, completely in awe of Naruto's new summoning contract that he had just signed a week before, jealous at his actions while saving Koyuki, even his kiss with the newly named daimyo which earned him a death glare and a promise to kill the tramp should she ever see her.

Naruto always loved Mikoto's evil side but it did frighten him at times. He was thankful that she rarely showed that side of her, or that when she did it wasn't directed at him.

Though he did love that she wasn't unnecessarily violent like Kushina, Sakura, Ino, Tsunade, and so many of the other girls in Konoha who would turn to violence as soon as you said something they didn't like. The young sharingan user didn't understand it, just because they were kunoichi didn't mean that they always had to turn to violence as their first option. In his opinion, it gave them a bad reputation in general. It was foolish. He loved the woman in front of him just as she was.

Mikoto was a very loving woman by nature. She seemed so sweet and innocent. Nobody would even guess that she was once one of the top kunoichi in the village. She was even worried about him when she found out he had his first kill and dozens of others on that mission. Naruto wasn't really affected by it, in fact he actually enjoyed it a bit. After seeing thousands of deaths at the hands of both Ace and Shisui, he got over killing quite easily. It helped that he was naturally aggressive and a little sadistic though.

Those thoughts made him curious. "Mikoto-chan you were one of the village's strongest kunoichi at one point right?"

"Yeah. I used to be on a team with Minato and Kushina. We were all best friend, though we haven't spoken to each other in ages. We sort of grew apart after I was married to Fugaku and when Minato became Hokage and they had children. All of us were just so busy. Though I never wanted to really mention it because of how you feel about them."

Naruto nodded, understanding why she never mentioned it before.

Mikoto continued, "I was among the strongest Kunoichi in Konoha. Tsunade-sama was the only woman who was stronger than I was. Kushina and I were at about the same level. I'm still quite strong, but I haven't seriously trained in a while...I was actually thinking about starting back up my training as a kunoichi now that Satsuki's a genin. Why do you ask?"

"Well still don't completely trust the village...I probably never will. I wouldn't be surprised if they ever tried to do something like the Uchiha massacre again should any of the younger Uchiha find out the truth and lose their faith in Konoha...I just want to make sure that I don't lose you should that time come."

Mikoto could understand Naruto's line of thinking. She had known him for well over six years now. She really wouldn't be surprised either if Minato tried something like that again. They were former teammates and somewhat friends still, but she knew that he would turn on her in an instant if it were for the good of the village. She wouldn't leave Naruto alone, never again.

"I've been training a little just to make sure I don't get rusty, butI'll start pushing myself to be even stronger than I used to be in case that time should ever come. I'll never leave you're or Satsuki alone like we were all those years ago. Okay?"

Naruto smiled at her and nodded.

Not a moment later did Satsuki come busting through the door, excited to see her Nii-san after leaving him in the Hokage Tower last night.

Things would be interesting from here on out