
Naruto : The Fire Fist Ninja

Naruto is cast aside by his parents for his siblings, whom are jinchuriki. Watch as he burns his own path in life with the power of his predecessor and the eyes of his sensei. Will he show the world what a will of fire can really do. Does it mean the will to fight to protect your village? Or does it mean the true nature of fire? 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Read advance chapters on Patreon. patreon.com/user?u=82846808

Creative_Factory0 · Anime & Comics
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158 Chs

Chapter no.158

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If his assessments were correct, he only had enough of Marco's chakra left to fully restore his body once more after wasting so much of it during the Konoha invasion and his prior battle with Jūgo.

Those flames were the result of Marco implanting his phoenix chakra into Naruto's body, it wasn't natural to him, therefore the chakra wouldn't regenerate within his body. The only way to regain those flames was to make a trip to the realm of the phoenix's and implant more of their chakra within him...He really wished that he hadn't used so much of them in his earlier fight...Then again, if he hadn't that punch probably would have shattered most of the bones in his chest...Naruto wasn't exactly in the greatest position at the moment. However this went, it was certain to be an uphill battle.

"Kurouzu (Black Vortex)!" Once again, Zetsu extended his left arm forward with the spiraling darkness surrounding it, causing Naruto to be pulled forward from the affects of gravity.

"Shit! Not again!" Naruto was caught off guard the first time that Zetsu used this technique since he had no idea what it would actually do, however this time he had time to analyze his current situation due to having experienced this before. The pull of gravity was too strong for him to try to escape it, even a Shunshin or Shinsoku (Extremespeed) would be useless to escape from its pull.

That didn't mean he was completely out of options, however...

"Shinka: Shiranui (Sacred flame: Unknown Fire)!" Igniting his hands with large bursts of crimson-orange flames while in midair, Naruto hurled long lances made of fire forward, both piercing Zetsu's chest while simultaneously burning his insides, forcing him cringe before letting out a large roar in pain.

However Naruto didn't get off easy either as Zetsu swung his right arm down into Naruto's neck, forcing him to grit his teeth while a large amount of blood was still coughed out and causing his eyes to roll into the back of his head. That wasn't the end either as when the lances piercing Zetsu's chest ignited with even hotter flames that began to spread and eat away at his innards, he flung Naruto across the clearing once again and into the foot of another building.

When the dust cloud cleared from where Naruto had landed, he was clutching his neck in pain after getting back onto his feet once more.

'Damn, he almost broke my neck...Quite a troublesome ability he has. I can't afford to let him do that again, I'll need to keep my distance.' As Naruto was getting a bearing of the situation after regaining his senses, Zetsu was screaming in pain as he grabbed onto the flaming lances and absorbed them from his chest with his darkness. Though, it couldn't be seen and it was unknown whether he had internal organs or not, the fact that those lances had such an effect did not change.

It meant that even though he is the manifestation of Kaguya's will he could still be killed, albeit it will much more difficult than a normal human...

Naruto staggered forward, his eyes never leaving Zetsu as he clutched his shoulder as it continued to bleed heavily. He was pretty sure it was broken at this point, or at best fractured...A physical fight would be beyond his ability at this point, even if he had never planned to do so in the first place...Still, he could not afford to let it hamper him...

"Enjōmō (Flaming Net)!" Waving his arms out towards his sides, Naruto erected a large wall of flames that circled the entire clearing and reached high into the sky bathing the battlefield a shade of crimson-orange, heating up the atmosphere dramatically and preventing anyone from entering or leaving other than himself...Though Zetsu could probably absorb it with his darkness if given enough time, but running away wasn't what he was planning here...Actually most of his plans had gone to shit after finding out about Zetsu's abilities to nullify chakra, so he was pretty much thinking on the fly as on now. He really didn't have much of a choice.

Standing several miles away from the clearing atop of some of the wreckage, Enel whistled in appreciation as he looked upon the wall of flames that rose high into the sky. The kid was putting up a much better fight than he had expected. Hell, the boy was even pushing Zetsu back a little.

"Not bad kid, not bad at all..." Enel smirked as he wished he could get a little action in but for now he was tasked with taking care of any unwanted attention...along with observing the jinchūriki of course.

Though he really didn't care much for that, they would no doubt be a let down. Very few could stand up to the power of lightning...these jinchūriki would not fit into that category. They were still aways out anyway, but the sounds of fighting would be sure to make them pick up the pace...Maybe then he would be able to test out the little fire brat for himself.

"Though, Zetsu's nowhere near done with you yet...With how adamant he was about coming here, you won't be leaving this graveyard unless it's as a mutilated corpse hanging over his shoulder..."

Back in the clearing, Naruto had jumped up onto the wreckage, which was now burning from the intense heat that the atmosphere become acclimated to, as Zetsu had recovered from the pain of having two lances shoved through his chest and had filled the holes with extra black matter from his body. While physically fine, his cloak had become singed and covered in soot from the presence of the the flaming walls.

"What was the point of all this? You've seen how easily I was able to absorb part of this town, what makes you think these little fireworks will be any different?" Zetsu questioned critically, he was quite annoyed that the brat had actually managed to injure him.

Not bothering with a response, Naruto simply waved his hands causing the net of flames to rush towards Zetsu at once, resulting in a massive fire storm centered at the middle of the clearing. As the inferno raged, Naruto did not let up one bit and continued to fuel the flames with an even greater intensity, knowing full well that even something that could kill any other human may not be enough.

Naruto kept the massive firestorm going on with everything he had for well over a minute until he was forced onto his knees, panting from exhaustion. However, even with him no longer fueling the fire the flames still raged.

"Is this the extent of your power...? How disappointing..."

Naruto's head jerked back to the clearing with so much torque that it was surprising he didn't snap his own neck when he heard the voice that he had come to recognize so well. He didn't even have time to react when several chains conjured from darkness erupted from the ground under him and pierced him through his legs, chest, and abdomen, forcing no small amount of blood to spill from his mouth before the chains dispersed into black mist.

Suddenly, a large burst of wind erupted in every direction with the inside of the inferno acting as the epicenter. The ferocious winds traveling well over several hundred miles per hour tore up the ground, sent the wreckage of the town flying in every direction, and completely snuffed out the flames that had been roaring in the clearing. Naruto was thrown well into the wreckage, unable to move from the pressure the winds put on him being crushed by winds moving as fast as an actual tornado perhaps even faster was even worse than being crushed by gravity earlier, as soon as the winds picked up, luckily they soon stopped after the flames died out instead of forming into a tornado.