
Naruto : The Fire Fist Ninja

Naruto is cast aside by his parents for his siblings, whom are jinchuriki. Watch as he burns his own path in life with the power of his predecessor and the eyes of his sensei. Will he show the world what a will of fire can really do. Does it mean the will to fight to protect your village? Or does it mean the true nature of fire? 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Read advance chapters on Patreon. patreon.com/user?u=82846808

Creative_Factory0 · Anime & Comics
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158 Chs

Chapter no.130

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It had been over an hour since he had parted with them in the Hokage's Office. What had happened there took far longer than he anticipated, but true to their word, Satsuki and Hana had been patiently waiting for them. They might've been too excited to eat at the time though, but now that the idea of them being chūnin had settled into their minds, their hunger was beginning to take over as he could hear their stomachs growling.

"How was your talk with Hokage-sama?" Hana quickly asked, trying to get the attention off of her's and Satsuki's grumbling stomachs.

Satsuki quickly scarfed down a few pieces of bread that had been given to the table to satisfy her stomach for now, though her face was red from embarrassment from having Naruto hear such an unladylike noise coming from her. But after hearing Hana voice her curiosity, she shifted her attention towards Naruto.

"Nothing different from usual, though because of my abilities he believes that I'm some kind of child of prophecy that Jiraiya told him about before any of us entered the academy...You two are lucky that you don't have to deal with these kind of things." Naruto spoke as he put his elbow on the table and leaned his cheek onto the palm of his hand.

"Hm, what'd they want exactly?" Satsuki asked curiously. Though she was a bit upset that every time her Naruto-nii did something in front of the Hokage, something like this had to happen.

"...First they tried interrogating me about how I can do what I can, then after giving that up they tried to force me to sign their toad contract and push me towards creating world peace...I walked out of the room after refusing and some arguing..." Naruto sighed as he explained the summarized what had happened to the girls.

The two females at the table nodded in understanding.

"Though, it is quite rare to find a shinobi with a summoning contract. Less than one percent of the shinobi within the Elemental Nations are holders of summoning contracts. Konoha is actually hold the most of the known ones with the toad and slug contracts being the most prominent...I wish I had one...Oh yeah, Naruto-nii, how'd you come across yours?" Satsuki asked with stars in her eyes. The girl had always been interested in summoning contracts seeing Itachi's and Shisui's crows when she was younger.

Naruto lifted his head off of his hand and looked at his 'little sister' sitting next to him. He chuckled lightly after seeing the stars shining in her eyes. She was so adorable when she was like this, like a child in a toy store.

"There are only a few ways to get your hands on a summoning contract. The first is a third party or outside factor. This means that it is either given to you by someone else or you find the actual contract by chance. Pretty much any outside factor can be thrown into this category. The second way is to encounter the actual animal belonging to the contract by chance where they can let you sign their contract if they so choose. That one is pretty self-explanatory. The third one is how I came into possession of my contract, though I wouldn't advise you to do so. By preforming the hand seals for the summoning jutsu when not in possession of a contract, you can reverse summon yourself to the summoning realm you are naturally aligned with. Though, being naturally aligned with one is rare and very few people in the world will be able to do this successfully. Had I not been immune to flames, I would have been burned to death upon being summoned to Mt. Silver."

Naruto noticed the downcast expression that had made its way onto Satsuki's face, forcing his older brother instincts to kick in.

"Though if you're still interested in getting one for yourself, when I was still training under Shisui, he told me that he found his crow summoning contract in the depths of the Uchiha clan library. Maybe if you looked there as well you'd be able to find one for yourself." These words earned a wide smile and a hopeful look from Satsuki.

Naruto moved his hand just above her head. Satsuki looked up into his eyes after after feeling the gentle pat on her head and the wonderful feeling of her silky, black hair being stroked.

The atmosphere around the table had gotten sickly sweet as the two chūnin looked into each others eyes with love and adoration. Naruto gently stroking Satsuki's hair and Satsuki leaning into his touch with a look of absolute delight on her face only served to heighten those feelings.

Fortunately or unfortunately, it was difficult to tell in this case, a voice spoke up from the other side of the table, effectively dispelling the romantic atmosphere that surrounded the table.

"Um...you two, people are starting to stare..." Hana awkwardly commented with a sweatdrop. Normally one would have been a bit embarrassed after seeing such a sweet scene, but these kind of things happened more than one would think.

Naruto and Satsuki had been so wrapped up with each other that they had forgotten that Hana was at the table with them. Naruto looked around the room and true to her words, there were quite a few people who had turned their attention to the table, though they hadn't really done anything to garnish the attention of so many people. It was probably because of their recent performance in the chūnin exams that they had drawn this much attention. Though Neither of them seemed fazed in the least, in fact Satsuki even subtly flashed Hana a victory sign and gave her a wink.

Their attention was brought off the current situation and back to their stomachs as their waiter brought the many dishes of food onto the table, along with a large bottle of sake. Among the dishes they ordered were a large platter of assorted meats that they would cook themselves with the grill on the table, a platter of rice balls, a large platter of fried rice, fried tofu, deep fried beans tossed with garlic, and several orders of gyoza.

This may seem like a lot of food, even for people like Chōji, but every single time they came here, not a single piece of food was left. Unlike kunoichi like Sakura and Ino, Satsuki and Hana understood the importance of nutrition and a balanced diet, so neither of them had even thought about dieting. Though most of the food was usually eaten by Naruto. His appetite knew no bounds.